What`s your favourite german gun?

According to this site just 30.


This photo is a photoshoped fake.

How is it fake?


The photo is actually of me. I 3D modeled an Stg-45 and composited it with Photoshop I posted it in here just to see if it would pass as a real photo.

Marcus or any of the other moderators: Please feel free to move this post to the appropriate forum.




Nice job, it works with me :rolleyes:

You’re comparing apples with oranges. Do a side by side comparison with the Kar98k and the Enfield No4 MkI and you’ll see that the No4 is a far superior rifle in almost every sense. The only thing that lets it down is the rimmed .303 round which with simple training is minor.

Having said that I’d rather have a G.43 out of the three rifles (and a MP.44 as my first preference). The difference in accuracy only matters when shooting at paper or in a sniper role past 400m.

That is why I prefered the K98 over the G43, I was a sniper that had to use his rifle over 400m.

You were a sniper when and in which army?

1944-1945. Waffen-SS.


Just always remember, war is hell.

Mate, it’s time to shut up! 9th SS-Panzer-Division “Hohenstaufen” was sent in March 1945 to Hungary. The final act of WWII for “Hohenstaufen” came on April 26, 1945 when they were ordered to the Amstetten area where they received orders on May 1st, 1945 to move to Enns-Steyr-Amstetten area and without the use of force stop the American advance as not to endanger the negotiations that by now were going on between the German and Western Allies. After some negotiations this succeeded and on May 8th, 1945, the 9.SS-Panzer-Division “Hohenstaufen” marched into American captivity. So, no Berlin mate… Too pity for you. I’d like to know the commanders of Hohenstaufen and which corps belongs in 1945. Got me?

I thought twice about the following post but considering Dani’s comments above I thought I might as well throw my hat in the ring as well

Mr Von Gottberg people take a dim view of people claiming to be veterins, in this
thread http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4223

you claim that the these photos are of you:

There are some inconsistences in these photos, first there is the mole on the upper
left lip which is missing in the colour photo. Then there is the shape of the lower
lip in the black and white photo (which maybe because the subject is biting their
lip). But most noticably there is the issue of your rank.

you claim: http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showpost.php?p=92553&postcount=20

but this is me in my last rank as a Sturmann:

while the shooter in the black and white photo has a rank of Unterscharführer or
Scharführer (Sergeant / Staff Sergeant) as is evident from the thick braid on his
shoulder straps.
Did you get demoted to Sturmann (Corporal) in between the time those photo’s were

Also there is the issue of you having served in Berlin. Accourding to you;

I served in the 9th SS Panzer Division Hohenstaufen as a sniper

However, the 9th SS Panzer never fought in Berlin:

Area of operations
France (Feb 1943 - Mar 1944)
Eastern front, southern sector (Mar 1944 - Apr 1944)
France (Apr 1944 - Aug 1944)
Belgium & Netherlands (Aug 1944 - Oct 1944)
Western Germany (Oct 1944 - Dec 1944)
Ardennes (Dec 1944 - Jan 1945)
Western Germany (Jan 1945 - Feb 1945)
Hungary (Feb 1945 - Mar 1945)
Austria (Mar 1945 - May 1945)

and were in Austria when they surrendered to the Americans.

I do hope that Dani and myself are mistaken because no-one likes a fake.

Spotted bas!


So busted :smiley:

Wolfgang…may you like to impersonate SS veterans in other forum ?

Gentlemen, please read my urgent and dearest sincere apology and explanation. I know I have been a stupid lad, and I will consider myself lucky for not getting into deeper shit. But thankyou, please read it. It will be posted soon.

The Kar98k scoped because of the accuracy.

I don’t believe the scope really mattered on the accuracy of the rifle…

You’re correct Wolf, a scope has no effect on the inherent accuracy of a rifle. All it does is assist the shooter to get a better sight picture.

In fact it may possibly make the rifle heavier and not weighted as well. Almost like if you have a bayonet attached.

I shoot better with the bayonet attached on my Kar98k. Acts as a barrel weight and keeps the muzzle steadier. Adding a scope doesn’t make any noticable difference to the balance in my experience.

Alright thanks

I’ve only fired one w/o the bayonet or the scope. I like the kick, and it has pretty good accuracy! :smiley: