Where are you from?

anyways, if i want to go to travel to russia, where do you recommend me to go, except thos rail station, i might go see a hockey game there too:P

For the man who loves history, I’m strongly recommended a Museum of Military Artillery.

Very interesting place with great number of artillery examples from birth of gunpowder weapon. They have even 1 of 4 examples 405-mm self-propelled weapon, designed to shot with 2-kilotonn a-bombs. And other intresting things like tanks and guns. Great things!

Also I like this church:

If you come to St. Petersburg at summer, you can take a water ride:





But really, if you’ll be in St. Petersburg, sign me up and I give you a tour.

For the man who loves history, I’m strongly recommended a Museum of Military Artillery.

Very interesting place with great number of artillery examples from birth of gunpowder weapon. They have even 1 of 4 examples 405-mm self-propelled weapon, designed to shot with 2-kilotonn a-bombs. And other intresting things like tanks and guns. Great things!

Also I like this church:

If you come to St. Petersburg at summer, you can take a water ride:





But really, if you’ll be in St. Petersburg, sign me up and I give you a tour.[/quote]
thanks for the info, i will go to russia within three years, i will contact you if you are still on this forum by then:P
thanks again

Your always can catch me in ICQ or by e-mail

I recommend to visit a tank museum in Kubinka near to Moscow

Yep! I’d like to visit. Maybe on next year…

I’m from Scotland and currently live there near to Inverness.

I am planning on taking my Motorbike to Berlin (Spent 2 weeks there some years ago and I loved it) and would like to visit Russia on it as well someday especially Moscow and What was Stalingrad.


I’m from Poland and I live in Sosnowiec midle city on the south of Poland


I want to tell you an interesting story that was some time after the peak of Cold War. In a year 1991 one of our scientist, biologist went to USA to the conference. And wen he went in the city(don’t remember what, but that no important) he saw the gun store… Than what he told:

"When I come in to the store my hands self turned to AK-47. I ask the keeper of market to see it. When he gave it to me, I closed the eyes and like on civil protection examination decombined and combined in a 45 sec. When I opened eyes, the keeper ask me “You was a marine?” - “No” - I answered. -“Oh, you was soldier in Afganistan?” -“No, I wasn’t in army. I only studied this in civil protection lessons in the my middle school” . When I saw his eye, I unerstood why they call the Russia “Empire of Evil” :lol:[/quote]
sorry my english is like super suck, can you try to rephrase it? sorry if it offend you

Hmm… I think, that MY english is sux… :slight_smile: Maybe would better, if anyone who understood it rephrase it?

Are you talking about the story of the Russian guy who came to the USA??..i understood it just fine but i can rephrase it for you if you want. Your english isnt to bad you just have some words out of place which is pretty common. I had to correct my ex from finland alot before I finally got here Amercanized. :smiley:

I’ll be a thankfull if you rephrase it to FW-190 Pilot.

I want to tell you an interesting story that was some time after the peak of Cold War. In a year 1991 one of our scientist, biologist went to USA to the conference. And wen he went in the city(don’t remember what, but that no important) he saw the gun store… Than what he told:

"When I come in to the store my hands self turned to AK-47. I ask the keeper of market to see it. When he gave it to me, I closed the eyes and like on civil protection examination decombined and combined in a 45 sec. When I opened eyes, the keeper ask me “You was a marine?” - “No” - I answered. -“Oh, you was soldier in Afganistan?” -“No, I wasn’t in army. I only studied this in civil protection lessons in the my middle school” . When I saw his eye, I unerstood why they call the Russia “Empire of Evil” :lol:[/quote]
sorry my english is like super suck, can you try to rephrase it? sorry if it offend you[/quote]

So basically this Russian came to the US right after the Cold War. As you know we have gun shops everywhere in the US. So he decides to stop into one of the gun stores. He sees an AK-47 and asks the clerk to see the gun. Now the Russian has the gun…he closes his eyes and takes apart the gun and puts it back together in 45 seconds. The store clerk is impressed and asks him if he was in the Army…etc. The Russian replys that he learned it in middle school. (When he was growing up the Soviets thought there children at an early age basic civil protection (more or less how to defend your home or town in an emergency)) This is unheard of in the US. Most kids would not know how to do this in the US. When the Russian explained this to the store clerk he could see in his eyes why Americans thought the Russians where so evil. I can understand why the Soviets would teach this to their kids because of what happened in WW2. So that makes this story pretty funny to me. :smiley:

This is more of a cultural difference. Americans see kids with guns as crazy. Although you are seeing more and more of them here now days but not for civil protection but more for going to school and shooting other kids. :cry:

Hope this helps.

Memory of blood is very strong. More 50% of our children, when ask about granfathers or grandmoters have an answer -“He(she) was killed in the war…” When our children playing (“war” most popular game) they separated on “ours” and “nazi”… And about russian type of mind, we teach our children to use own power to protect self and relatives. Do not leave that to laws, police or goverment. You - man, and your must be protector of own family and country.

Thats understandable. There are many Americans that feel the same way. But that is because of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the 2nd admendment to the US constitution (the right to bear arms) I think these people go to far sometimes. You should watch Micheal Moore’s movie “Bowling for Columbine” I think this shows how crazy some of us our.

LOL Kids playing Russians vs Nazi’s. We played Russians vs Americans when i was growing up. Dont know what the kids play today…Americans vs Terrorists or Americans vs Axis of Evil or something like that. Best would be Americans vs Retards in the US Government. :smiley:

I though now is more popular something Emire vs Rebels from Star Wars :smiley: For me, I always was a fan of Empire order. And was a best pilot of TIE-Fighter between my friends of BGTU. :smiley:

But seriosly, russians mind is a combinations from west and east type of minds. Something strange in real. This is our tragedy and our pride. We can’t choose any ready way of evolution. We alwas must find our own way… This a reason, that we always made many mistakes in politics or inner problems. But this also a reason for that we finding a methods that noone can used…

Another topic that has been moved to keep things clear.

wow, thanks for the story, i also know taiwanese would have to have basic trainning of military to prepare for possible invasion from china

Sorry to all, i’m late… :smiley:
St. Petersburg, Russia.
Ex-cop, 34 old.
Frends sayd - “You are more American sometimes than Americans”.

About St. Petersburg. I’m an photografer a bit, maybe somebody liked mine pictures of St. Petersburg ?
Moment before rain
DON 5047
Fontanka the River

beautifull! :smiley: