Why Hitler lost WW2.

Actually i think we forget one factor in the Pacific during that time called Japan , what would been if Japan stroke USSR in the back , the USSR would never got the troops needed and we won’t call Hitler so stupid or Italy so not powerful ally i think it was just the japanise choice that turned the war i think rather than anything else .

I think the second front was the back. You can’t have two fronts. It’d be like one person being two different people, which is impossible. I think his problem was opening his back. That’s how he got reamed up the arse by the Russkis. It’s like bending over to pick up the soap in the showers in a prison. Starts out clean and simple, but someone always ends up in the shit.

Yeah, you’re right.

A pity Hitler didn’t have you on his general staff to avoid those problems.

He was stupid to have Russia as an Axis ally when Russia swung its supply lines, troops and equipment against him. Especially after Barbarossa when Hitler went to a lot of trouble to send as many forces as he could spare to support his Russian ally against them.

No, he was born in Australia, a really warm country, which is why he failed to understand the Russian winter.

Also, his mother was a kangaroo, which is why he was always jumping from one thing to another.

Sooo… you’re pretty much saying that Hitler was Stalin’s prison bitch?

No, he was born in Australia, a really warm country, which is why he failed to understand the Russian winter.

Also, his mother was a kangaroo, which is why he was always jumping from one thing to another.

Haha, that actually made me laugh out loud :D… Everybody in the study area is looking at me funny…:oops:

PS: That was pretty aggressive, RS*… :neutral:

I hadn’t thought of it that way, largely because it hadn’t occurred to me that soap had reached Russia before the war (Chevan and Egorka, forgive me, for I know not what I do :D).

But, yeah, in the end Adolf, even though he was a burnt out shell of himself by war’s end, was Joe’s punk.

Yes, and this is even stranger, Hitler’s father was a wombat. A wombat, like a kangaroo, is a marsupial but it is a burrowing one (very handy for building bunkers) which eats roots, shoots and leaves. They are an emblematic animal for the Australian adult human male who emulates them in his brief contacts with the Australian adult human female (most of whom are called Sharon or something ending in ‘elle’), as soon after meeting the Sharons etc the average Aussie bloke eats, roots, shoots, and leaves.

It will become clearer as we progress.

Now I understand, RS*

Viper: He was making a joke. And to clarify things: Yes, Hitler was Austrian and didn’t become a German citizen until the 1920s, IIRC.

Sorry to correct you, RS*, I know I’m just nitpicking here, but he was the child of an Austrian Wombat, a subspecies that was exterminated during the Holocaust. This leads many historians to believe that Hitler’s relations with his Dad might have been sub-ideal.

Highly unlikely. A paranoid Stalin had recently finished savagely purging (changing) his entire military, mainly the offiicer corps, particularly the upper ranks, ie: he be-headed his armed forces. Although the Russian military looked good on paper with large numbers of men and equipment (albeit poorly trained and obsolete), it was leaderless, and intimidated by a Kremlin ready to punish risk taking and perceived disloyalty to the state. The loyal political types he hastily promoted still left his military effectively devoid of men schooled for decades in military tactics, and experience leading men into battle. Small wonder the recently battle hardened, superbly lead, highly disciplined, well educated, experienced, and highly motivated German military rolled over them in the beginning. The two biggest advantages Stalin had was the vastness of his country, and General Winter.

And it was only Germany’s stunning initial successes that made Stalin at least subdue, for a time, his paranoia and use the military properly to fight for Russia’s survival. Great Patriotic War, my foot. It was as much, or more, about Stalin saving his own ass, and power.

You’re very right about Stalin ‘beheading’ his own military. Hitler was very well aware of that, which was why he accepted him as an ‘Ally’ at first. The Winter War against Finland, however, was a fantastic failure for the Russian Army, and brought to light just how much damage the ‘beheading’ had caused.

Stalin was working hard to fix those problems and bring back a decent leadership to his army. Hitler realized that, too, and part of the reason for the timing of Barbarossa was that he feared Stalin might fix up his military back up to a dangerous strength for Germany, and he chose to strike before that happened.

Surely when Adolph was born it was still officially the Australian-Hungarian Empire? This stretched from the Danube all the way to Queelong if my history is correct.

I believe to get to Germany Hitler had to walk all the way and thats why it took him from 1918 to 1922, using 73 pairs of jackboots on the way, which is still a Guinness world record to this day.

From the wiki

Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was an Australian-born German politician and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated NSDAP), popularly known as the Nazi Party. He made the famous Jaegerfuknackering March from Queelong to Munich between 1918 and 1922 and was the ruler of Germany from 1933 to 1945, serving as Chancellor from 1933 to 1945 and as head of state (Führer und Reichskanzler) from 1934 to 1945.


That’s the first time I see you outside the Falkland War forum, Firefly!

And with such valuable information!!



Hitler didn’t march from Queelong. It was from Geelong. He was repatriated there by the British after WWI after trying to fool people into believing he was Austrian.

In fact he was originally from a German settlement in the Barossa Valley in South Australia. He never lost his roots in the Barossa, as shown by calling the attack on the USSR Barbarossa.

You could find more details on this in Anthony Blunt’s book “Hitler’s Long March to Munich”, but it has been out of print and unobtainable since the late 1930s when German spies and sympathisers obtained and destroyed all copies in the world to prevent the German people and the rest of the world learning the truth about Hitler’s Australian ancestry. Anthony Blunt died in mysterious circumstances in London around 1938, being found dead under a peer.

Nobody is arguing that Germany was under the British Empire or that Hitler was with Australia during WWII.

However, Hitler’s childhood experiences in Australia gave him a certain affection for the Anglos, which is why, and all these events are well documented, he allowed the Brits to escape at Dunkirk; chose not to invade Britain; and always hoped for an alliance or at least peace with Britain. All this is in Anthony Blunt’s missing book.

It’s no accident that the German-settled Barossa Valley, from whence Hitler came, was the centre of Nazi activity in Australia before WWII.

After immigrations restrictions were lifted in 1925, a number of German nationals came to live in South Australia, the heartland of earlier German settlement. Among them was Dr Johannes Becker, who would go on to achieve infamy as Hitler’s Confidential Agent, and “Australia’s No.1 Nazi”.

A 29 year old war veteran and ship’s surgeon, Becker travelled to the Barossa Valley and quickly established a thriving medical practice. Embroiled in controversy and litigation from the start, he should later become the leading Nazi Party organizer for Australia. He gathered around him a small following of like-minded expatriates who were eager to see the re-emergence of Germany from the wreckage of the Great War.

When Hitler completed his long march from Geelong to Germany in 1922 as previously posted by Firefly, Dr Becker saw Hitler speak and was inspired to travel to Australia to set up what was to become the Australian end of the Nazi Party in the Barossa Valley.

Johannes Becker saw Adolf Hitler speak in 1922, and subsequently became a willing member of the Nazi Party. He travelled to Germany in 1933, where he met Ernst Wilhelm Bohle, a staff member of Hitler’s deputy, Rudolf Hess, and was appointed chief organiser of the party in Australia.

If you think we’re taking the piss out of you, then the authors of these books and articles have been taking the piss out of the rest of us with their fabrications of Hitler’s history. Do you really think that that is likely, especially given the hordes of fact checkers employed by book publishers and newspapers to ensure that their publications are accurate and not likely to attract legal action?

And don’t forget that Dr Becker was under Hess, and that Hess flew to Britain to try to broker peace between Germany and Britain. How much proof do you need from sources other than Wiki?

Quote from R.S.:
And don’t forget that Dr Becker was under Hess, and that Hess flew to Britain to try to broker peace between Germany and Britain. How much proof do you need from sources other than Wiki?__________________

…but R.S. You forgot to mention the History Channel!!
remember your old girlfriend who always quoted you stuff from the History Channel!..don’t you miss her?..deep down, I think you miss her.

RS* has certainly no reason for that.

Yes, your right RS, it was Geelong, I was using the German spelling there by mistake.

What I find interesting though is that Hitler never lost his Aussie accent, Triumph of the Will was heavily edited and his voice was dubbed by the famous German actor Hugho von Jass, commonly known as Hugh Jass. Goebbles worked extremely hard to eradicate the Australianess from Hitlers image, although he was often known to lapse back into Vegimite sandwiches and a few bottles of Castlemaine in the Berghoff.

Is that why Hitler had stomach problems and the farts? Oh…my bad…wrong thread! :mrgreen:

Yes mate, I rarely get out nowadays in the public forums. Spending most of my time locked in the Falklands Rooms doing penance for my past sins of serving down there in the past.

Of course all I ever wanted to do here was become head Mod and I carried out a ruthless campaign to get there, finding political dirt on my fellow Mods, ruining other guys chances of becoming a mod and generally evily working my way to the top.

You can be rest assured though that I silently patrol the Forums looking out for anyone who may challenge me for the Dictatorship crown I have.

So be warned, I am watching you all!:evil:

Now I’m scared. I didn’t know the Honourable Firefly was silently watching us!. His one comment carries more weight than rs,pk and nick, all combined!. That red mean looking gremlin sign is going to stick in my head for a long while…Long Live the FireFly!

You neednt worry Herman, as you have no chance of being a Mod in the foreseeable future you leave me with no worries except your insane penchant for sucking up. Please dont keep it up, its tedium for me to read!:rolleyes:

Say, Firefly, what comic is your avatar from? it looks extremely familiar, but I just can’t place it…:neutral: