What if Nazi Germany had Created the Atomic Bomb first ?

The Americans might of altered that image of the German Nuclear bomb diagram , maybe the German or physics was too complicated to comprehend.
But yes i agree that the germans would not of used the American term of plutonuim.

Excellent post Walther I always enjoy seeing genuine intellect at work against hearsay.

A shame that I am freqently the one caught out :oops:

Yeah, quoting Karlsch’s work is not a good way to be taken seriously. He appears to have come up with a nice thesis (no evidence for it), gone and got a whacking great advance and then afterwards realised that what evidence there is actively contradicts his thesis. Since he isn’t going to give the advance back (probably already spent it) he’s got to try and convince people with dodgy evidence.

The shakiest part of all his evidence is the claim of “mini-nukes” - simply because they are so much harder to design and buildthan the medium sized ones like the US dropped on Hiroshima/Nagasaki. They really start to show he doesn’t have a clue, or at least is pretending not to.

Oh, and if you want a good description of exactly why the German nuclear scientists couldn’t find their backside with both hands and a map, try this link here: http://p074.ezboard.com/fhistorypoliticsandcurrentaffairs68862frm2.showMessage?topicID=58.topic
Unfortunately the great eZboard hack killed the rest of that thread, which had quite a good discussion of Karlsch’s follies and an explanation of how much closer to nuclear weapons the Japanese were (not much, but some of them at least realised they were possible and had some idea of critical mass - the Germans never understood either).

At the end of the day, even if the Germans had grasped it, could they have afforded it? I dont think they could and still fight the war.

how much earlier are we talking about them getting hte atomic bomb?

If htey had it in 1942?

They didnt have a delivery system capable of getting it to the US?
The Ussr stole alot of their secrets during hte alliance, would the USSR not hve been able to get hold of Atomic plans too?

Once the German forces were in retreat how would the Nuclear weapons have been used to their advantage?

the advancing Soviet troops would have been nuked, but continued pressing the advance presuambly as they were unaware of hte dangers of nuclear fallout. the Germans would still have fallen back. the Blast area would breach the Soviet advance, but any attempt to counter attack through the blast area would have been foiled by the still superior Soviet numbers.

What targets would Hitler have chosen - again bear in mind Hitler liked Theatrical dramatic targets. and that we are unsure of the dayte at which his nukes became operational

Fallout from Fission weapons is relatively minor - so far as I’m aware for instance no deaths at all have ever been convincingly attributed to the fallout from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Groundburst is a different matter, but you wouldn’t use that against an advancing army in most cases (well, I wouldn’t think - feel free to correct as I’m rather unsure on this one).
In any case, the Soviet commanders would probably ignore fallout - they were quite happy to advance straight across uncleared minefields, so even quite severe fallout for the era wouldn’t even be noticeable in the casualty stats.

My point entirely, What use would Atomic weapons have been to a retreating Army? Tactically It might have been useful for an advancing army. or a counterattacking army, Strategically it wouldnt be crap, a gap in the advancing front would be quickly filled…

Yeah what you said /\ /\ /\ /\ /\

If Hitler had the bomb, he could have done fuck all…
Unless he had it years early in which case he could have nuked Stalingrad and saved us the pain that was “Enemy at the Gates” and the internet Dullards that watched it.

Awww… I rather liked it… if only for the fact that it had British actors as the good guys and an American actor as the bad guy! Admittedly rather cardboard-cutout for the rest though…

I found my liking of enemy at the gates similar to Psycho, the shower scene was the best, a multi slotting fest That Jude Law has a lot to answer for we usualy employ a nanny to cover the summer hol’s , but not this year strangly enough. I’ve got another five weeks of swing pushing to look forward to thanks to that cnut.

Germany did have the resources to create an atom bomb but they were constantly spending more money on researching weapons and the Atlantic Wall.
They spent more money on the Atlantic Wall then training the Wehrmacht.

If Germany had the first Atom Bomb I would most likley not have been born and Erwin would be German and not have heard of the Malvinas

There wouldn’t really be a world left :lol:
The Nazis would eventually kill all the blacks, browns and all religeous people of any religeon.
You cant start to imagine what kind of world we would live in today if germany had suceeded. :shock:

Maybe not been like that ,kill hitler and thats it .

Even if you did Assasinate hitler, there were quite alot of officers and staff that believed in hitlers Aryan super Human Race, so they would just have a new fuhrer :lol: .

Well,neo-nazis deny the holocaust,i think if they had nuclear weapons in that time they will used it of course.Thank God that never happened.Like some user have say in previsious post,probably they had used it in concentration camps.The world could be very diferent if they had the nukes.hitler was mad,he was a “mental crazy men”,no doubt the results of such action.

Well when war closing to the and many officers in wehrmacht dont belive in hitler ,if army retake power in country maybe not been new fuhrer :lol: :lol:

In the spirit of Chas and dave,

“Yit Yit Rabbit rabbit”

if if maybe maybe
if maybe if maybe
but then but then
if maybe maybe if but
but maybe if but

out off topic

out off topic[/quote]

No it’s not - it’s totally relevant! You just don’t get what he’s getting at!

out off topic[/quote]

No it’s not - it’s totally relevant! You just don’t get what he’s getting at![/quote]

germany and the atomic bomb=
“Yit Yit Rabbit rabbit”

if if maybe maybe
if maybe if maybe
but then but then
if maybe maybe if but
but maybe if bu

very in topic :lol: ,explain…