World War II Question

In the mid-10th century, the eastern area of Crimea was conquered by Prince Sviatoslav I of Kiev and became part of the Kievan Rus’ principality of Tmutarakan. Slavs moved to Crimea from the territory of modern Ukraine.

In 1768-1774 the Russian Empiral Army included Ukrainains as well. Ukraine, as the region bordering on the zone of war or being a zone of war, was the main source of soldiers and all sorts of supplies for Suvorov’s army.

Well you should better know:)
Washington owns both of you now - georgia and Ukraine.
Just do not tell us that your Oranges populists are Independent of USA.

Do you want to say that the RF is independent from the US more than Georgia? Please point out some of RF’s independent moves that has run counter to the interests of the US?

Oh so tell me please “true” about Oranges?

I don’t understand who are Oranges.

You mean the MPs of two parliamentary parties?

Aren’t they who sponsored and PRed by USA? Say me please this is Russian brainwash

Sponsored? It is absurd statement. The Ukrainian oligarchs behind all the parliamentary parties are the richest after Russian ones in Europe. Please examplify how some Ukrainian parties are PRed by the US. For instance each Russian news program pours its portion of shit not so much on Ukrainian politicians but on Ukraine on the whole.

So why they did not fight for their independence, but was limited in actions by the robbing?

Limited actions and robbing? They attacked Turkish and Tartar cities, destroying their fortification, eliminating their harnisons and liberating Ukrainian and foreign Christian prisoners. At that time no one dared to do it. They also prevented or limited successful Tartars raids into Ukraine, Poland and Moscovia. By the way do you know that unlike Ukrainian cossacks Polish government regukarly payed tribute to sultan to avoid war with the Ottoman Empire till 1630s and Moscovain tsars payed tribute to Crimean Tartars till the mid XVII century? Crimean Tartars were vassals of the Ottoman Empire nad shared this tribute with sultan. So Moscovian serfs worked not only for tsar but for Khans with their tartars and turkish sultans

Yes they lived in South and “waged the wars” with no sensitive effect.
they were “sovereign tribes” in cuptured , oppressed state, and sad fact ,but unfortinately nobody knew about thier independense:)

Absolutely wrong idea. They were not tribes. Ukrainian cossacks controlled extensive territories in the Southern Ukraine, had its own government, observed only their own laws different from the Polish ones, serfdom was prohibitted there, all the inhabitants of this Ukrainian cossack state were free people unlike Poles most of whom were serfs. Each local inhabitant was obliged to kill a Pole or a jew spotted within the territory of Cossack state. Everyone knew about Ukrainain cossacks in Europe in XVI-XVIII centuries. For instance, Oliver Cromwell had a correspondence with senior Ukrainian cossack warlords while looking for anti-catholic allies in the Eastern Europe.

Exactly because of the major forces of Western front have been surrounded and destroyed during the first week of war, the plan of supposed soviet attack in south was UNREAL.
Besides as we saw it , anyway the Southern front has no enough forces to realize the great offensive in Romania

The Soviets in Ukraine had absolute military superiority over German SOuth Army Group.

The Wermacht had just tiny less power then Red Army in june of 1941, but thier army was much more experienced and trained by the previous two years succesfull compaine in Europe.Thei medium and low officer corp was BEST in the world in that time.
Soviet simply has no chance to prepare it army in such excellent level.

The Red army had conflicts with Finland and Japan.

The Soveits had two decades and much more resources to prepare than Germany that started to restore its military build-up since mid 1930s

It admits the absolute superiority of the Southern front in tanks however it says that it “did not give any military superiority to the Soviets”.

Acording to your post

В ходе разгоревшегося танкового сражения 6−9 июля между Оршей и Витебском, в котором с советской стороны участвовало более 1600 танков, а с немецкой до 700 единиц, немецкие войска нанесли поражение советским войскам и 9 июля взяли Витебск.

700 hundred german tanks aganst 1600 Soviet ones in a tank battle between Orsha and Vitebsk and the outcome the full defeat of the Soviets. The Soveits had superiority even in Belarus that hadn’t been considered to be on the direction of main German offensive.

The small numerical superiority wasn’t a tactical one.
Besides Germans had strategica superiority( as attacking side). Of course there were a rough mistakes , commited by the soviet hight officers like the Pavlov , commander of Western front.
But in the South the Soviet defence was probably th best at the first period of war.

The Red army had conflicts with Finland and Japan.

The conflict with Japs in Halkin-Gol was very limited - only about 50 000 of Syberian troops has participated on battles. of course they got an valuable experience that later was wery usefull.
The soviet troops that have been involved ito the conflict was no mre then 250 000. Of course they also got and excellent experience of Winter warfare that later has saved Moscow from Germans in winter 1941 ( becouse Wermach had absolutly no knowledges how to wage a war during -40 C)
Nevertheless , Soviet commans HAD no any chance to get a such great WIDE experience like GErmans one ( more then 2 mln army fought since sep 1939)

The Soveits had two decades and much more resources to prepare than Germany that started to restore its military build-up since mid 1930s

Aslo pretty senseless statement.The resourses is not a SINGLE factor.The ability of mass industry and technological lewel is VERY importaint. Colonian India and Southern Asia had a plenty enough resourses. Say now, they can beat the Japane Army alone:)
Even British Impare had much more avialable resources than GErmany - did it help them to beat hte Germans in 1940 in Europe?
Indeed the Soviet military industry has been created ONLY in the mid 1930 as the resault of collectivisation.
The USSR was tecnoligically backward with Germany almost all the time.
As well Britain and USA was beckward in some field like Rocketry and Jet aviation.I do not tell about Tanks.
In fact the soviet even in the end of the 1939 had no OWN production of many importaint things. The new kinds of wearponry was delayed.
Although the Soviets had the numerical superiority over GErmans in tanks and fighter, the ABSOLUTE majority of it was obsolet like fighter I-16 and tank BT-3.
So as i said you point is wrong- indeed German army HAD ABSOLUTE superiority in quality and professionalism. in 1941 It was a GREATEST mehanised war mashine that word even seen before.

Of course Kato.
Becouse if you would be a educated man in tactical field- you should know that ONLY tank don’t enought to attack the fortified areas and dots of enemy that have infantry 3 times superior.
But you are not , so the article of military historian means nothing for you.
The Germans-Romanian forces were enough strong at least to hold the Soviet Southern front for the certaint time, while the AGC ( Group armyes Centre) turned and destroyed them behind.

I post my comment in this thread as I am looking for info more than giving it, but what I wanted to say is:
I was researching the house that Hitler lived in with his parents in Leonding, Austria, and I believe the house is still standing. I also observed that Hitler’s parent’s tombstone remains intact. With the world hating Hitler you would think that people would desecrate his parent’s tombstone, but it is intact to this day I believe. I find it amazing that nobody has vandalized or bombed it(given the degree of crazy people out there ). I am equally surprised that the house Hitler was raised in was not demolished and wondered if it is a museaum or if someone actually lives in it. I couldn’t find any info on google about it. here is a picture of the intact tombstone I did find:

I also wondered why Hitler didn’t build a big shrine over his parents tombstone as he was master of Europe at the time and could have done whatever he wanted. I wonder why?

Hitler had severe issues with his father’s behaviour towards him. This is known.
Further information about the internal politics (so to speak) of the family emerged from an interview given by one of his surviving sisters.
I discovered the interview I refer while I was reading up on the Berghoff on a site.
Adolf Hitler loved his mother dearly, according to the sister, but due to the strained relationship with his father, never made any plans regarding the former family home, or grave, beyond seeing to it that his mother was commemorated on the headstone.

Regards, Uyraell.