Who wants to be a mod?

i would be happy to, but theres probably people with better seniority than me

I think Chevan, because of his excellent taste in German women could be a candidate. Just don’t let him mod the Argentine models section.:shock:


I think Chevan, because of his excellent taste in German women could be a candidate. Just don’t let him mod the Argentine models section

Hehe, that was a good one :cool:

I will take a shot at it

Some people may be reticent to put themselves forward for the post even though they’d be ideal, therefore I’d like to propose 1000ydstare as a moderator.

His discussions with other members have generally been about fact rather than opinion, and his responses propotionate to the replies he received. If he is incorrect about something he is quick to admit it and apologise.

I believe he would fulfill the duties of a moderator dilligently and evenhandedly.

I would like to suggest MOS as a mod.

I agree with everything Cuts said.

1000ys also has sound military knowledge and experience, which is an added benefit in a moderator on a military history site.

1000yard would make a fine Mod methinks. No doubt aboot it…

So would Rising Sun*…

No, he wouldn’t.

I know him quite well enough to know he’s a bad type.

He’s drunk most of the time he’s on here.

He’s drunk most of the time he’s anywhere, not that he remembers where he’s been.

There’s also the problem that his mother was a hamster and his father smelt of elderberries, so he farts in everybody’s general direction.

He is a fermenting recipe for moderating disaster.

You do realize that all of the above makes you a prime candidate? :smiley:

I’m prepared, reluctantly, to accept that those qualities could propel me to the forefront of the race for the next successful Republican candidate for President of the United States of America. At least I’d be a drinker and get your lot into a lot less trouble than the current teetotaller has. :smiley:

However, we’re talking about WWII in Color Forum, which has higher standards.

And a better field from which to choose. Of which I am not part. :smiley:

I second third and fourth the suggestion of 1000 Yard stare

One comment on mod selection - already two of us (Firefly and myself) are British and with some form of association with HM Forces. It would probably be helpful for the new mod(s) to be from outside that particular community simply because it is unrepresentative of the membership here and we don’t wish to risk this site ending up being run by a particular clique.
With Dani being busy, we currently have 2 UK mods, one Argentinian and one US. Any volunteers to widen this group?

I don’t think the nationality of a moderator should come into the choice at all, it should revolve around their ability to moderate impartially.
However, if it’s to be discriminatory like that, how about a Cloggie ?

MoS fits the bill & has already been proposed by Mike M. so I’ll second him.
Besides, his knowledge of WWII (and other) small arms is both very deep and of a practical nature.

I think Kato would be a fine mod. His posts are all balanced and consistent, ans show a deep understanding to the greater geopolitical developments around the world. He also shows an unquenchable thirst for ever greater knowledge!

MoS … you have some support but do you have any interest?

Well, if my arm were to be twisted, I could do it. Doing my duty, and all that.

I hope I would be online enough to do a good job!

Yeah, why the hell not?

Is that a no then?

Not a “no”, more of a “you would be less controversial if you were from somewhere else”. So far as I know the only hard and fast rules are:

  1. Has to be about a lot
  2. Not a nutter

You qualify on both…

Given the documented contrary evidence of moderated posts, this is hardly a hard and fast rule…