What if Germany didnt invade Russia ?

And I wasted 30 seconds of my life to look at that? :roll:

Oooo thats much ,sorry becouse we take you 30 seconds of your life mate. :lol: :lol: :lol:

WTF guys :x :x
Stick to the topic, will you???

Haaaar, there goes my morning cup-o-tea…

Cupboards died many times but sideboards only once

Well anyway back to the topic :? :?
If Germany hadn’t invaded the Soviet Union and stayed neutral all the way through the War the whole world would be different in a way no one will ever know. :shock:

For all we know hitler probably flipped a coin to attack the soviet union…heads is attack, tales is stay neutral. :lol: :lol:

If hitler not attack soviets ,maybe soviets attack hitler :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

Soviet would never attacked Hitler, look at Operation Barbarossa, Stalin didn’t even attack a single soldier until they reached Moscow, LoL, Hitler could have paratrooped over the Kremlin and Stalin would be like, hey, want some VodkA?

Hehehe vodka ,germans was lose a war becouse vodka and russian winter. :lol: :lol: :lol:

The Soviet Union was not military prepared at that time, and were badly led. Remember Stalin had plans for invading Europe, he would of done it sooner or later.

Still, the one and a half million soldiers that were captured without firing a shot could have put up a good resistance. And I think Stalin might would have invaded Europe after the the Nazis took it all over, but remember, the D-Day landings would never have happened without Russia, because it was only an attempt to set up a Western Front to take the pressure off Russia.

Thats a scary prospect

:lol: that means,europe for russia,and then,usa for russia,and then,the world for russia! :twisted:[/quote]
Mad that means T-34s for everyone

Thats a scary prospect[/quote]
yes,but they formed it :oops: .
i meant they could continue the alliance :stuck_out_tongue:


:lol: that means,europe for russia,and then,usa for russia,and then,the world for russia! :twisted:[/quote]

T34s for everyone :twisted:

Assumig of course that germany didnt make one first, The germans came up with idea first and its only because of bombing delays that the yanks made one first :twisted:

True, but the British took the Nuclear bomb information, and they owed the Americans for helping them in War so they gave them the Atom Bomb Info. :wink:

Perhaps if germany did not attack russia ,who knows russia joined germany and together conquer europe :twisted: :twisted: then america must bombing and moscow too :twisted: :twisted: :wink: :wink:

This is a pointless question, sorry, the invasion of Russia was always on the cards. Hitler wanted living space. And the decayed mass of a country to his East with massive resources and land but a political system of idiocy (stalin killed or imprisoned most of his talent!) meant he thought he could take the place.

My post uphere is been joke ,yes hitler always want russian country ,they have oil fields ,he can joining with japanese on east ,and he hate communism ,and he is been very crazy and mad man . :wink: