What is your favorite Soviet Gun?

LoL I think the person would be dead in a few seconds, if not less… These PTRD/PTRS bullets are HUGE. It would take your guts away before you realize it…

Of course :lol: , you wouldnt even feel the pain.

bullets of that caliber would start a virtual explostion in the body. severing limbs or creating massive chest cavities…

Oh my :shock: And I thought my description of the result is graphic enough … :stuck_out_tongue:

Good point, an implosion of the body from that power would immediatly blow you metres away from yourself.
These bullet have been designed specially for piercing Heavy Tanks, not people.
Does anyone know if a anti tank rifle has ever been shot blank at a human being before?

of course, in somalia and iraq US snipers armed with a 50 caliber barrett sniping weapon have shot people with it. they say the bullet , if shot in the torso, splits the victim in half…

in ww2, german soldiers that were shot with teh 50 caliber machinegun experienced a similiar effect…

and allied troops that were shot with the 20mm…

Yeah i was referring to ww2 not the recent Wars.

Why cant they just use normal sniper ammunition to take out enemies without using this deadly armour piercing bullet to rip your body apart, is it because they want to confirm defiantly that their target is down and not wounded?

well, when AT weapons are used against people, its mostly because the shot opportunity happens to be there more then anything else. either that, or the enemy soldier is hiding behind a barrier of some sort.

I think I can answer this one :slight_smile: I read in texts that the PTRD/PTRS Anti-Tank Rifles are used to snipe enemy bunkers :slight_smile: It goes straight through bunkers and barriers :slight_smile:

‘They’ say wrong then.
XXXX was murdered by a 50 BMG round from a Barrett rifle.
Thankfully his death was not in some gory Hollywood manner.

Think real world - not a PC shootemup game.

Edited to remove the person’s name from public view.

first of all, i don’t play shoot them ups. and, why are they wrong? I’ve read numerous mention of this.

The shootemups comment was not aimed at you particularly Hosenfield, just at GSW descriptions in general.

If you count a dead centre chest hit as a torso shot, as was the one that struck XXXX then that was one example of the rd not doing as previously suggested.
Those bodies I have seen of others struck by similar rds have not exhibited the aforementioned wound characteristics either.

Edited to remove the person’s name from public view.

so, i assume that X didn’t have a massive chest cavity?

PM sent.

Cuts, I’m assuming your talking about the XXXX in NI?

I believe that 50 cal kills pretty much instantly if it hits you - your body goes into massive shock pretty much straight away (as it was explained to me on my NI team medics course anyway).

There were a spate of sniper shootings with a 50 cal in the mid 1990s in NI - the IRA were spreading rumours that they had an ex-US Marine shooting for them, which I think were bollocks. I don’t think anyone who was hit survived.

editted to get rid of the direct reference to ‘xxxx’

Some Soviet Weapons- most are world war two era, but some are a bit after that.

1933 Tokarev
Degtyarev DPM
SPP-1 Underwater
SVU-gas operated Semi-automatic

True when 7.62 get you in head they blow up her,who can survive that .

Now I would have to say My Laminated 91/30 Its a 1943r Izhevsk 95% blue electro pencil matched

Off-topic: Gutkowski, sorry to bother you :smiley: . I’m dying to know why you display all your guns - for taking pictures - in your kitchen?

LOL Its the only place that has good light ,we have those curly q light bulbs the ones that are suppose to save you money ,and they put out real crappy light