World War related bickering

…and no sugar cos you are sweet enough already!

I have another rather contencious thought. :slight_smile: :

Had the United States War for Independance :wink: not happened, Britain would have heavily taxed America, which might have thwarted it’s econimic growth, and the sence of adventurism and conquest that led to the Louisianna Purchase and the settlement of the west, which tremendously increased the size and resources of the US, would have been stiffled or not taken place. This may have resulted in Spain or France co-inhabiting the land that is now the US, and would undoubtably resulted in a world far different, less technologically advanced, and less free that the one we live in. Afterall, the US has lost plenty of men in the fight against oppession around the globe since the Civil War. :wink:

Because the existence of the American state is necessary for.

global technological advancement.

Certainly contentious…

Since I made this post I would like it to be noted that IRONMAN has editted his post upwards of seven times! to remove the contentious shite that was in it.


I gotcha

student-scragley, I prefer coffee, black, moderately strong. Thanks.

Student-scragley? WTF has that come from?

Im from the South West and we still have slave labour, we just don’t tell London about it. Its great!

I know its fanatastic in the South West, what those londoners don’t know can’t hurt them! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

My favourite part of the morning it to listen to the travel reports now I no longer have to use the M3/M25, A303,A30. The centre may be there but quality of life is here.

Ironman, the answer to your augment is Canada. :smiley: as they say, the difference between the US and Canada it that the law got to Canada first. :smiley:

Answer to what? Canada? Canada would have no influence in anything I mentioned. :roll:

I have another rather contencious thought. :slight_smile: :

Had the United States War for Independance :wink: not happened, Britain would have heavily taxed America, which might have thwarted it’s econimic growth, and the sence of adventurism and conquest that led to the Louisianna Purchase and the settlement of the west, which tremendously increased the size and resources of the US, would have been stiffled or not taken place. This may have resulted in Spain or France co-inhabiting the land that is now the US, and would undoubtably resulted in a world far different, less technologically advanced, and less free that the one we live in. Afterall, the US has lost plenty of men in the fight against oppession around the globe since the Civil War. :wink:[/quote]

Canada did not have a war of independence and has managed to do perfectly well without “independence” from the UK. As a member of the (imaginary) Commonwealth it has achieved a great many things that it either need or need not have accomplished as an independent nation.

UMURKA didnt need to be independant to do the things you have equated with its position as an independant soveriegn nation.

(is “adventurism” a prejudice against adventurers?)[/b]

Uh yea…well im still waiting to see any commonwealth flag on the moon. :roll:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Well, I think we can agreee that human technological developemnt does not require a US of A. The Nazi’s or Russians developed ideas for space flight, and things owuld have happened in the matters of space flight, computer research and genetics without the US anyway. (Bearing in mind they were started by a Russian, a Brit and a German anyway.)

Im a great believer that mankind as a whole would advance and evolve regardless of the nation-state system through which they operate. (sorry if evolution is a dirty word for some of this forum - actually Im not)

Though of course sputnik has been excused from IRONMAN’s version of history so I might be wrong!

There has not been one machine that ever came from Russia prior to 1965-70 that could be considered anything less than crap with the exception of tanks.

And you didnt land on the moon anyway it was filmed in Nevada… …ready, ready, GO

Does the Commonwealth have a flag? :?

Not saying that technology wouldnt have come around without us. Just saying that the US would not be near as powerful today without fighting for its independece. To put it bluntly we are the only “former part” of the British Empire that could kick your ass in a one-on-one fight. :smiley:

But “Empires” come and go. Its a historical fact. One day down the line im sure the US will be a shadow of its former self. Just as the UK and Russia. Not saying you guys are far from what you used to be but the “Sun does set” on the British Empire today. So hopefully all nations will catch on to your mankind advancement because thats about the only way we will continue to evolve.

I think of all our former colonies I am most impressed by India.
The worlds largest most faceted operational democracy, most importantly they were the first to evict the British peacefully and managed the entire thing without bloodhsed - well apart from Ghandi.

It does indeed, if not the most inspiring :slight_smile:

It looks like a corporate brand, headed notepaper logo.

Not even a whisker of a Union flag!

[quote="“Gen. Sandworm”

But “Empires” come and go. Its a historical fact. One day down the line im sure the US will be a shadow of its former self. Just as the UK and Russia. Not saying you guys are far from what you used to be but the “Sun does set” on the British Empire today. So hopefully all nations will catch on to your mankind advancement because thats about the only way we will continue to evolve.


A point often overlooked.
From it’s highpoint in the late 19th/early 20th Century, when it was the greatest Empire the world had ever seen, the British Empire was the only one in history to have been dismantled and returned to the native peoples, with the consent and assistance of the Imperial power itself.
Even more remarkable is the fact that in most instances, with one or two of the African nations being the primary exceptions, we have remained on pretty good terms with those whom we once ruled.
Not the worst legacy for an Imperial power.

Answer to what? Canada? Canada would have no influence in anything I mentioned. :roll:[/quote]
i have no idea of what he said either

Canada and the US, were both previously British Colonies.
The US gained independence
The Canadians remained in the Empire and then Commonwealth

It has not done the Canadians a huge disservice to have been associated with the most beautiful, respected, intelligent, stable, dominant, marvellous and downright sexy Nation in the world.

well, and Britain

As Canada expanded there was little if any major problems with the natives.
The law travelled with the settlers and enforced Pax Britannica.

Um, I know you like Britain because you are British, and that’s cool. We all need to be patriotic. But The Roman Empire was the greatest empire yet seen on this Earth, in a number of ways. No empire conquered larger armies or nations, or ruled over them at a given time than that of the Roman Empire.

And Canada? It became to be an economy, military power, and innovator that is a fraction of that of the US. Independance for the US helped make the US an entrepreneurial powerhouse that has yet to be rivaled. It is likely that none of that would have occured had the Americans not managed to defeat British Empire in the War for Independance.

The Roman empire only really lasted longer if you count the Byzantines as Romans. In terms of countries conquered the Romans only win due to the vast number of tiny tribes they faced - going by land area the British Empire wins hands down.
Oh, and you’ve forgotten the Mongols - by your definition they beat the Romans hands down.