What`s your favourite german gun?

The Kar98k is NOT accurate when compared to its contemporaries! It seems to have got this reputation from sporting and target rifles made from Mauser actions. The military stocking and sighting arrangement on it is dismal.

I have shot better groups at 100 yards with a mosin-nagant than at 50 m with the Mauser.

This evening, we will be seeing how accurately the SVT 40 will perform at 100 m.

Most foreign military bolt action rifles ? That’s an awful lot of shooting, I’m awestruck.

I can understand that you’re not being overly confident about that declaration as it’s absolute bollocks.

You obviously haven’t a Scooby about ‘armed confrontation’ pal.
I wouldn’t let you partner me or any of my lads in fire and movement.

Some K98s are accurate, but the run of the mill issue is nothing to write home about compared to other military rifle of the period.

If by ‘fine’ you mean average to dismal, then I’m 100% in agreement.

A piece of two-by-four can be as lethal as an SVD. It is a silly statement.

The action is used for dangerous game rifles because it is strong enough to handle the carts used for such beasts.
Many sniper rifles are built around the Mauser action, but the action alone does not make the wpn inherently accurate.
When one purchases a rifle for this sort of hunting the quality of the weapon is orders of magnitude higher than the majority of K98s, it’s the bespoke smiths’ attention to detail in polishing and choice of mag that makes feeding reliable.
Personally if I was going for Nyati I’d use a double ejector, but then that’s just my choice. Oh, and that of numerous PHs.

It is definitely a damn good action, no doubt about it. I even own several rifles that use the action, but when it comes to ‘armed confrontation’ - ie someone shooting at me - the k98 wouldn’t even make page one of the first choice list.


MP44 rocks hard!!!

I’d say the STG-44, or MP-44 as some might say. It combines aspects of both rifles and SMGs, making it the world’s first assault rifle. I can see why the Germans originally developed it for the Eastern front. Also, unlike the American BAR, it actually had a decent sized clip capacity (30 rds vs. 20). Finally, it was easier to control than the FG-42. I’m actually a little surprised the FGs had scopes but the STG did not. I know the STG was select-fire. In fact, by default, they were actually semi-auto.

I would share my vote between Mg42, widely considered as the best general purpose mg of the war and the StG44 the mother of all modern assault rifles.

kark 98 is the strongest one

MP40 was a light but good machine gun but there were better ones.
Luger is definatly a great handgun.
Kar98K was the best rifle of the second world war I believe.
I think MP44 was the best German machine gun, the only drawback of this gun was its heavyness I guess.
MG42 was ofcourse a great weapon too. .42, what do you expect.
Too bad it was easily overheated.

a well the stg44/Mp44 is my choice,
and i would liketo pont out that the luger by lokks is a great handgun but in other isseus such as security it was very bad the gun could go off by caring it in your pocket and the safety mechanisem was bad to

About the Kar98k, the M1 Garand had a higher rate of fire because it was self-loading and the Kar98k was not. Also, the Mosin-Nagant had a farther effective range than the Kar98k. Someone else already said something about this in another thread.

Wasn’t the M1 Garand a semi-automatic gun?

sigh YES! That’s what I said when I said IT WAS SELF-LOADING!!! Self-loading is synonomous with semi-automatic.

That’s so great.

K98k is gash, see other threads where it has been explained at length.

It is fair to compere it to the Garand, since they were both the standard rifles of two of the major players.

I think it’s better to compare the Garand with the German Gewehr 43.

A relatively small number of Germans actually used the G43. The Kar98k was still the shoulder weapon that was primarily used, just like how the M1 Garand was primarily used by the American troops.

Ok you win.

I’m for the Schnellfeuer pistol, a variation of the 1896 Mauser pistol. W/ 20 rd. magazine, and selector switch.

… and utterly useless in full automatic fire.

Well, choose what you like, I still prefer it, as its not often it needs to be in rock n’ roll mode, I have fired the broomhandle, found it a very pleasing weapon, so to have double the mag capacity, well, that aint bad. As for controllability in full auto, cant say. I’ve never fired one.It would be a handful without the shoulder stock.Though I might wager that you would be reluctant to stand in front of one in either mode.