What`s your favourite german gun?

FG45? No such thing.

If you mean the VG1-5, they were crude beyond belief:

If you mean Stg45, they weren’t designed for the Volkssturm, but for the infantry:

The Stg45 pioneered roller-delayed blowback, which was then incorporated into most of HK’s designes.

w/e, the site i have told me so, although is in itialian i think, so…

Germania (segue)
107-2 - MKB-42X
107-3 - MP-43
107-4 - CG-45 (M)
107-5 - FG-45, Volkssturm


yes pavy,it´s in italian :slight_smile: ,i never heard about that weapon,maybe is a less known weapon,the volkssturm where the old men who fought for the german army in the last moments (they needed more soldiers)

maybe i can find some info about that weapon if i search for volkssturm.

Mp40s are like more slower firing then the MP44 but I reckon the Mp44 are much more accurate, in any kind of combat situation dont you think?

They’re a totally different class of wpn! The MP40 is an open-bolt SMG firing a pistol cartridge, the MP44 is an assault rifle firing an intermediate cartridge from a closed bolt. The accuracy & range of the MP44 is thus significantly higher than the MP40.

mp44 is great,the first true assault rifle!

lugar baby

i heard the mg42 isn’t particularily accurate with the bipod and the recoil pushes you back a couple inches.

i’ve always wondered, how is the accuraccy on the mp40? how does it compare to the accuracy of the ppsh-41 or the sten, thompson.

MP44 great rifle

I just like the Lugar, its the one WWII handgun i want to have the most but a Colt .45 wouldn’t be bad either :smiley:

Just got my “Trench” Magazine for my Mauser. I find that it loads fine, but it does add quite a bit of weight to the rifle.

For trenches i think better is MP40 or MP44 :wink:

May I ask how much you paid for the mag ?

Ya it was roughly $84 with shipping, and I also bought a cleaning rod for my Mauser. The magazine was $64.50 by itself, though.

MP44 ASSAULT RIFLE- my favourite

German paratroopers used the MP44 Assault Rifle for the duration of the War. It has a muzzle velocity of 647 m/s and is sighted to 700m. It was developed in 1944 and influenced the development of the AK47. It has a cyclic rate of 500 rounds per minute. This is the best all around weapon in the game; it’s just too bad you won’t get to use it until late in the title.

Caliber = 7.92
Effective range = 700 meters
Magazine = 35 cartridges
Weight = 4.3 Kg


If I may correct you, the StG 44 had only a 30 round magazine. Unless they had one that I wasn’t aware of.

And I don’t think that it had that great of a range. I think that might be the maximum range that the cartridge can go.

commando jo, i don’t know where you got that information about the mp44. the mp44 was used by panzergrenadiers, paratroopers, and recon units. it was available in even ordinary heer formations.

the effective range is around 300 m. the magazine is 30 rounds.

They were used by paratroopers as well as the FG-42, and i got the information from the site i posted :?

every says the stg influenced the AAK, which is wrong, its just a coincidence in design, thats just a good design for an assault rifle. the Ar15 or M16 on the othe hand is terrible, a little dust and it becomes problematis, and the carbines bolt is to strond and destroies the reciever, which isnt a problem on AK carbins

In English please?

The influence came mainly through the use of an intermediate-power cartridge.

The AR15/M16 is not terrible - several European armies have adopted the Canadian-made version recently (NL & DK). The carbine problem is due to the direct-gas impingement system having to run above its original design pressure due to the short barrel and resultant gas take off nearer the breech.

ill take the m14 over the AR anyday

much more reliable, heaver barrel, more accurate.

but this is a post on german small arms.