Who wants to be a mod?

Funnily enough you’re not going to catch me commenting one way or the other on this. I will say, however, that it is a quality we look for when adding new mods…

Given the documented contrary evidence of moderated posts, this is hardly a hard and fast rule…[/quote]
Funnily enough you’re not going to catch me commenting one way or the other on this. I will say, however, that it is a quality we look for when adding new mods…[/quote]

It’s probably most politic not to. :smiley:


This is, after all, an English speaking forum. Seems a bit rough to exclude an Englishman because he’s English.

I think the only issue is the ability to moderate, judged on criteria other than nationality.

If nationality comes into it, then it is irrationally discriminatory to reject someone who’s otherwise well qualified to be a mod purely because of his nationality.

Another thing is that the composition of the board changes all the time. What’s representative or unrepresentative now mightn’t be in a couple of months.

However, if it’s to be discriminatory like that, how about a Cloggie ?

MoS fits the bill & has already been proposed by Mike M. so I’ll second him.
Besides, his knowledge of WWII (and other) small arms is both very deep and of a practical nature.



This is, after all, an English speaking forum. Seems a bit rough to exclude an Englishman because he’s English.

I think the only issue is the ability to moderate, judged on criteria other than nationality.

If nationality comes into it, then it is irrationally discriminatory to reject someone who’s otherwise well qualified to be a mod purely because of his nationality.

Another thing is that the composition of the board changes all the time. What’s representative or unrepresentative now mightn’t be in a couple of months.

…[/quote]My bold.

Yes, so-called ‘affirmative action’ is wrong, ugly and indefensible wherever it is found.

I don’t have a problem with another UK mod. If he has all the right qualifications and wants the job, don’t let politics stand in the way. JMHO.

I tend to agree with PDF here. However, that said, this is an English speaking site and a good understanding of English is required.

Although not positive discrimination I dont thank it would be good for the site to have all the Mods in the UK military, just as I dont think it would be good for them all to be from the US. We need a good balance that relects the site make-up while sticking to the English speaking premise and qualifications.

However, and theres always a however. We do need the best people for the job and so I would be willing to accept anyone who would do it properly.

He would also resolve the emerging concerns about having another UK mod.

Kato’s ability to cut through the intricacies of many complex historical issues to reveal the simple facts and themes which underlie them, notably America’s responsibility for everything including and since the Ten Plagues swept ancient Egypt, would bring a new and unusually vital perspective to the moderating function.

If the administrators are looking to escape the predictable European empiricist historical approach of rigorous objective fact-based analysis which we may expect will infect 1000ys and MOS, Kato is definitely the way to go for an innovative and challenging approach, uninhibited by centuries of European intellectual historiography now comprehensively discredited by those versed in deconstructionism and semiotics under the influence of Derrida et al and the post-structuralists and post-modernists.

For me, Kato shines as the dawn of a new era in moderating.


It’s true! Gentlemen, amend your textbooks:


:smiley: I just spit up a hot beverage…

Very apt, but I think Kato would object to America being responsible only for man made hurricanes.

Kato and others like him know that America is responsible for all disasters on earth, not least the one shown below and many like it in Europe where the Americans didn’t have to be and, in many cases, haven’t been wanted since they selfishly took up land like this just to show the Europeans what a selfish land-grabbing bastard the average American is.

Lorraine American Cemetery and Memorial, Saint-Avold, Moselle, Lorraine, France.


Ooof. I just spit up more hot beverage and will and be billing this website for the cost of my cheap shirt…

Suffice to say, Kato has failed to blame the US for Stalin’s occupation of the Ukraine. He of course found the real targets, Polish children that had the audacity to pose for photographs after having their throats slit in an effort to discredit the efforts of the valiant Ukrainian insurgent army…

And methinks you “read” too much into Jacques Derrida, after all, as the greatest news source ever, The Onion, put it: “Jacques Derrida - ‘dies.’” :wink:


But when you deconstruct ‘read’ there’s nothing left but symbols on a page, which is where semiotics comes in. Or doesn’t. :rolleyes:

Just in the interests of concealing from the mods and admins that some of us haven’t gone way off topic, I think I should repeat that 1000ys or MOS are fine with me as mods.

As long as they’re not deconstructionists.

Or Kato.

Or that words can be used to deceive - and that hidden meanings are multiple and that meanings are all in the interpretation of “these truths” in which we hold to to be “self-evident”…

“Information is not truth” my friend. And it can be used to manipulate what ever objective truths we’ve arrived at. And Derrida was not anti-Western thought, he was the embodiment of the best of it, which is why even European, or more specifically, French leftists had more of a problem with him as those of the more conservative strand - because he refused to be assimilated or subsumed by them or any specific agenda which claim to have the remedy for all of our social maladies…

You might be interested in Derrida’s reaction (a French-Algerian Jew) when he found out a prominent fellow deconstructionist, Yale Prof. and former anti-Semitic article writer Paul DeMan, wrote for pro-German fascist newspaper during WWII in either occupied Belgium (I believe). This came to light after his death and was quite, well, ‘ironic’ shall we say… :smiley:

Just in the interests of concealing from the mods and admins that some of us haven’t gone way off topic, I think I should repeat that 1000ys or MOS are fine with me as mods.

As long as they’re not deconstructionists.

Or Kato.

LOL I agree. Cuts would make a fine Mod as well. So would the Stoat Man :evil: Anybody but me and you actually! I’ll have more to say on this later…

I will finally reveal the hands down, best man for this sites Mod in an upcoming post when I have more undisturbed time…

You forgot evil white people blew up the levees to displace poor black residents in New Orleans, and the 9/11 Attacks were just a conspiracy so we could invade Afghanistan and Iraq and get more heroine and oil flowing!

Lets try to keep this one on track…remember not a big problem to start another thread.

I don’t know he’s been asked yet, but I think George Eller warrants consideration.

He’s mature and sensible, rarely posts anything in anger, and seems to get along with everybody here regardless or national, partisan, or historical beliefs - and is a generally respected member of this site. At least that’s how it seems to me. He’s worked hard to the benefit of this site and has posted much relevant information from his own extensive personal resources and works hard to research answers to actual questions raised on this board. George has much background and life experience to speak from, which I suspect is one of the reasons he rarely delves into the realm of the personal with “internet flame-war” crap, because he’s above it. He’s pretty even tempered in my book, and has shown good judgement. He has had posters register here to make specific requests for information and is just one hell of a nice guy. And BTW, none of of the above is really a prerequisite for being a good mod.

In any case, while it is nice to put forward names and “start a movement” to get certain people the tap on the shoulder, and I agree that most here would make fine mods, and would indeed be needed if this site saw increased traffic for whatever reason. I think the experience here is leading to believe that I missed quite a bit during the “closed” Falkland Forums era, of which I came in at the very end of, from which much bad blood seems to spring forth. And I have to say that none of it is appropriate on a site dedicated to WWII as its prime focus. In any case, that doesn’t matter. What does matter is that modding ain’t rocket science. All that is required here is the ability to show up and crush spam links, and user the IDs creating them, with the deletion button with the added caveat of dealing with the occasional board crisis. Taking one’s job too seriously, and using the deletion button to settle scores or without any sort of proper thought, and being inconsistent are all sins which anyone doing the job must balance against the greater interest of the site, and perhaps are in everyones’ human nature.

Suffice to say: I really don’t want to see “agenda” modding, or people being modded just to stick fingers in certain people’s eyes, nor do I want to see this board devolve into petty wars, campaigns, and popularity contests. Apart from that, a nice cherry on the cake, as it were, is to have somebody that can provide a little leadership, which I have some experience at sites which are devoid of it. However, I think that is mitigated here because the overall, relatively small, poster community here is focused on the task at hand, which is talking history. And for the most part, with the possible exceptions of those that seem to have a “revisionist history agenda” and gaping double standards in seeming choices of, and emphasis on, certain topics, there is very little problem here as the flaming is kept to a minimum and the complete idiots are thrown out. Possibly because the overall stable of regulars here are educated, experienced, and articulate.

Having said that, anyone could really mod here and no special qualifications are needed other than basic good sense. I think some infrequent but long time posters like "Redcoat or Bravo32 could certainly fill the bill as well. But of course, they don’t show up all that often.

Why George would do well here is that he’s mellow and seems to demonstrate good judgement, entirely unlike myself, of whom, I’ll just say I’m “slightly mad” as someone once described me. And probably would not do well as a mod here, and I cherish the fact that I can simply not post a a given site for weeks or months, and not have to worry about checking forums to insure that spammers or other malicious assholes have been there…

Well, there it is: George Eller for mod!

And I would like to say that 1000yards, Man of Stoat, RS*, Cuts, Redcoat, 32Bravo, and probably some others who have been here a while would also do well and I’m sure could ably do this job. Of course, my dearest new internet friend Kato would be the bestest.:slight_smile:

I would like to thank the admins for allowing this input and discussion. You certainly do not see that often I think and this process is far more democratic than at possibly 90% of these sorts of forums.

Cheers with beers and vodka It’s just my $.02

Sorry to keep this off topic for a minute, but just an observation and not really worthy of it’s own thread.

The space between the headstones does seem to be a bit further than at British, Commonwealth and European sites. Is there anything in American law/custom that would cause this? Or perhaps the Americans may use the space in between for other things? ie the internment of other soldiers who may be found, or die later.

Not normal, perhaps for a American to choose to buried outside of America, but I have been told that plots are left vacant in Arlington on occaisison to allow family members to be close after death. Perhaps wives or other family members could be buried next to their fallen?

Bayeux cemetary (British).

One thing I did notice on some of my visits to War Graves of WW2, bomber crews (from the same plane) are nearly alwasy buried together and often the headstones (at least) are closer together than others in the cemetary. As seen in the American cemetary, there is often no other groupings of any kind other than when the lads were found.

It is entirely normal to see all the different capbadges and religions buried amongst each other. Hence the Star of David of the Jewish faith that will pop up amongst the Crosses of those of Christian faith.

Dear Nick,

Thank you for your confidence - I am very flattered.

However, please read the private message that I sent you. :slight_smile:

Take Care,


So, after all the above, are we going to add a new mod?

If so, who is it?