What if Nazi Germany had Created the Atomic Bomb first ?

When he take austria and czechoslivakia he have many peace document with britich just like a russians becouse thet they not react ,when he attack poland they must becouse UK promes poland then defend them.I read book about thet. :wink:

ohh,here it comes again! :roll:

Here what comes?

Keep quiet child. Post sensible things.

Any way back on topic.

Hitler was allowed to take various countries and lands in the hope that he would eventually be happy and not bother anyone. It is known in Britian as appeasement.

This policy is dragged, here in Britian, out every time the government has to either confront something or appease something, as a reminder that appeasement doesn’t work.

Like has been said Poland had a treaty with Britan that should EITHER be invaded the other would help.

Hitler really didn’t want to fight the British. Why I don’t know, but there you go.

But when he wouldn’t pull out of Poland, the war began.

Of course Russia didn’t join the war until Hitler invaded them, breaking their peace accord as well.

He didn’t want to fight the british because he believed that are part of the Aryan race, the same line as the Germans.
Hitler also stayed neutral with Switzland, but im not sure why because they could of easily conquered it…

Don’t be so sure that they could have easily conquered it - it’s not blitzkrieg country, there are hundreds fortresses built into the mountains, most bridges and cantilevered roads were rigged to blow (you can still see this today), and the Swiss army was a significant proportion of the male population. The swiss defence plan was to retreat to the mountains, blow the bridges & cantilevered roads at opportune moments, then shell the hell out of the enemy. If I had a scanner, I could show you the German battle plans.

There are other reasons - monetary: the Swiss were used for laundering huge quantities of stolen money - espionage and communication: it helps to have a neutral country where this can take place, - escape: some of the Swiss were sympathetic to the Germans, and would help them escape at the end of the war.

Most of the swiss, however, favoured the Allies - their anti-aircraft fire was rather more accurate against German than Allied planes. I’ve even met a Swiss fighter pilot (Hans-Peter Baumann) who shot Germans down - “they did not like this very much, since I was also flying a Messerschmitt”.

There was also a different attitude towards Brits and Americans who ended up in Switzerland - the Brits tended to be returned, the Americans tended to be interned.

Thats interesting , where did you get the info. from mate ?

I go there once or twice a year, have a friend whose MA is in Swiss military history, and acquaintances who are professional soldiers in the Swiss Army.

Concerning Poland, an interesting fact is that the Polish government used the opportunity in 1938, in cooperation with Germany, to annect a piece of the Czech Republic after the Munich agreement.


When Germany was defeated whilst the Americans, Russians and British were closing in on Berlin, America and Britian took alot of german scientists back to their countries, not to mention alot of german technology, the Russians only took a small portion of the German facilities and scientists and still the russians had a massly technilogical weapons, bombs, important information that are up to date with the U.S and more tech. then England.
Why is this ?

Because most of the scientists escaped West… And we wanted to avoid the Russkies getting their hands on them.

What the russians did take though was almost every factory machine (lathes, mills, etc) and most farm animals back to Russia.

The Russians stole a lot of Western technology & reverse-engineered it (e.g. B29).

ala operation paperclip

Because most of the scientists escaped West… And we wanted to avoid the Russkies getting their hands on them.

What the russians did take though was almost every factory machine (lathes, mills, etc) and most farm animals back to Russia.

The Russians stole a lot of Western technology & reverse-engineered it (e.g. B29).[/quote]

I agree with you ,russians stole a lot of germany and western countries ,but and america too .

Err, the US instigated the Marshall Plan to give lots of money and equipment to Germany - the only thing the US took was a few scientists who were invited to the US. The Russians just took stuff.

The Russians would of been pissed off with losing 20-30 million men lol, if you were the russians nearly lost your country would you want revenge or at least take what you want?
The Americans had more problems with Japan then with Germany.


Err, the US instigated the Marshall Plan to give lots of money and equipment to Germany - the only thing the US took was a few scientists who were invited to the US. The Russians just took stuff.[/quote]

Yup ok ,like the CJ tell america have more problems with japan then the germany. :wink:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Well if the Germans had created the Atomic bomb first then battles or relationships with countries would of have to be post poned or neutral as much as the Germans hated doing that, to give them a chance on undertaking tests and studying for the bomb.

So they would have waited until other countries had it too? Are you completely barmy?

I know i considered that aswell, keep your hair on Man of Stoat :lol: , I know the Germans wouldnt of let any other country gather nuclear weapons before they do but USA didnt have them until 1945 and the Germans could probably make them before that year if they improvised.
Certain powers like Russia was foolish to attack at that point of time whilst studying for the nuke, it practically did the Usa a favour knowing that the Germans are concentrating all their power and most of their forces on Russia , producing weapons and equipment instead of making the nuke.

Id be very interested as to how you can improvise a Nuclear Weapon CJ? Please can you explain it a bit fuller for me.

Lead coated Harry black :lol: