What should we do with trolls?

most boards i work on admin issues a strong a final warning. he keeps trolling he’s banned. no notice, no warning or anything. just gone. he’s try’s to log on and gets a permanent ban notice. I favor this. 1 warning and gone.

Yeah, but we’re all mellow and friendly here. Besides, the only two guys who can effectively ban anyone but spammers (Firefly and General Sandworm) have real life issues meaning they aren’t around much.

I am not commenting on nuking Japan anymore and I won’t as it seems to upset Captain Nick. In fact I don’t think I have commenetd on that thread for quite some time. I am sorry if my opinion in this non-ww2 related thread caused such a stir, but I respect Captain Nick’s comments and will only involve myself in threads that are not to involving if that is ok. Please stop calling me stupid as I have never used profanity in respect of Mr.Firefly’s prior discussion to me on the matter. I hope we can remain friends and will try my ernest to provide meaningfull and respectful comments in future threads. Thank you for your comments and please don’t get mad at a struggling new member who is trying to learn and is gratefull to all this wonderfull forum has to offer. :slight_smile:

Good one

though I must say nuking japan after it had surrendered sounds pretty stup…i mean illogical (not to mention that would be a bigger war-crime than the hiroshima&nagasaki bombings).

Why?..so I can get banned from the forum…I don’t think so. I like this forum and after getting thrashed by Captain Nick, I don’t think I want to fall into any potential traps…no more nuke threading for me…although I know my nuclear opinions will be severley missed by those that are open enough to appreciate my ernst yet different view on the Nuke Japan thread…The Herman Meister:)

sorrry. didnt mean to do that… Just that its offtopic here. Sorry.