What should we do with trolls?

That’s what you think.

He’s working on a DIY nuke in his basement. :smiley:

So what if he is? Given how technically illiterate he is, the biggest danger it poses is to him if he were to drop it on his feet!

He has feet? :confused:

I thought they were just prehensile claws, with scales. :smiley:

herman2 will probably get some luminous watches and say its a “Radium bomb”:D.

At least im not in canada.


There is every indication that Herman is in space, where you are. :smiley:

Actually, he lives about an hour and a half from me, so I sure hope he doesn’t have that hydrogen nukie nukie going…otherwise we’re going to inundated with Canadian irritated zombies…

I mean was.:smiley:

I don’t know why you would say something like that Mr. Schmidt.
I have never acted in any way to conjecture such a thought nor imply any such violence which was not WW2 oriented. I may have been a teeney bit off on my opinion on the A-bomb, but please lets not get personel about this.I can see this thread goes out of its way to discredit my fine honour and I don’t like it. I am not a troll, and I feel I have contributed favourably to various threads in my earnest efforts to glide different approaches to various topics. I may have been a bit over anxious in ramming heads with Mr.Rising Sun in the beginning, but thats because I felt he was extremely opinionated in his ways. I know realize he is a very smart man and I tip my hat off to him. Anyways, pls do not continue picking on me and be good mates about it. Thank You

Lets talk about that other Neo Nazi troll in was Hitler insane thread…:smiley:

WOW, I read the thread you noted and that dude is flipped!:shock:

People…this forum is tame.

I sit on a forum from the U.S. called SCAM.COM.…it’s full of political “chat”, and if you think the tone is falling out of flavour here, have a quick look at this site…

You will see that the “trolling” here is gentlemanly and polite…SCAM.COM’s moderators are far more “loose” in their interpretation of exactly what constitutes a poor standard of online posting behaviour.

YA, Cause in this forum, it seems just giving your opinion is considered trolling. I try my best to give an honest ernst opinion in a nice way and some people come and dump on you to get a power trip. New members have rights too I say…New members speak up and revolt against the bolshivists and elitists that monopolize this forum:)…we need fresh ideas and views…not always the same people with their boring precision worded ideas and calibrated long winded paragraphs that are proof read 3-4 times by english majors and History professors that get upset if you humbly question or cross-direct their viewes…power to the little people I say:)

Such as a tedious litany from an oppressed newish member that the solution to everything in WWII and all the evils which have befallen Canada since would have been solved by America nuking Japan and Germany remorselessly until about 1964?

I did not say 1964, so get your facts straight. Secondly, I don’t see what would have been wrong in nuking Germany had America had the bomb, if it meant saving AMERICAN lives who did not deserve to die at the ruthless hands of our enemy.

so German or Japanese lives dont matter?

All lives matter…don’t get me wrong, but if you are German and Hitler had the bomb then you’d want Hitler to nuke America to save German lives and vise versa for America. I am talking from the perspective of the mothers and fathers who would rather save their own son’s lives first over the lives of others.I wish no lives were lost, but when push comes to shove your own kind comes first.I think it would have been better for society as a whole if the scientists who built the bomb were all killed…hmmm…then again, there would always be others to come along…

lets go do this in the nuke thread. Agreed?

Um, no. Giving stupid, ignorant and uniformed “opinions” that are callous in order to get attention and piss people off is called “trolling.”

I try my best to give an honest ernst opinion in a nice way and some people come and dump on you to get a power trip.

Oh pul-eeze, Joan of Arc! :rolleyes: Stop the martyr-a-thon. You’re very lucky you weren’t dumped weeks ago. To give an opinion, you need to actually do a little research and genuinely believe in what you are saying. I’m pretty sure you’re a fail on both litmus tests.

You were just posting the same crap over and over. Crap that was completely ignorant of actual history…

I am certainly not sure how much you believe what you say and how much is just “crayoning on the wall,” Harold. But some of your statements are silly at best, and an anathema to a site with some pretension about trying to get the history right at worst…

New members have rights too I say…New members speak up and revolt against the bolshivists and elitists that monopolize this forum:)…

Stupid people of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your drool dribbling out of your mouth…

we need fresh ideas and views…

Yes! Yes! Let’s all head over to Wikipedia and just rewrite complete bullshit all over the pages!

not always the same people with their boring precision worded ideas and calibrated long winded paragraphs that are proof read 3-4 times by english majors and History professors that get upset if you humbly question or cross-direct their viewes…power to the little people I say:)

Yeah. Who needs people to write posts that actually have read on the subject. After all, no doubt you’ve observed countless Scooby Doo and GI Joe cartoons and know how all those egg-heads are just dopes boring you. I mean, we wouldn’t want to actually read stuff when we can just post nonsensical and redundant gibberish every other second we’re on line! Right, sock muppet?

Herman, you’re becoming a fail. Write something this stupid again, and I assure you you WILL BE banned!

Damn nick just ripped herman a new one but ultimately i kinda have to agree i mean dont get me wrong i use to post stupid stuff when i first joined but nuking everything doesnt solve anything all it gives you is tension from the the country that got nuked years to come