Who hates France / Frenchs ?

Oh, I see. You are not able to differ a Chinese from a European without seeing his or her passport. Who is a troll here?

Which sciences, which technologies? The Industrial Revolution and it’s parent the Enlightenment happened among whites - to be exact in a small area of North-West Europe (principally England and Northern France) - before spreading worldwide.

The problem is that even the Industrial Revolution ( not to mention futher development of sciences and technologies) still can’t be conducted by locals in many countries.

Another incontestable fact is that the scientific and technological progress has been made by white people.

The concepts of zero and Algebra were invented in India and popularised by the Arabs.

There used to be nations of the white race in ancient India. Even nowadays there is a very small number of white descendants of them.

Now that’s just pure b*llocks. There has never been an integrated and monolithic “white race” - the various components of it have been perpetually at war with each other through the whole of recorded history and almost certainly prior to that.

What you posted contradicts the basic notions of all the related sciences. You are the first man who denies the existence of races and white European race in particular.

Furthermore, exactly what have the “slavic nations” contributed to the world? Apart from the 40 years of the cold war they have been in almost perpetual self-imposed isolation and maintained the stagnating hand of serfdom into the twentieth century (the west largely got rid of it after the Black Death kicked off, and prospered hugely as a result). The Slavs have been perpetually screwed over by geography and politics and apart from a handful of brilliant mathematicians in the last century have contributed virtually nothing to the world as a whole.

Evidently you were also kicked out of a secondary school at the age of 15 or most probably earlier. A handful brilliant mathematicians?

However, if you strain your brains you may recollect at least Mendeleev, the fact who was the first man in space, who was the father of Soviet space program that left Americans behind. You may recollect that the Slavs from the USSR were able to compete and outperform Americans and all their western European allies altogether in sciences, sports, global political struggle in spite of all the enormous tragidies they had to live through.

If you strain your brains a bit more, you’ll be able to get an idea about how many Slavs were among outstanding people in America and other western countries

Apart from the 40 years of the cold war they have been in almost perpetual self-imposed isolation and maintained the stagnating hand of serfdom into the twentieth century (the west largely got rid of it after the Black Death kicked off, and prospered hugely as a result).

It was the case for England. In continental Europe the abolition of serfdom started only after the French revolution mainly in the 19th century. The serfdom in Slavic territories were introduced in 16th and 17th centuries, (in the eastern regions of Ukraine only at the end of 18th) while the surfdom in England had existed since the 9th century. What 'hand of serfdom" in 20th century? The last Slavic territories where it was abolished was the Russian empire in 1861, it happened a few decades later after serfdom had been abolished in Germany and Austria.

<shrugs> They knocked off the Abbasid Caliphate which was arguably the last serious threat to European Civilization (depends on if you consider that the Charles Martel stopped the Arabs for good at the Battle of Tours - I don’t). They also devastated Central Asia for good some places like Samarkand might have survived their coming, but few if any survived their subsequent fall in any shape worth mentioning.

Arabian Caliphate was not destroyed and did not become subject to Mongols, Arabs were only ousted from certain areas in the Central Asia and Caucases. It had no impact on the situation in Europe
The European Civilization was saved by Eastern Slavs. It was their lands where Mongols suffered huge losses and had to stop their advance westward, inside Europe.

Actually, I seriously thought it was one of our Russian friends posing as a Ukrainian in order to make them look reasonable…:smiley:

Quote: “I’m English, the missus is African-Carribbean - what does that make my beautiful little girl?”

That makes her beautiful.And just to point out, the Afro-Caribbean people, are well mixed with most Sea faring races. including European.This accounts for their exotic looks, and ways.

I have to come back to this as this is where you have been wrong all along.

You demnstrate an inability distinguish between issues of race and those of nationality.

Throughout history and prehistory, humans have always been economic migrants and/or expansionists.

The ‘well grieved - Bronze Age - Argives’ of Homer’s Iliad - Achilles, Agamemnon, Ajax and so on - were not of the same race as the Dorics of Athens and Sparta - Leonidas, Pericles, Xenophon, Socrates - who defeated the Persians in 5th century B.C.E. Yet the Romans considered them all to be Greeks.

You’re twisting and turning your argument to suit your needs rather than arguing your real point.

African-Americans are American, but African-Caribbeans cannot be French. What nonsense!.

Do you think that because I lack education, that I am an absolute nincompoop?
I know people that have been educated well beyond their intelligence, are you one of those?

By the way, I wasn’t kicked out of secondary school. I chose to leave.
For an educated person, you certainly leap, feet-first into the wrong conclusions.

Aah, God bless you, sir!

It’s generaly accepted that, throughout the natural world, hybrids inherit the stronger qualities of both parents.

Nick - you’re most likely a genius! :smiley:

Depends what they look like, how they talk, etc. Ant was born in Hong Kong but is visually virtually indistinguishable from a southern European.

Lots of good reasons for that - logistics and resources mainly. Same also applies to large parts of Europe (e.g. Yugoslavia) and until the EU spent obscene amounts of money sorting them out applied to the majority of Europe (c.f Spain 30 years ago).

So incontestable that you feel no need to offer evidence to support it despite my previous counter-examples. Hmmm…

Uh huh. What has that got to do with anything? Unless you can demonstrate that all the Indians to have contributed to science and technology were white, nothing at all.

To be exact, I said they were not “integrated and monolithic”. The history of England and France over the past 1000 years should demonstrate this adequately!

Nah, I was aged 23 when I left. What can I say, I’m a slow learner :wink:

Now this is getting funny. You’ll be quoting the East German Women’s Shot-Put team as an example of superior “white” physical performance next, along with the KGB Dwarf as the first man on the moon.
The Soviets achieved what they did by deliberately neglecting other areas so as to have a few successes, which they they hyped up for propaganda reasons.
Furthermore, you may note that I excepted the years of the cold war from those when the Slavs were completely useless. Still, don’t let the truth get in the way of a good strawman.

Uh huh. That only supports my arguament that race/genetics is irrelevant and politics/economics make the difference between success and failure. The fact that so many of the most famous slavs achieved their success in the West should tell you something.

The Eastern Slavs took huge losses and kept losing. They were saved when the Great Khan died and the Mongol army went home again to elect a new Khan.
And the Caliphate was broken, not Arab civilization. The difference is that afterwards they were sufficiently fractured that subsequent assaults on Europe (e.g. the Ottomans at Lepanto and Vienna) could be repulsed.

[QUOTE=pdf27;118939]Depends what they look like, how they talk, etc. Ant was born in Hong Kong but is visually virtually indistinguishable from a southern European.

It does not make any sense.

Lots of good reasons for that - logistics and resources mainly. Same also applies to large parts of Europe (e.g. Yugoslavia) and until the EU spent obscene amounts of money sorting them out applied to the majority of Europe (c.f Spain 30 years ago).

What do you compare? Negros who had not been obstructed to develop by any large wars, any Mangols by the 19th century ( the time of massive colonization). In spite of it they had lived almost in the stone age in Africa until the colonization by Europeans. In the 17-19th century the level of development of nations in Subsaharian Africa lagged behind any European nations for thousands years. It would continue to be the same unless the colonization.

To be exact, I said they were not “integrated and monolithic”. The history of England and France over the past 1000 years should demonstrate this adequately!

And what out of it? There are varieties within the race. If there were no varieties it would be more like a nation than a race.

Now this is getting funny. You’ll be quoting the East German Women’s Shot-Put team as an example of superior “white” physical performance next, along with the KGB Dwarf as the first man on the moon.
The Soviets achieved what they did by deliberately neglecting other areas so as to have a few successes, which they they hyped up for propaganda reasons.

What other areas? Yes, there were the shortage of goods of mass consumption. And what out of it? A superpower does not have to be the best in producing clothes and chewing-gums.

Furthermore, you may note that I excepted the years of the cold war from those when the Slavs were completely useless. Still, don’t let the truth get in the way of a good strawman.

The Russian Empire played the leading role in European and Asian affairs in the nineteenth century. Slavs fram the tsar army defeated Napoleon armies made up of Western Europeans, they captured Paris, raided accross Europe. Actually The Russian Empire was addressed as the policeman of Europe at that time.

By the way there is only one superpower today - the USA. The rest of white states from the EU and Nato including Britain, Australia, New Zealand have been just ordinary states for the last 60 years . So according to your logic you can say that they were completely useless even during the cold War and are useless now.

Uh huh. That only supports my arguament that race/genetics is irrelevant and politics/economics make the difference between success and failure. The fact that so many of the most famous slavs achieved their success in the West should tell you something.

The problem is that African immigrants achieved only the right to get welfare, different support from the state and the unique right to go unpanished after mass riots and crimes in Europe and the US.

The Eastern Slavs took huge losses and kept losing. They were saved when the Great Khan died and the Mongol army went home again to elect a new Khan.

Yeah and they calculated votes for another two centuries

And the Caliphate was broken, not Arab civilization. The difference is that afterwards they were sufficiently fractured that subsequent assaults on Europe (e.g. the Ottomans at Lepanto and Vienna) could be repulsed.

The decline of caliphate started long before Mongols. Caliphate was not capable to hold grounds in Europe not to mention expand there before the clash with Mongols.
The caliphate was not broken by Mongols. A person from Abbasid House was installed as Caliph at Cairo under the patronage of the Mamluk Sultanate; however, the authority of this line of Caliphs was confined to ceremonial and religious matters, and later Muslim historians referred to it as a “shadow” Caliphate.
What about Ottoman Caliphate? It was created with the help of Allah out of nothing?


What do you compare? Negros who had not been obstructed to develop by any large wars, any Mangols. In spite of it they had lived almost in the stone age in Africa until the colonization by Europeans. In the 19th century the level of development of nations in Subsaharian Africa lagged behind of any Europen nations for thousands years. It would continue to be the same unless the colonization.

That’s because Africa was warm and balmy, and there was food aplenty, my friend.

You seem to be displaying symptoms of Hubris - are you well?


Oh you are right. There have been severe winters in Greece and Italy. And Europe did not have any food.


Thank you

You seem to be displaying symptoms of Hubris - are you well?

Hubris? You seem to display the symptoms of disengaging with reality.

Whatever you have?.. it must be contageous!

You may hide under your chair then.

Now that’s spooky…how did you know where I was?

Do you mean you are already under your chair? Then you should give up to the police and say that you are infected.

Yes, i just popped down there to recover my map of the white caucasian steppes. :wink:

You keep the map with the white caucasian steppes apart from the one of the white caucasian forests? A smart move.

You think?

Of course. You acted like a real English officer.