Who hates Britain and the British?

Funny this one ,most of the guys throwing jokes about froggies never reply that.Probably because they don’t know England is playing Rugby as well?Or are just not interested.
I think we proved many times during the five and six nations that France was a team worthy enough?
Would you care to remind me the last time England won with a Grand Slam?
And it could go on and on and on…:mrgreen:
To end with a positive note,I thought England’s perfomance during the Olympic games was nothing short of extraordinary,truly amazing.

Well, the England Women’s team won the Grand Slam this year… The Men’s team last did it in 2003, only a year before the French last did it :stuck_out_tongue:

Just like I feel about Stevie, Ironman and others, I back your right to you having your opinion even though I may not agree with it. Now if you just didn’t sound so ignorant doing it. :slight_smile:

She’s an Australian, so it’s hardly her fault. :wink:

We always impose the highest standards for living here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PfDro1UGUo :o

I can’t see her nipples.

Apart from that, she looks just fine.

what took him so long???..That was an easy question. :slight_smile:

I don’t care!



As usual with us men, who’s looking at her head:D!

Isn’t the oversized head on a skinny woman a sure sign of bulimia?

Most definitly… :wink:



Where would the competition be without you…we’d probably have to argue with the Italians. :slight_smile:


To end with a positive note,I thought England’s perfomance during the Olympic games was nothing short of extraordinary,truly amazing.

Sucking up spoils the fun. :slight_smile:

We were okay at the sitting down events. :wink:

Indeed we could go on and on, but you did say something about shutting us up. :slight_smile:

Sorry i didt mean 2 sound ignorant,I dislike youre govenment more than the britons govenment.
Im not good at wording things

Yes, sorry about the crappo, English spelling I’m afraid. it should be Crapaeu.

Or even Crapaud?

Thank you…my Crapaud is crap! :slight_smile:

As an Australian used to mediocre performances by our mother country which has three times our population and which for a couple of decades hasn’t managed to achieve a medal tally equalling ours, I am not sure whether to be amazed that the Poms finally got a few more medals than us or that they foolishly think they’re as good as us despite still being way, way behind on a per capita basis.

Still, as the resident of a nation founded by the refuse of Britain, I congratulate Britain on finally managing to show, in a commendably environmentally conscious way, that it’s beginning to catch up with its refuse. :mrgreen:

We didn’t mean to win medals, we were happy to take part. The medals are merely bling. If your ancestors had stuck around until this became embedded in our psyche you would understand.

Meanwhile, we had an empire to take care of. :mrgreen:

My ancestors from your part of the world were Irish.

Proper Irish, not those bastard Scottish lowland no-hopers and the like imported into Northern Ireland to support British rule. :wink:

Then again, although it’s a bit embarrassing, one of my ancestors down here was an Irish sergeant in the British army in Tasmania. :frowning:

For a more impressive heritage, I’d be happier if he’d been a convict. :frowning:

Which, according to family legend, he very nearly became after objecting to an officer’s anti-Pope comment. :mrgreen:

And take care of it you did very well, to the extent that you have what left?

The Falklands, with their vast oil and gas reserves channelling endless energy into Britain from capturing sheep farts? :wink: :smiley:

Arh, the grape be sour…Ooh-aarh! :slight_smile:

Envy sits ugly on the fatal shore - I thought you bigger than that - or is it merely a lawyers spin?

Speaking of the Olympics, try this:

Welcome to Much Wenlock, the home of the modern Olympics - no! We’re not kidding!

In 1850 Local G.P. Dr William Penny-Brookes (1809 - 1895), who introduced physical education into British schools, inspired the fore-runner of the modern Olympic Games for the
“promotion of moral, physical and intellectual improvement” (no mention of bling) and although the Game’s venue is now decided by international committee rather than by by the parish council, we still hold our own Olympics here in protest every July - the other Olympics are also doing quite well too!

William Penny Brookes vision for the Olympic Games is hailed as one of modern sports greatest achievements. Of course, Baron de Coubertain was inspired to create the global event after a visit to the games in Much Wenlock.
