Why the USA do not wish join the Russia to NATO

Is that on account of bed wetting? :slight_smile:

And FYI, I don’t drink every evening…

Amateur! :slight_smile:

Both cats and real girls look at me brother.

Are you the Batman?

Well I read a lot, but I tend to get even more tense depending on the subject matter. I do really need to start running again though. But in truth, that really only helps to a certain extent…

Try a woman, old chap, then you can just turn over and go to sleep, as, I’m led to understand, is the usual way with the U.S. male. :wink:

Me too.

When I do not drink as well as I can, my body can’t handle the reduced intake of alcohol and I stay awake for ages. So I always try to drink as well as I can. Be the best you can, and all that. :wink:

And FYI, I don’t drink every evening…

Me neither. Very occasionally I’m forced to get home late and have to start at night. :wink:

I also like drinking alone. Avoids the pointless pub conversation, and the missus. What can be bad about that?

Every time I take one of those “Are you an alcoholic?” tests, I win. :smiley:

What hope has any reasonable bloke got? Now the doctor experts have dropped safe drinking levels from four to two standard drinks a day here. It’s hardly worth opening the fridge for that, not least because a long neck of beer has about three standard drinks in it. Am I supposed to throw the last third away? It doesn’t keep, but what would young doctors know about that, sipping carrot juice and living on trail mix as they ride their three thousand dollar bicycles (that killed half a continent and relied on virtual slaves for materials and early manufacture) through the evil car traffic, sucking in enough shit to destroy their sanctimonious lungs before they’re forty, with any luck.

Anyway, when did you ever get sensible health advice from a doctor who didn’t smoke and drink? It’s like getting marriage guidance from a marriage guidance counsellor who isn’t divorced, and most of them are divorced because they are serious tools. Actually, they’re not. They’re not even married, because they’re serious tools. Bearded wannabe intellectuals. And that’s just the dykes!

And I was also a workout maniac at one time.

Why on earth would anyone do that?

I’m with whoever it was - Mark Twain? Oscar Wilde? - When I feel the urge to exercise, I lay down until it passes.

I do really need to start running again though. But in truth, that really only helps to a certain extent…

I’ve never seen it, but I’m still hoping to see one of the funniest and most ironic sights. A jogger run over by a car.

Running didn’t do James Fixx any good. He died at 52, fit as buggery. I don’t run. I try to avoid walking. I’m as unfit as buggery and I’ve outlived him by 6 years. And, if he was alive instead of wearing himself out with all that running, I could drink the silly prick under the table. Because instead of wasting my time training my body, I’ve concentrated on exercising my liver. This flows from my classical inclinations, as the classical Romans and Greeks put a lot of store in the liver. As should the Romans, with their orgies and vomitoriums. {Edit: I should have paid more attention in Latin classes. I think it should be vomitoria.}

Anyway, the basis of good health is the food pyramid.

Fat, alcohol and paracetemol.

Works for me. :smiley:

Why the USA do not wish join the Russia to NATO

If Russia joins the NATO it will have to play in full accordance to the US rules. There are no advantages in it for the Russian ruling class, only disadvantages. There have been no official inquiries as to possibilities of the Russian membership in the NATO and it is likely that there will be none of them in future.

The same reason can be applied to the possibility of the RF membership in the EU. Nowadays the Russian ruling class is free in using its state monopoly on gas, oil and natural resources to trade with Europe. If the RF joins the EU there will be necessity to revise it according to the interests of other members of the EU.

Besides, one shouldn’t forget that the Russian Federation is not a unitarian state but a huge union of Russian and very different numerous indeginous non-Russian nations with their own federal territories. It is highly doubtful that the organizational sructures of the EU and the RF are compatible. The bulk of the RF lies outside Europe.

The problems with separatism in the RF and the EU are incomparable. Are you really going to compare still smouldering conflict in Chechnya and North Caucases ( that has already caused 250000 deaths only among locals) with Basconia or Corsica?

Well if conder how many times and post you usially leave in forum - we could to conclude that you not are no quite alone whan you drink at home.
I mean you are in the forum.
I personally , do not like to drink whan i in forums , i drink not a much - well maybe a 0.5-1 littlre of beer per week( but no each week:)
So with comparition with you - i.m a kid:)

What hope has any reasonable bloke got? Now the doctor experts have dropped safe drinking levels from four to two standard drinks a day here. It’s hardly worth opening the fridge for that, not least because a long neck of beer has about three standard drinks in it. Am I supposed to throw the last third away? It doesn’t keep, but what would young doctors know about that, sipping carrot juice and living on trail mix as they ride their three thousand dollar bicycles (that killed half a continent and relied on virtual slaves for materials and early manufacture) through the evil car traffic, sucking in enough shit to destroy their sanctimonious lungs before they’re forty, with any luck.

Anyway, when did you ever get sensible health advice from a doctor who didn’t smoke and drink? It’s like getting marriage guidance from a marriage guidance counsellor who isn’t divorced, and most of them are divorced because they are serious tools. Actually, they’re not. They’re not even married, because they’re serious tools. Bearded wannabe intellectuals. And that’s just the dykes!


Why on earth would anyone do that?

You even do not try to inspire the Nickdfresh to take the example from you:)
Coz he need for us alive , in a clear mind and enough active to support discipline in here as a mod:)
HeHe became too lazy when he is drink:)
BTW The man’s body SHOULD move - this is demand of nature.The MOTION is the LIFE.
The physical exercises is the best way ( and most cheapest !!- for you to know ) to support body and as a consequence- the health in a good form.
Coz the all the functions of organism depend from a good heart and musculs activity - the many iillness has the the initial reason the lack of the motion.
I personaly visits the sport-rooms 3-4 times per weak. I like a bodybuilding and at least once per week ( if a weather enough good) the running 3-5 km in around city stadium.

I’m with whoever it was - Mark Twain? Oscar Wilde? - When I feel the urge to exercise, I lay down until it passes.

Be carefull my friend - once you can lay down and never stand up again:)
We will sorrow for you very much:)Coz you a real member that make a lot of fun and interest in here.

I’ve never seen it, but I’m still hoping to see one of the funniest and most ironic sights. A jogger run over by a car.

Running didn’t do James Fixx any good. He died at 52, fit as buggery. I don’t run. I try to avoid walking. I’m as unfit as buggery and I’ve outlived him by 6 years. And, if he was alive instead of wearing himself out with all that running, I could drink the silly prick under the table. Because instead of wasting my time training my body, I’ve concentrated on exercising my liver. This flows from my classical inclinations, as the classical Romans and Greeks put a lot of store in the liver. As should the Romans, with their orgies and vomitoriums. {Edit: I should have paid more attention in Latin classes. I think it should be vomitoria.}

The sport-maniacs is the other danger illness of some crazy people:)
But this does not mean you could lay in a bad and instead to walk in a fresh air( at least)

Anyway, the basis of good health is the food pyramid.

Fat, alcohol and paracetemol.

Works for me. :smiley:

Holy true:)
this works for everybody else, but unfortinatelly NOT LONG TIME:)
BTW what is yous weight and blood pressure?

Well guys back to a serious topic:)

Yes i think you right- however it was tupical for Soviet point.
But since the 1991 the russians view toward america have been seriously revised .
From the absolute “love and trus” - till the more realible value and new suspect in the 1998 when NATO without any doubt and correspondence with Russia has bombed the Belgrad.
This was a first hard teach for us.
But problem of the West - that it even do not wish to revise the Wester relation toward russia.
The “Evil russia” still often usefull in western propoganda.

If you are unable to come to terms with the U.S. how do you expect it to work the other way around with Europeans, after all, the Europeans share much the same political phylosophy as the U.S. i.e. market driven demcracies ( I use the term ‘democracy’ loosely)?

Well again we was wanted to find the terms with USA my friend.
But the USA do not need to come to mutual agreement now- don’t you really see it?
The nobody even wish to hear the right Russian objections agains the place new Nuclear Rockets in Eastern Europe.
The Wasgington need to impose only their view and conditions - could be found agreement here?
They openly offer to place the Rockets in Chech republic - as the compensation they presented the chech population right to visit USA without visas. Shortly speaking they offer the “bribe for the Chechs” - to place in Europe the new Rockets that could be usefull in Anti- China and Anti-russian pro-American political pressure in future.
Is this that “term” that we chould find the “agreements”?
I do not think so.

Within normal limits, and significantly lower than average cholestorol. It was about ten years ago, anyway, when I went to see a doctor when I was down with the dreaded lurgie and the prick stuck the cuff on me and took blood and stuff, carrying on about how it’s important at my age to have regular health checks. I’ve been avoiding the prick ever since. What makes a doctor think I’m in the least interested in statistics and the latest theories about what he thinks about what’s going to kill me? There’s no evidence they know what they’re talking about. Everything causes cancer and heart disease and every remedy for them causes one or the other or something else equally bad, which they usually work out ten or twenty years after they’ve got us on a new path to death. Doctors don’t live any longer than anyone else.

I had a melanoma a dozen years ago and another earlier different and slower type of skin cancer a few years back, caught before it got nasty. The odds are I’m going to get knocked off by a killer freckle. On that basis, I reckon I should enjoy as much grog and saturated fat as I can. At least I’ll have something to regret if they kill me. Better than living on carrots and bloody mung beans for sixty or seventy years for an extra nine months of life.

My motto is: Everything in moderation. Especially moderation! :smiley:

I try to avoid pricks and drugs as long as i can.
The doctors seems really hate us , or at least look at us as at the matter of their personal welfare.
Therefore my motto is - the profilactic is the best way to fight for your health.
The moderate sport is the very importaint part of this profilactic.
You are lucky man who has the good health from a beginning( this is clear from you relation to the pricks)
However according the statistic about 70% of young have the different deviations of normal.( and about 20% have the serious innate defects).
Soi think they could not use your love to the fat and alchohol as a the admissible.

I had a melanoma a dozen years ago and another earlier different and slower type of skin cancer a few years back, caught before it got nasty. The odds are I’m going to get knocked off by a killer freckle. On that basis, I reckon I should enjoy as much grog and saturated fat as I can. At least I’ll have something to regret if they kill me. Better than living on carrots and bloody mung beans for sixty or seventy years for an extra nine months of life.

Actually there is a some kind of illness like the skin cancer that less depend on you.
However the almost all serious problems with healt starts from the heart disasters and hight blood pressure.
So the Active Motion is the best way to prevent it.
Besides do not forget - the sport make our life vivid and active.
I feels much better themself next day aftert the good exercises

My motto is: Everything in moderation. Especially moderation! :smiley:

Thts’ true.