WHO's the next World Power???

go back to topic, or
go back off topic?

is that a question or a demand.

Bluffcove do i ever insult you or tell you something bad no ,i dont know english good ,do you copy that ,and what you have against me .

go back topic,demand(CLOSE TO ANOTHER WARNING)


Bluffcove do i ever insult you or tell you something bad no ,i dont know english good ,do you copy that ,and what you have against me .[/quote]

you are far too quick to take offence, you are proud and do not clibm down form correction, your reaction to an observation was not to explain you didnt speak english well it was to hurl obscenities, you are a relative newbie ot the forum and you offended one of the most long standing and easy going members of the old guard, He is I am sure you will notice one of hte members that has valid opinions and information and you would do well whilst new not to antagonise him.

Or many of the others. You are brash abrasive and reminsicent of a cock, though in many ways you are starting to form your own “coquettish” identity.

I hope that clears that up.

being “new” is related to time served and has nothing to do with rank or medals - ask a TA Subby! (me shortly)

go back TO topic and shut up

India… and go!

(I would say more but ive just had my freedom of speech removed by the MOD - free one way flight in a herc is next :D)

Your freedom of spech is for talking on topic,there are certain rules,im afraid you respect them in your army,so,it´s easy to respect the rules of a forum,come on!,you can,it´s not too hard.

The rules in the army keep “me”, my men and my command alive.

Your rules make you feel better about yourself, I hope you appreciate the differnence, regardless of whether you do I intend to fully explore the differences.

fake,it was made (not by me),to make this a better place.

You dont need to have the last word, The mods cann actually allow things to evolve through threads, not every post needs a “thank you.”

Some cheeky asides are permitted get out of hteway and allow the india comments to grow!

The discussion was about a “world” power not a military power. India is the Worlds largest stable democracy, It has the cleanest bill of health, as it were, of any modern democratic nation. Mahatma Gandhi bought the Indian people their independence without violence through all the official channels, and it was the Indian citizens that administered and ran the Raj in India. consequently they are a much more efficient beauraucracy than many others. Trade in India is huge, Ther ability to do things themselves which was given its genesis under the Raj has menat that rather than buy foreign products they will buy the designs and patents then make them “in country” at much reduced prices. Their nuclear programmes overtook their technical support during the 1980’s because of this ability to research and develope quickly.

Economically they govern the subcontinent and an aweful lot of the trade in oil that we should expect from the caucasus over the next few years could quite possibly be coming south through India and Pakistan to reach the ocean. The wealth that we presently see in the Gulf coastal States COULD be seen again in the Indian continent.

I still stand by India and what Bluffcove said :slight_smile:

Clauss, I give you an informal warning to stop insulting. I received your PM and also I reply.
Bluffcove, if you’ll re-read ( :smiley: it’s English??) http://www.ww2incolor.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=14697#14697, you’ll understand why I start to delete 10 posts of yours.
Thanks and kindest regards.
P.S. Stop ridiculize the names of other users (This is not an informal nor a formal warning - it’s just a friendly advice).

Which ten posts have been deleted?

are they removed from my count or from other threads?

Up to now I deleted only four useless posts in several threads. Still six remains. You could delete yourself by hitting ‘edit’, deleting and writing post deleted.

Edited: Forgot to mention: When a post is deleted, it is substracted also from the count.

I think that China have a gigantic economic potential.

If China improves it military projects, the potential not only would be economic… political too.

china, first of all, needs a better educated populace…