What`s your favourite german gun?

Thanks Preatorian, that seems to be the reticle.

Lots of useful gen there & I’ll pass it on when next I see my mate, I appreciate your help.

a very very good site for video, chech out the video called “WWII Guns”

My Favorite german gun was the mp44 because it was the first assult rifle to be produced. I also believed that if this gun was more widly produced and came earlyer in the war it could have had a major effect.

88mm FLaK?

Great weapon…but i dont remember seeing a pic of a German solider running around the battle field with one in hand. Which is kinda what is implied here. Although ARNULD is an Austrian and im sure he could have done it in his earlier days. :lol: If the 3rd world war comes I want ARNULD leading the Americans…coz everyone is going to be dead anyhow so at least we will find some humor. And how could anyone give a more stirring “to the death” speech than ARNULD. :lol:

Great weapon…but i dont remember seeing a pic of a German solider running around the battle field with one in hand. Which is kinda what is implied here. Although ARNULD is an Austrian and im sure he could have done it in his earlier days. :lol: If the 3rd world war comes I want ARNULD leading the Americans…coz everyone is going to be dead anyhow so at least we will find some humor. And how could anyone give a more stirring “to the death” speech than ARNULD. :lol:[/quote]
:lol: :lol: :lol:
the governator still has the weapon from the movie predator?

I would say the Karibiner 98, mostly because that’s the only one off that list I’ve ever fired, and I do own a variant (Czech Vz.24 that has been converted to curved bolt).

I like it because it has probably one of the most powerful, wide-spread rifle cartridges, not counting the .50 BMG and other large rounds and other civilian/modern rounds, it’s very reliable, and accurate. The only bad thing is the recoil on it when compared to other guns.

Sorry for the double post, but I just found this for sale for my Mauser. It was invented and used in WWI. The Sturmtruppen Trench Magazine. It increased the capacity of the G98 by 400% (that’s a twenty round magazine). If I am lucky enough to buy one, I’ll install it and get some pictures of it ASAP.

Another reason the K98k is my favorite German gun :smiley:

They were unsuccessful - they got damaged easily & jammed (rendering the rifle a single-shot), they got in the way, they added to the weight significantly, were hard to load cos the spring is quite stiff, and affected the balance.

The Brits tried a similar thing for the SMLE (which of course was detachable), and it was equally unsuccessful & was dropped after 20,000 or so (IIRC) were made.

And thats why they didn’t uses them in WWII…

i think MP 40 is pretty good, low rate of fire made them easy to aim
and MP 44 is the best for it is one of the first machine gun that can shoot at corners


Only bad thing is that it would erode very quickly and you would have to replace it after a certain number of shots. Forgot how many, think it was a little over 100.

What better than an StG44 that can shoot around corners? One that can see at night!

So what if it’s 50 pounds of equipment. (don’t quote me on that weight :stuck_out_tongue: )

yeah, i like the MP 40 and 44, theyre my fav. German assault rifles. Its pretty cool that Klashniknov based the design of his prototype AK 47, at least exterior, on the MP 44.

Cant you see the resembelance?

yeah, i like the MP 40 and 44, theyre my fav. German assault rifles. Its pretty cool that Klashniknov based the design of his prototype AK 47, at least exterior, on the MP 44.

Cant you see the resembelance?[/quote]

…(cough*)(cough*) The Mp 40 is not an assault rifle, its a submachine gun, the Mp 44 however is an assualt rifle. I beleive you know this already, but have just made a mistake, but Im telling you this, to kindoff stop another flame war :smiley:

yeah, i like the MP 40 and 44, theyre my fav. German assault rifles. Its pretty cool that Klashniknov based the design of his prototype AK 47, at least exterior, on the MP 44.

Cant you see the resembelance?[/quote]

…(cough*)(cough*) The Mp 40 is not an assault rifle, its a submachine gun, the Mp 44 however is an assualt rifle. I beleive you know this already, but have just made a mistake, but Im telling you this, to kindoff stop another flame war :D[/quote]

I meant to single out the MP 44 in the assault rifle thing, I know that the MP 40 was a SMG, i just jumble things together, but anyway, thank you for pointing that out.

Please PzKpfw VI Tiger, before posting something on fire arms (at least) read the other threads dealing with. :smiley: :smiley:
Edited for syntax

PKW: In case you are wondering why people are being cautious, it’s because they are still recovering from a certain ahem heated discussion involving words like ‘Carbine’, ‘Rifle’ and ‘Assault’. Like the Balkans, all it will take is one wrong word and the whole lot will go up in flames again. In fact, I think my use of the forbidden C word may have been too much…


ah, well thank you Crab_to_be for pointing that out, I’ll be more careful with that in the future.

The reason they look similar in outline is cos there’s very few ways to configure a rifle with a curved magazine & a large top-mounted gas tube (which is something design-wise that Kalashnikov did actually copy - almost everything else is different: the way it’s put together, the breech block, the controls, etc). The form follows the function.

The HK G3 and the FN-FAL look similar in outline too, despite being totally unrelated designs, as do many rifles, since form usually follows function.

I like the FG-45
made for the volksturm, uses ame mags as stg44