Whats your Favourite Soviet War picture or poster?

Guys, be good and read all:


Maxim MG team manuvering through barbed wire:

Red Army on the move, standing room only :smiley:

Nice pictures Bas, good work mate 8)

Bas, do you know if that is pic an original or if it came from a film ?
I’m sure I’ve seen it before.

Yes it does look vaguely familiar, the soldiers have Russian helmets on but their coats look Polish. :? 8)

I thought the youngster carrying the ammo tin looked like the lad in “Cross of Iron.”

I got the picture from a Russian website. The uniform and equipment looks correct for the period. But in all probablity the photo is staged. I could well be from a 1950s Russian film, honeslty who knows for sure?

I see so many incorrectly labeled photos.

Edit more Photos:

Russian Military Policewoman? enjoying the cameraman’s attention:

Naval Infantry:

Red Army on the march:

Battle weary soldiers sleep in their US jeep with a captured MG34

Female snipers:

My favourite Russian propaganda image is this:

This is a faked Feldpostkarte that was airdropped over German soldiers on the eastfront. A caption can be found at:


Bas, do you know if that is pic an original or if it came from a film ?
I’m sure I’ve seen it before.[/quote]

You have to consider if are they posing for a movie-photo or is it real WW2 photograph which is really hard in this case, and these soldiers look like they are either going for battle/advancing or retreating and because its the Russians in either way i wouldnt have a smile on my face like that Soviet soldier on the left with the Radio does lol .

Nice picture Mate :smiley: , thats funny.
by the way, Welcome to the Site mate and if you need any help or a question dont hesitate to ask me :wink: .

CJ i’ve seen plenty of photos taken during WWII of smiling Russian soldiers. Also he’s carrying a ammo can not a radio.

Most photos both on the German and Russian side were taken for propoganda and posed. It was not uncommon for a photographer to grab a unit and get them to go through various mock senerios for a photo shoot.

This is also the reason why you rarely find pictures of Russian soldiers using camouflage, even though the Red Army were specialists in using camouflage and inflitration techniques. Red army manuals go into great depth about how to camouflage soldiers and equipment.
The Russian soldiers wanted to look garrison smart and neat in the pictures, having grass or other botanical camouflage material attached to the uniform was considered purely field expedient and definitely not smart. Back then it was before the Rambo look became fashionable. A smart soldier had polished boots and a clean shaven streamlined look.


Sure mate :smiley: , here check some of these out:


Seen any of them before Clauss??

Here is some pic :wink:

The last picture is good for avatar ,what you think CJ :wink:

Nice pictures Clauss did you scan them or find them on internet because they are fantastic, very nice work !!!

That picture you suggest should be put as an avatar is an excellent idea :smiley: , seeing as its also in Colour and shows a young Russian Soldier in his uniform for his country.
Alot of people have black and white avatars even though this site is WW2 in color, colour picture are more appealing to me :slight_smile: , i still like B & W though :wink: .

Why dont you send that colourful young Russian soldier picture to Erwin and ask him to reduce the size to a facial close up, maybe he could put some russian red stars on the pic. to ?? , Erwins good at doing that stuff :wink:


Personally I think he looks like a limp-wristed bus conductor, but if you like it go for it.

(The avatar I mean !)[/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol: , sorry thats just such a funny word to put it as mate, limp wristed bus driver lol.

I think he looks very Russian, Russian men arent normally the most exciting looking people Cuts :slight_smile: normally they look very hard and straight. 8)

I hope you like it . :wink:

That last picture is my favourite, it looks busy and authentic :slight_smile: , its also got a russian poster in the background of a soldiers head, im not sure if its german or russian?

Well i think in the left corner is german ,in the right russian :lol:

Check the text on the posters.

I thought some of youse were linguists ?