What weapons do you like or dislike?

The M-14 wasnt alot of trouble to hold on target when used with the bi pod, very stable, and controllable. Off hand it was tougher to hold on a particular target, so unless the baddies were way close,or very numerous, it was just wasting ammo. The AR-10 was a real beast, no way to hold that thing on any target off hand. (I tried several times,)

i like the browning BAR… very high powered and accurate due to the slow firing…
wait… we talking ww2 era?
modern weapons the Scar- H is the most versatile assault rifle to date…

Put me down for the Ma Deuce… the venerable Browning 0.50 caliber machine gun. Packs a great punch. Put eight of them in the wings of a P-47 and you better not be in its way…:mrgreen:

For close up work, a sharpened entrenching tool, mid-stuff an MP44, and my most favourate… an 81mm Mortar for taking out my enemies from long distance… :mrgreen:

Not often considered as “weapons” but I submit the Douglas C-47 aircraft and Liberty and Victory cargo ships as keys to WWII victory.

An interesting and useful contribution, which is worth pursuing on the distinction between weapons and other things which contribute on or to the battlefield.

A tank is commonly regarded as a weapon, but in reality it may be no more a weapon than a jeep.

It’s the gun(s) on the vehicle that is the real weapon, but a jeep-mounted recoilless rifle doesn’t convert a jeep into a weapon in most people’s eyes yet a tank is commonly seen as a weapon in the same way as an artillery piece.

As for Douglas C 47 / Dakota and Liberty ships etc, perhaps they are more accurately seen as the sinews of war rather than weapons per se.

However, if a Dakota was converted to a gunship a la Spooky / Puff the Magic Dragon in Vietnam, did that make the transport plane a weapon or just a weapon carrier?

No one has mentioned “Who-Me” yet,

If I were a ground pounder back then and saw an STG44 with ammo laying around…

I like the Sten gun, itself it wasnt a really good gun, but it was Cheap, very easy to make, small,
It was used by lots of resistance groups, and it got low recoil and its easy to shoot, the first stens were really bad the Jammed and fired unsafe
but the later versions were better, the Sten sub machine gun did his Job in world war 2.

And for a Rifle i would Choose the lee enfield. one of the fasted firing bolt weapons, and it can fire long range, and a very powerfull bullet.

Regards JDH

Just what i thought :slight_smile:

.50 Cal M-2 rules!
Trained with the M-14 and found it to be accurate to at least 500 yds. I believe all M-14’s had selective auto capability but required a special tool to convert from semi-auto. There were squad auto weapons with a heavy barrel and bi-pod. I know the USN Seals used M-14’s into the 90’s.
BAR was heavy and very hard to hold on target. 30-06 round was really too powerful for individual weapons, much prefer .303. Would choose SMLE over ‘03 Springfield and maybe over M-1 Garand. Firm believer in marksmanship over “spray and pray”.
No question, in my mind, .45 ACP over 9 mm - if you are experienced shooter.
I agree that of WWII individual weapons I would choose the German MP 42-45 .

“Sometimes gunpowder smells good.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

All M-14’s were originally envisioned to all be selective fire capable, but soldiers inadvertently turning them into anti-aircraft guns on full-auto sort of discouraged the military. Variants of the M-14 are still in use as intermediate sniper weapons and special operations use a cut-down version called the M-14 “SOCOM.”

I almost bought one recently, but they’re very pricey and in demand…

Yeah, I too have priced them and agree - can get an equilivant weapon for less money.


M-14 is an outstanding weapon and it was only due to interference from Curtis LeMay and the air-force that caused the M-16 to win out over it.

For WW2 I think one of the best weapons was the humble Bren gun, very versitile and an excellent squad weapon. Probably not too great in the LMG role due to its low mag capacity but decent calibre round, good rate of fire and range.

Taken from my personnal photo collection of Kandahar and the FOBs around:

My favourites from ww2
7.62 mm M1 carbine
7.62 mm SVT 40
7.62 mm M1 Garand
7.62 mm Sturmgewehr 44
9 mm Mp 40
9 mm P08 Luger
7.62 mm MG42
7.62 mm FG42
150 mm Panzerfaust
9 mm Walther P38
0.45 Colt 1911
0.45 Colt 1911A1
455 Webley Mk IV
9 mm Browning HP
7.65 mm TT
7.62 mm PPSH
0.38 or 7.65mm FÉG 37M
9 mm Király 43m

Russian M91/30 would probably be my favourite,because its what my grandfather used in the war. I also love the German K98 but dont have one yet,
A 91/30 I own that looks to have seen some action

The P-51 and the AK-47. Both just awesome.

a Mauser 8x57is with scope for the distance, a Kalaschnikov for the middle range, and a Ruger .45 Revolver for close combat… if that’s not enough, a nice Bowie knife would take care of the rest…
