What is your favourite C-ration ?

Actually a little more research would have sved your OTT description it is called black pudding and it is made of oats and pigs blood and the fact it is served in a pigs intestine is hardly surprising so are all sausages! save for crap frankfurters (spits)

and you dont “all sit round and share” they are individually made.

Who told you the secret of our vampire-island? It wasn’t the libertarians was it? They are such communists.

Did IRONMAN jsut edit his post out of this thread! thats not very sporting


Aha. That was confusing me actually!

Where did my post go?

He is cross posting. the Black pudding reference can now be found in Walther War machines big book…

Oh yeah, just for the record

It has taste!!!

Although they don’t seem to grasp the finer points of Black Pudding!!!

And the rest of the “Full English” breakfast.

I’ve always wanted to get one to try Fish, Chips and Mushy peas just to see if their reaction would be like Samuel L. Jackson in the 51st state.

Funny food story, in the Gulf the Yanks were feeding us, and at one point swapped the sign on the “french fires” for one saying “freedom fries”. They must have not liked the frogs at this point!!!

My post from this morning.

Found here

He’s just doesn’t try does he. Well apart from our patience!!!

Dont forget that he is the Master of the Cross posting Jan! He will often try and flumox you in one thread by using points from the other.

My dad took part in the Cod War. It is the most brutal and terrorfying war ever.

It is the war of all wars.

Anyone who askes me why will be rebutted with the fact that my dad took part in the Cod War, and I feel humble next to him.

Or I will repeat my claim that it is the most brutal war ever.

Or I will claim they don’t like my country.


My dad took part in the Cod War. It is the most brutal and terrorfying war ever.

It is the war of all wars.

Anyone who askes me why will be rebutted with the fact that my dad took part in the Cod War, and I feel humble next to him.

Or I will repeat my claim that it is the most brutal war ever.

Or I will claim they don’t like my country.


My Uncle was in the Cod War, he told me that it was the most intense and unrelenting battle that ever existed in all time.

Two RN frigates held back over 4 Divisions of Icelandic patrol boats for almost a month!

Could never figure out which side the cod were on!!! :smiley:

I think the Cod themselves declared nuetrality, but their plan back-fired and both antagonists turned on them, great torture was carried out and a lot of them ended up being deep fried and wrapped in old newspapers. Tragic story really :cry:

My point being…I always wonderd why the marines dont have regular marines doing their first aid. :? I understand they are part of the navy

My point being…I always wonderd why the marines dont have regular marines doing their first aid. :? I understand they are part of the navy[/quote]

I understand that you understand. But surely if they had their own medics then that would be 1 less grunt? In actual fact when the Marines were established it probably made sense to have navy medics as there were probably not many of them.

It’s the same in the Royal Marines, which probably provided a template for the USMC. (IRONMAN please tell me if I bash the yanks)

Also the Padres come from the Navy in the Royal Marines.

It all goes back to the days when they Marines were part of the ships company not a task force as such.

Nowadays they are almost a serivce in their own right but still retain the traditions of old.

In the British side the Navy lads wear teh shoulder tital “Royal Navy Commando” in light blue on dark blue background and wear a Green beret.

Don’t know about the Corpsmen of the Yanks.

i think ironman is pulling your chains. He hasn’t offered any proof at all, that the Chosin was the “bloodest battle ever”. That statement, by itself, is of such a tall order! Thats like saying Monte Cassinno is bloodier then Stalingrad! He’s just trying to piss off some people.

Yes that Im afraid is his Modus operandi. Either that or hes a genuine Fuckwit.

You decide…

Sure I have. You read it too. Do yourself a favor. Research battles. Then come back here and post a link to an expert on the subject, like a government, military, or veteran’s site, that states that some other battle was more vivious and fierce than that of Chosin Reservoir.

You have offered no proof that any was mnoreso. Guess what! You cannot. When you can, your words will hold water.

You just dont get it…its his opinion. I have read things in your post’s that I think your saying to piss people off. Would you like me to post some??