WHO's the next World Power???

Old wpns? INSAS is not old:


As pdf says:

Why not actually learn something about it rather than changing your opinion based on unsupported statements by random people on the internet?

Why not actually learn something about it rather than changing your opinion based on unsupported statements by random people on the internet?
Some of the Indian equipment may be old, but much of the kit the Chinese have is similarly (if not more so) archaic. Furthermore, the Indians have a long history of fighting and winning wars. It was an Indian army that crushed the Japanese in Burma, and they have kept in practice in Pakistan, Kashmir and the like. Oh average, I’d have to say that the Indian troops are better trained and have better doctrine/history supporting them, and generally better kit too.[/quote]

Quite right.
The Indian sub-continent is home to some of the most martial races on the planet, Sikhs, Dogras, Rajputs, Jats etc. and not forgetting the Gorkhas.
Their performance in the past, in both world wars and in Kashmir etc since, suggest they would be no pushover.


Furthermore when talking about armies having old kit let’s not forget that the mujahdeen beat the soviets with ancient kit.

Afganistan is’n it 1989.


(google is more efficient than asking bone questions)…

sir ,yes sir :lol: :lol: :lol:

True words Firefly![/quote]

With all respect Firefly, the U.S.A after 4 years is still trying to conquer Iraq, they wouldnt defeat India in 36 hours…

True words Firefly![/quote]

With all respect Firefly, the U.S.A after 4 years is still trying to conquer Iraq, they wouldnt defeat India in 36 hours…[/quote]

Thats what I said isn’t it?

Canada is a lover.
Iraq is in ruins.
India is 8) .
China is :frowning: .
Russia is gangsta.
France is cheesey.
Britain is rainy.
Germany is shallow.
America is cocky.
Mexico is America’s bitch.
Italy has pasta.

Which one wins?
America, the Pimp always wins…

But really people, the next World Power would probably be India, everyone says India is like just villages and shacks, but India in fact has the most technologically advanced cities in the World, if you ask me India will become ruler of all, and India is starting to make China its bitch, and if India becomes pimpin OH LORDY 'specially with China :stuck_out_tongue:

India has done allot with computer technology and stuffff. Smart blokes.

i tihnk america will be still empire

i tihnk america will be still empire[/quote]

Has America ever been an empire ?

Nope, we are too cool for that… And we don’t have a country that you can drive through going East to West in under 3 hours unlike most European countries, Notice in history that the huge countries never expanded their land.

SAM,it´s bloody obvious,usa is america,usa is an empire,the empire.they are the power of the world,we walk around usa.

America is an Empire, or foods and people…

Are we keeping this purely military, in reference to world power?
The economic power of the European states - not a single nation but a world power nevertheless has yet to be realised.

Japan as an economic power is presently underming alot of the markets that the USA used to rely on.

As a Military power India has been booming economically whilst still running wars on two of its northern borders, War will normally create depression for the agressor but not in Indias case.

and if a War were ever to occur between the Chinese and America, after the mutual destruction of one anothers forces I would not be surprised if it was China that got back to its feet most keenly consistently.

can we have some defining characteristcs for “world power” so that we can evaluate this porperly - It is evident in this forum who asks questions to find answers and who asks questions to bless the world with their opinions!!!

Well said

while china is certainy an economic powerhouse now, its also a military weakling. its nuclear arsenel is far inferior to america’s and it has a no offensive navy. its airforce is poorly trained and fly old aircraft. chinese technology have not yet reached western standards. china relies on copying other technologies/ reverse engineering or simply buying stuff from russia.

the only advantage is the fabulously enormous population, which would provide an endless amount of fodder for a ground war. i believe many of china’s army divisions aren’t even motorized!!!

No you are wrong

The People’s Liberation Army Air Force is the largest military air force in the world with over 6,000 military airplanes and over 300,000 active personnel. The new PLAAF is updating its inventory of MiG-21 and MiG-19 copies with planned purchases of the advanced Russian made Sukhoi SU-27 FLANKER series and the newly developed J-10 strike fighter.



Do you think then this is not good ,lool this