Who hates France / Frenchs ?

What would we do without our continental rivals to bring out the best in us. :slight_smile:

France 13 - England 24

Was that grinding Try, in the final moments of the game, ever going to happen?

Check out the highlights:


It was a pretty good match actually - and I think the French were rather unluckly that our first try got awarded.
Amusingly though, we’re now relying on them to beat the Welsh for us to have a chance :smiley:

Who hates Wales/Welsh? :smiley:

Fabulous game. As far as I’m concerned, a good game of rugby with two good teams battling it out, should always be scrappy. There’s always an element of luck, but usually it’s the better disciplined side, that sticks to their game plan, that wins through.

However one sees it, it was an entertaining game - kept me on the edge of my seat - what more can one ask for? :smiley:

They are not French by their nationality. Passport of the state does not change their ethnical origin and race. What’s more they don’t want to play these integration games imposed by the French government.

In my opinion, the French ought to be applauded for their Nationality policies regarding their colonies/former colonies.

Applaud for letting the influx of foreigners from former French colonies to France and creating ghettos?

Yes they are!

Applaud for letting the influx of foreigners from former French colonies to France and creating ghettos?

In the first instance, they are french citizens, which distinguishes them from foreigners.

Secondly, their are impoverished areas of economic decline in most societies. Much of this has come about because of the decline in the more traditionally, labour-intensive industries.

I see that your perception of nationality is limited to the piece of paper called passport.

In the first instance, they are french citizens, which distinguishes them from foreigners.

Lots of them do not have any French citizenship. The policy of integration of Negroes and Arabs into the French society has failed. The fact is often admitted even by local state officials and adherents of this policy.

Ok, I bow to your superior knowledge and understanding. I just don’t quite understand the difference between, say, an African-Carribbean born in Guageloupe, and a person of African-Carribbean parentage born in Paris?

Why is one French and the other not?

Lots of them do not have any French citizenship. The policy of integration of Negroes and Arabs into the French society has failed. The fact is often admitted even by local state officials and adherents of this policy.

The problems of immigration are myriad. Immigrants must be able to compete for work and housing, and if it hasn’t been planned properly there are strains on the infra-structure e.g. travel and communications, schools, hospitals, water and sewage - all of which must be financed to be improved etc. Its a very deep subject. Naturally, there are problems.

None of them is French. A negro or a descendant of a negro does not belong to a European nation. It is the same if you somehow got a Japanese passport and demanded that everyone should recognise you as a Japanese.

The problems of immigration are myriad. Immigrants must be able to compete for work and housing, and if it hasn’t been planned properly there are strains on the infra-structure e.g. travel and communications, schools, hospitals, water and sewage - all of which must be financed to be improved etc. Its a very deep subject. Naturally, there are problems.

In French case it is the problems with negro/Arabian immigration. There have been no problems with the immigrants from other European countries for centuries.

Does that mean that African-Americans are not American?

America has been the state of immigrants during its whole history.
American does not imply any concrete ethnicity and thus your approach is correct in case of the US. Everyone who holds an American passport is an American.

Thank you for explaining that.
I still have a problem getting my mind around the difference, but that’s probably due to a lack of academic training on my part (I dropped out of school at the age of fifteen, and went for a soldier - even before that, I struggled with the 'three R’s).

God bless you, Sir!

Hmmm… so do you resemble the phrase “sweating like a Para in a spelling test”? :wink:

Hmmm… so do you resemble the phrase “sweating like a Para in a spelling test”?

Is it subtle English and American humour?

Anytime I have to form words of more than one syallable :confused: - I’m not very bright, but I can lift heavy things!

I think PDF and I are both English?

Having said that, you have me somewhat confused, about myself, given the amount of different blood traces flowing through my veins.

As I commuted home this evening, I was observing people of different ethnicity to myself, and dwelling on what you have said. There was one rather attractive African-Carribbean lady who happened to catch my rather lecherous eye - both of them as a matter of fact.

It got me wondering. Now, what if I was many years younger and espied her, thinking to meself “Hey up, lad…I could go some of that!”(That’s how we Mancunians think to ourselves when we see a bit of alright - very suave, you see! ;))

Now, supposing she and I got wed. She’s African-Carribbean, and quite gorgeous, and I’m English (I think?). After a respectable time of wedded bliss, she gives birth to a beautiful baby girl, sired by myself, of course.

I’m English, the missus is African-Carribbean - what does that make my beautiful little girl?

And, is there any such thing as African-Carribbean, wouldn’t me missus be simply African? :confused:

Your beautiful little girl won’t be fitting either Negro or English ethnicity.
Race-mixing just creates problems for parents, their children and society.
Actually race-mixing destroys white society, its traditions, potential and future. Considering the significance and role of the white race for human civilization, the growing race-mixing will have devastating effects on the whole humanity.

How the frak do you work that one out? Culture mixing may do this, but unless you can demonstrate that anyone not “white” (and exactly how much melatonin in the skin does it take to make one white anyway? I’ve got a number of purely Northern-European friends with darker skin than some of my Chinese friends) is somehow massively genetically inferior to those who are “white” then you’re just being a racist troll.
Oh, and it’s also pretty demonstrable that only a small number of members of the “white race” have had a significant role in the way human civilization has developed - specifically those originating in what is now the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy and Greece. Once you get outside these countries the long term effect of the other “white” countries is pretty minor - Mongolia for instance can make a good case for having a far stronger effect than the Ukraine in the long term.

I am glad that you are able to differ Northern-Europeans from Chineses that is white Europeans from non-white Asians.
So you can call yourself a racist troll as well

Oh, and it’s also pretty demonstrable that only a small number of members of the “white race” have had a significant role in the way human civilization has developed - specifically those originating in what is now the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy and Greece. Once you get outside these countries the long term effect of the other “white” countries is pretty minor

Sciences, technologies, most of arts etc. have been created and developed by whites.
I speak about white people regradless of where they lived. You ignored the contribution of Slavic nations who have been the integrated and important part of the white race.

  • Mongolia for instance can make a good case for having a far stronger effect than the Ukraine in the long term.

Quite correct. You forgot to mention what effect Mongolians had. Their achievements were limited to the devastation of both white and non-white countries. They remained nomads lagging begind most of the nations that they subjugated in every field except military power. Soon they lost even the military advantage and were overthrown.

I think that Kato is really French, and that he and Natasha are coluding in a plot to persuade us that the French are more likable than the Ukraines. :slight_smile:

Errr… you what? They’re my friends, I’ve seen their passports and met their parents. Hence I know their origins.
Melatonin content in the skin is an objective measurement, and was not leading me to any value judgements about how good or otherwise they are. I’ve already made that judgement - they’re my friends after all. You were making a value judgement having never met them that those of Chinese parentage were inferior to those of European parentage. Thus making you a racist troll.

Which sciences, which technologies? The Industrial Revolution and it’s parent the Enlightenment happened among whites - to be exact in a small area of North-West Europe (principally England and Northern France) - before spreading worldwide. The concepts of zero and Algebra were invented in India and popularised by the Arabs. Gunpowder and paper came from China - and but for a series of unfortunate political events a hell of a lot of other technology would have too. Arts are too subjective even to bother replying about.

Now that’s just pure b*llocks. There has never been an integrated and monolithic “white race” - the various components of it have been perpetually at war with each other through the whole of recorded history and almost certainly prior to that. Furthermore, exactly what have the “slavic nations” contributed to the world? Apart from the 40 years of the cold war they have been in almost perpetual self-imposed isolation and maintained the stagnating hand of serfdom into the twentieth century (the west largely got rid of it after the Black Death kicked off, and prospered hugely as a result). The Slavs have been perpetually screwed over by geography and politics and apart from a handful of brilliant mathematicians in the last century have contributed virtually nothing to the world as a whole.

<shrugs> They knocked off the Abbasid Caliphate which was arguably the last serious threat to European Civilization (depends on if you consider that the Charles Martel stopped the Arabs for good at the Battle of Tours - I don’t). They also devastated Central Asia for good some places like Samarkand might have survived their coming, but few if any survived their subsequent fall in any shape worth mentioning.