What is your favourite C-ration ?

You bonehead you. lol Let me make it easy to understand:


Those are the terms. Now, Chosin was the most vicious, most fierce battle in the history of modern warfare. Got that? Not where the most were killed, but the most vicious and fierces. Do you uinderstand those terms?

the men who died in the 8,000 smoldering, damaged or destroyed tanks in kursk would disagree with you.

The panzergrenadiers and Soviet guardsmen that killed each other without taking quarter at kursk would disagree with you.

the germans that were trying to regain the final initive in ww2.and the russians were trying to stop them would disagree with you.

In fact, millions of men that fought and died on the eastern front would disagree with you.

STating that the Chosin was the most fierce battle in modern warfare is an outrageous statement.

I’ve already told you about moscow.

Now, “Bonehead”, you need to grow up. I’ve seen small children admit that they are wrong.

Battle of Kohima


On 13 April, the Japanese pressed their advantage against the British and Indian positions on the ridge. The troops defending near the DC’s bungalow and the tennis court came under increasingly heavy artillery and mortar fire, and had to repel frequent infantry assaults. This area was the scene of some of the hardest, closest and grimmest fighting, with grenades being hurled across the tennis court at point-blank range. The War Diary of the 4th Royal West Kent Regiment opposite describes the scene.


Night 13/14 Apr also saw bitter fighting. At the FSD the Rajputs were forced from their trenches by direct hits from the 75mm guns opposite, so that A Coy at KUKI p. had to send one pl. forward to save the front positions… .The Japs made a heavy rush attack at B Coy from the DC bungalow, and succeeded in penetrating into a shed on a small but important hillock when a Bren jammed. The pln. comd, Lt King, restored the situation by driving them out with grenades, but not before the Bren gunner himself picked up a shovel and cracked at his assailants with it.

It will not take much to find similar it many armies. I am sure that the Iran-Iraq war would also come up with similar situations.

HOSENFIELD - I take it all back! You are not IRONMAN’s Alter ego!

but you are clearly an Anti American Blatherer, You European hatemongerer… (hang on?) :lol:

Try instant tea it is quite good now if it is an acquired taste and makes a good brew even in hot water.

And what’s wrong with pine needles? That’s why you have teeth. :smiley:

AHH The perenial question, spit or swallow.

To reach a definitive conclusion one would have to quantify both “vicious” and “fierce.”

What units are they measured in ?

Just a question as I’m merely a spectator, but I really am interested.

You bonehead you. lol Let me make it easy to understand:


Those are the terms. Now, Chosin was the most vicious, most fierce battle in the history of modern warfare. Got that? Not where the most were killed, but the most vicious and fierces. Do you uinderstand those terms?

the men who died in the 8,000 smoldering, damaged or destroyed tanks in kursk would disagree with you.

The panzergrenadiers and Soviet guardsmen that killed each other without taking quarter at kursk would disagree with you.

the germans that were trying to regain the final initive in ww2.and the russians were trying to stop them would disagree with you.

In fact, millions of men that fought and died on the eastern front would disagree with you.

STating that the Chosin was the most fierce battle in modern warfare is an outrageous statement.

I’ve already told you about moscow.

Now, “Bonehead”, you need to grow up. I’ve seen small children admit that they are wrong.[/quote]

You have not provided any expert opinion, like the one I have, which refutes that Chosin was the fierces, most vicious battle in the history of modern warfare.

Keep working on it.

Nothin in that about it being the most vicious or fiercest battle in the history of modern warfare.

Keep trying.

IRONMAN you are talking guff.

The COD war was the wettest sea battle of all time.

It was Very wet

  • Fireflys Uncle, RN
    I challenge you to find a source that states it was wetter than the sea battle off the Faroes.

You cant can you?

Nothin in that about it being the most vicious or fiercest battle in the history of modern warfare.

Keep trying.[/quote]

No British military history tend to be factual not opinionated.

I don’t need to keep trying.

you don’t seem to own any books or read books, as a matter of fact.
I’ve haven’t seen you post anything from objective, lengthy military books.

you rely on google websites that are at the most, several pages long and are written with an agenda.

In fact, you seem to reject common sense.

You keep on posting these sites that are written by the soldiers themselves, amateur writers, or people associated with the soldiers

If I fought in Chosin, I’d write " this is fiercest battle in the history of the world!" Since i’m an officer, that qualifiies me as an expert! Even though I never fought in world war II!

You refuse all solid evidence just to fulfill your “My daddy was in the fierced battle of the 20th century” fantasies.

Hosenfield wins a Pint!

Let me clear the air on this for you.

You are contending, without proof, that my staement about Chosin is false. You are doing so because:

  1. I made the point, and you don’t like that. Prior to my staement, you had no knowledge of or information about what was thei fiercest battle in the history of modern warfare. You simply wanted to biotch that it’s not so because you are an asswipe.

  2. You don’t like me, and your pea brain places that in higher priority than the truth.

I simply made the point in discussion with someone else (Mike), and here comes the Punk Brit Thug Club to attack the statement, like mindless idiots, drooling for chaos without enjoying intellectual discussion - knuckle-dragging idiots of a single mindset brought on by years of living with their minds in the grip of the pathetic liberalism, who seek to argue instead of discuss and look for blame everywhere except thier own homeland or the bottom of a beer bottle.

Proof? They, the Thug Club, are the only ones who post on this thread 99% of the anti-American comments, and are the only ones who follow me (and sometimes others!) from thread to thread to argue without either knowledge or proof of their termendous number of false contentions - simply because they like to be antagonists, and this is more important to them than fun.

They do not come here to this forum to discuss or share discussions. They come to spread lies, to bash the US, and to attempt to sway others into thinking that the US is evil because it has not given them a free f*cking lunch.

Find a statement of an expert who states that another battle was more vicious or fierce than Chosin. Keep on trying. I do suggest first, you Knuckle-dragging Thugs, that you first read all that you can about the Korean War. That might save you further embaressment.

Maybe thats why he likes Bush. “My daddy was president that means I get to be president”

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Lunch who is giving out a free lunch?

IRONMAN I was in agreement with you right up until the ned of the first line where it says “because.”

As soon as you try to analyse why I think; you are a huge gaping bucket of a Wizards cuff Slack-as-anything, windsock ladybits, You start to go wrong.

I dislike you because you make assertions that are not only unfounded they are unquantifiable. I dont think any soldier or serviceman has ever complied a hierarchy of “the bloodiest battles” I might be wrong but… Im not.

There are a lot of good people in Britain. It’s too bad you Thug Boys are not among them.


Maybe thats why he likes Bush. “My daddy was president that means I get to be president”

:lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote]



Stifle yourself. You are talking like a child.


I’ll drink to it, bluffcove.

I am an conservative american, if you haven’t noticed. I voted for Bush even though I knew his fallacies and his lies. But I know, that , with our international situation, that Bush would probably be more effective then kerry.

I’ve treated this topic very fairly, and I have used objective sources. You haven’t proved anything except some korean war vets blabbering tall statements to exalt themselves.

I’ve tried to argue reasonably with your iron, but you continued to call me names and refuse to accept any of the strong evidence i’ve given you. So, I’ve been reduced to your level.

You like to think you are, I know. However, you have refuted that the battle of Chosin was not the fiercest in the history of modern warfare without having knowledge FIRST of another that was more so. That tells all about your mindset.

Now get me the proof, please. Find your expert who states otherwise.