With our most congenial high regards, to Her hindness the Queen, (mind you that Elton John doesn’t care to share that title,)
We the People of The United States of America take great pride, and care in electing carpet baggers, and ner’ do wells of all sorts as our leaders. We distract them while we tell everyone else to take one step back.(that is how we really do it you know)
We have noticed that there have been fewer really prime candidates this century, so using our superlative technological resorces,(note: no U in resorces) to isolate, and clone D.N.A. from our off shore hero Guy Fawkes, the one, and only man who had the right idea about government.His clones will serve as president for the forseeable future. (mind that there is a U in future, with one to spare).
Pres. Fawks will be appointing another technological fellow to be the Secretary for foreign Affairs,one Mr. Hydrogen. Who while being ever so busy, has on occasion made diplomatic trips to a couple of places.
I do agree with you Bravo , Americans are not the best at running the Government they are in charge of, today is the primary election in my state, and of the 800,000 people in my local area, only 200,000 or so are expected to vote.
I have said in other posts that it is a terrible waste of responsibility, and freedom to ignore the civic duty of voting, while in other countries, there is no vote, or one party, or vote at risk of one’s life. A sad, and terrible waste. But if we are invaded by someone, we can rest assured that McDonalds will insure their destruction before any real harm can be done.
:Take particular note:
The above posting is made in good humor,(if not good taste,,)
Do Not take it seriously, as that action may cause wrinkles, frowns,
and talking to one's self.