What if Nazi Germany had Created the Atomic Bomb first ?

Lead coated Harry black :lol:[/quote]

Hahahahahaha! :lol:

Proof positive that in-depth knowledge makes the perfect one-liner !

The main problem the Nazis (not Germans) had with making a Nuclear bomb was that the people who knew how to do it were mainly leaving the country or ending up in Concentration camps!!!

The Manhatten projects elite were mainly German Jews or similarly oppressed. ie Einstein!!!

In all seriousness, the ONLY way to “improvise” a Nuke is the dirty bomb.

It is very complex to actually get critical mass and detonate. Or so I belieive.

Id be very interested as to how you can improvise a Nuclear Weapon CJ? Please can you explain it a bit fuller for me.[/quote]

Sure :wink: ,
If Nazi Germany from the Start of the War 1939, had concentrated on creating the Atomic bomb then producing constant heavy armour and weapons for the German Army then they would of had a chance in the War.
Werner Heisenberg was the head leader, mainly a puppet under Hitler’s command, and with Heisenberg and his team of scientists attempting to make this bomb they also undertook many tests on the V-1 and the V-2 rocket later on in the War not putting as much effort into the atom bomb as it did need to win the War in this Cheating way of mass destruction.

German scientists alive today from WW2 discuss How deep was his loyalty to the German government during the Third Reich, some of them say he knew the final touch to complete the bomb but he didn’t want to put it into the hands of Hitler.

An interesting book i read about WW2 and the atom bomb is a book called “Heisenberg & the Nazi atomic bomb project”

Id be very interested as to how you can improvise a Nuclear Weapon CJ? Please can you explain it a bit fuller for me.[/quote]

Sure :wink: ,
If Nazi Germany from the Start of the War 1939, had concentrated on creating the Atomic bomb then producing constant heavy armour and weapons for the German Army then they would of had a chance in the War.
Werner Heisenberg was the head leader, mainly a puppet under Hitler’s command, and with Heisenberg and his team of scientists attempting to make this bomb they also undertook many tests on the V-1 and the V-2 rocket later on in the War not putting as much effort into the atom bomb as it did need to win the War in this Cheating way of mass destruction.

German scientists alive today from WW2 discuss How deep was his loyalty to the German government during the Third Reich, some of them say he knew the final touch to complete the bomb but he didn’t want to put it into the hands of Hitler.

An interesting book i read about WW2 and the atom bomb is a book called “Heisenberg & the Nazi atomic bomb project”[/quote]

Didnt we have this out a few pages back? And wasnt it proved the Nazis were light years away from a real bomb?

First, quantum mechanics and theory of relativity were despised by Nazi German physicists as “Jewish Physics”, opposed to the “German Physics” as propagated by Lenard and Stark, who were supported by the Nazi party (Interrestingly Stalin’s communists also rejected modern physics. I think both ideologies saw a threat especially in quantum mechanics due to the stress put on randomness, as opposed to the determinism of classical physics. Also quantum mechanics, as well as the theory of relativity are counterintuitive).

Heisenberg, von Weizäcker, Planck, Hahn and several others understood modern physics, but were walking a tightrope due to Nazi ideology.

Heisenberg has been described in several biographies as a brilliant but slightly egomaniac scientist. This can be e.g. seen in his opposition to Schrödinger, who developed a set of formulas, the Schrödinger equations, which describe quatum phenomena to the same results as Heisenberg’s linear algebra approach, but are easier to handle and use. His primary goal in the 1940s was to be the first one to run a fission reactor.


Unfortunately Heisenberg really didn’t know what he was doing - he wasn’t even vaguely close in calculating critical mass! If you want to get a good look at exactly how hopeless the German nuclear weapons procect was, look up the Farm Hall transcripts. The German nuclear scientists (Heisenberg et al) were kept in a place called Farm Hall near Cambridge (UK) in summer 1945. Their rooms were bugged, althought the seem not to have realised this, and the transcripts are available. The really illuminating ones are when they are informed of the A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki - they have real trouble believing this, as they thought they were theoretically impossible. Once they realised they were for real, they started making up things about trying to keep the bomb from Hitler. In reality they seem to have been working as hard as they can to get one for quite some time, but to have been handicapped by a lack of resources and base incompetence.

Also though Hitler put alot of Stress on Heisenbergs mind and would work him hard for days on end.

I don’t know if this had been said already but to deliever an Atomic bomb would mean they would need a plane and the Axis hardly had any of these left. Also they would to get pass U.S. and RAF fighters, which could easily take down any bomber because of their speed, and some captured AA Guns here or there. The Axis could’ve have made it first, but it wouldn’t have been introduced until later in the war when the Allies had full control in the air.

actually, in 1944-1945, the germans were swimming in aircraft. Too many aircraft had been produced for too few pilots. Thats why, after the war, american soldiers captured thousands of unused german aircraft lying around in storage.

Hosenfield its not then i not belive you but do you have any source,link or something ,i want to know more.

Luftwaffe Aces by kurowski

“We were practically swimming in aircraft. But there weren’t enough of us trained to fly in them”

Death traps by Cooper

“I couldn’t believe what I saw. There were hundreds of german fighter aircraft that were completely unused. Later on, I found out that it wasn’t planes that the germans were lacking; it was trained pilots.”

Ok thanks Hosenfield.

If the germans could of dropped the nuclear bomb what high flying plane would they use ? I doubt it would be the B-29 seeing as that is allied.

Perhaps the Gotha Go 229 A-1 / Horten IX if it was mass produced? I don’t know, they didn’t have bombers like the B-29…

Gotha Go 229 A-1

The first flight was made in Oranienburg on February 2nd, 1945. The test pilot was Erwin Ziller. It showed reportedly very good handling qualities, with only a shade of lateral instability (as we know today a typical deficiency of tailless aircraft). The second fight itself was equally successful, but the undercarriage was damaged by the brake parachute during landing. Two weeks later, on the third flight a disaster struck. Ziller took off as before to perform flight tests, when at 800m one of the engines stopped. The pilot was in control of the situation and pushed the aircraft into a shallow dive to help re-start the engine. Suddenly at 400 meters undercarriage retracted, after which the aircraft lost speed and went out of control. Erwin Ziller was killed in the following crash, and the prototype completely destroyed.

All info here http://www.luft46.com/gotha/gop60a.html

As this is a what if topic that has drifted back and forth how about, Germany has Atomic weapons available on the 5th of June 1944 and deploys one on the 6th of June 1944 in Normandy as the second wave hits the beaches. what ramifications would other members postulate.

The landings fail, and Germany gets nuked into oblivion about a year later.