What`s your favourite german gun?

Would you mind to rephrase?

Otherwise somebody (immature obviously) will post some “U moron, FG42 rulz!! shut the f*** up with ur MP42 or i kill ya!!!”

Neither of us want such kind of posts, do we?

Would you mind to rephrase?

Otherwise somebody (immature obviously) will post some “U moron, FG42 rulz!! shut the f*** up with ur MP42 or i kill ya!!!”

Neither of us want such kind of posts, do we?[/quote]

Even better Shylethalsoldier, care to post a picture of this fabled MP42? Can’t say I’ve ever come across a reference to this weapon.

I found this the Sturmgewehr 44 started out as The Mp42, then changed to The Mp43,then The mp44 before finally being christened The Sturmgewehr

Where did you get that gen from Hans ?

I think you’ll find that the original designation was the MKb. 42.

The ‘MP’ title only came into effect when Hitler expressed his displeasure at the development of new rifles.

Hence: MKb. 42 - MP 43 - MP 44 - StG 44

Here you Guys Go ,This is what I am asking Santa for christmas


Probbly you are in right i put in google mp 42 and find that text in my post,i am only try to help. :oops:

It’s OK Clauss. Please note also that could be a mistake on some web-sites. Generally you need to search and find from from at least 3-4 different and independent sources.

It’s OK Clauss. Please note also that could be a mistake on some web-sites. Generally you need to search and find from from at least 3-4 different and independent sources.[/quote]

Ok i will .

Now that you talk about miss information, it piss me off when some idiot who did not do his research on a certan topic go and make a website with a lot of lies on it and thus confusing people that do not know that it is all lies.

what do you think?


I think that this is the inherent problem with the internet, it is so cheap to publish your own ideas without an editor examining your theories and references.

This is why I still prefer good old fashioned books (but even those have mistakes and perptuate myths).

i say MP 40 now because its
-32 bullets
-slow firepower but less recoil, which means it should be more accurate?
-although range is low, but most of the fighting is in the city anyways, which range in my opinion, is not that important.

  • not particularly for an SMG
  • pretty standard for an SMG
  • more accurate than what? It fires from an open bolt, so will never be accurate. And, in any case, with an SMG, the closer to 450 rpm the rate of fire is, the better – this makes it more controllable in full automatic fire.
  • I am not sure that the majority of the fighting was in the cities.

Seconded MoS.

Too true Bas !
There are too many people who swallow a story just because it’s in print, my books are full of pencilled footnotes.

Yes I also prefer older books of WW2 but like you said that some of them also have misstakes in them. The MG-42 are my best heavy machine gun, the MP-40 and MP-44 are also my best German machine guns.


:roll: Poes !

Slight problem there – the MG 42 is not a heavy machine gun, and the MP 40 and MP 44 are not “machine guns”.

Slight problem there – the MG 42 is not a heavy machine gun, and the MP 40 and MP 44 are not “machine guns”.[/quote]
if my memory serve me right, MP 44 is an assulted rifles while MP 40 is a submachine gun for its low fire rate

So nothing to do with the fact that the MP 40 fires pistol ammunition then? :shock:

Well, at least you were right on the first count…

I’m actually intrigued now – what do you think the definition of an SMG is?

the mp 44 was the first in your class. and even is used its mechnism, It’s sad to know than this weapon cost in e-bay $ 12,000. I want it! 8)