Who hates Britain and the British?

Abercrombie took Trinidad from the Spanish and left Lt Col Picton as the island’s Commandant (the same Picton who later met his end at Waterloo).

Picton took a fancy to a mulatto girl who was shacked up with an Irish sergeant in the British Army. In order to get the girl, Picton bribed her to accuse said sergeant of rape. This she did, and Picton hanged the sergeant and got the girl…the sun never sets on the Empire!! :slight_smile: http://www.friesian.com/british.htm

What is a grape? :confused: Is that like when you - okay, maybe not you, but like a friend of mine who sometimes has been unfairly accused of this sort of thing - puts his hand on a lady’s nice bits and gives them a friendly squeeze, which invariably is misunderstood by the time it gets to the anti-discrimination tribunal? :confused:

Yeah, well, envy ain’t the only ugly thing you’ll encounter that sits ugly on this shore. :wink: :smiley:

Spin is beneath a lawyer’s art. We leave that to third rate arts and economics graduates revelling in the cold and empty joy of being political party hacks and ministerial advisers who lack the nous to realise that they are what Orwell foresaw, and of even less value and a greater threat to society.

Much Wenlock?

Sounds like a town full of bastards who couldn’t be born in Much Wedlock. :smiley:

lol :slight_smile:

You appreciate, of course, that for the most part I’m at work and have not the time to give your comments the treatment they implore? :slight_smile:

Yeah, you’re probably flat out on the grape.

Or grope. :smiley:

Well, as Alij was questioning my sexuality, I did have one or standing to for a grope before setting off home, but said Alij assures me I’m a chap, and so, much to there disappointment, I’ve asked them to stand down. :smiley:

Well, and I say this as a mate without casting any aspersions on your sexuality, I think a proper chap would stand up. :wink: :smiley:

Let the beast sleep lest we arouse a rampant giant! :wink:

Who hates Britain and the British? Just about everybody including the British but especially the Nazis, imagine the Third Reich being beaten by a bunch of bloody amateurs! Oh the shame, the shame!

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

People tend to dislike that which they cannot do, or, are afraid of. So, imagine how much fear produces hatred! :wink: