World War related bickering

Yet in another thread just this very day you ask me repeatedly why I have not joined the military and imply that I am a cward for not doing so? You are indeed being hypacritical, you just lied, and you are using a lie to further your personal agenda.

It is humerous to me that you do not realize how far you are from the truth with that comment.

The views you hold on the recruitment of Gurkhas and their pension arrangements are not the subject of debate, in fact, I largely agree with you with regard to the latter, difficult as it is to resolve simply.
When you make statements, however, in which you denigrate an entire nation, (“It was cowardly of the British”),

I did not bring up the Gurkhas. I did however, get drawn into a debate about it that caused me to express my opinion of the matter, evensofar as to provide references from others who share it, and become just as defensive as the agressors were agressive in the matter, which I regret. I have no desire to attacking people or making such comments. However, had the agression towards me not been so fervent for expressing my opinion of the subject being debated by others already, I would not have continued to answer the agressions toward me with continued support of my opinion. It could have stopped as soon as you stopped trying to prove that my opinion was wrong and making insults about me for having it. But, the aggression simply would not stop. It still has not, we see.

The rest is drivel that is not worth responding to. Please get a grip on yourself and move on. The only enemy here is your attitude that if you say something that is either false or offensive, I have no right to respond to it. And that’s simply opressive and offensive.[/quote]

While I may not fully agree with it, I accept your comments with reference to American patriotism, stated as it is with a far greater restraint and clarity than your previous posts on the matter.

As for accusing you of cowardice for not serving in the military, you have again mistaken me for someone else.
As I said in my post, I am a civilian; it would be hypocritical and incongruous of me to do so.
I think you will find you were arguing that point with BDL.

As for the matter of the Gurkhas, I reiterate yet again that I have no problems with your stated opinions, although I disagree with them.
The root of my calling you a liar and moral coward is your inability, or wilful unwillingness to differentiate between your opinions on recruitment and pensions, and statements you make as fact regarding “cannon-fodder” and “cowardice”, which are wrong and insulting, as you have been shown several times.
As for your previous comments about ethnic groupings serving together, it’s called the Regimental system.
You may have heard of Scots Regiments, Welsh Regiments and Irish Regiments?
The principle is to allow people of similar background, often from specific geographical locations to serve together.
The resultant cohesion and regimental pride has made for a highly effective military machine over the centuries.
I wonder if you know that every officer serving with the Brigade of Gurkhas is required to learn Gurkhali, and to familiarise themselves with the Gurkha customs and religious festivals?
Or that they frequently join in the (non-religious) parts of those festivals?
I have had the good fortune to number among my acquaintances more than one ex-Gurkha officer, one of whom is an ex-Regimental Colonel.
I can assure you that their attitude to “their Gurkhas” was nothing short of paternal, and their praise for them nothing short of panagyrical.
These are the officers you have publicly insulted and accused of frequent mistreatment, without one shred of evidence offered in defence of your statement.
When you demonstrate the moral courage to withdraw the remarks regarding cowardice and mistreatment, then I will “move on”, but not before.

If you can guarantee that Blair the lying cunt and his ugly wife will be there, I’ll burn it for you.

(My emboldenment)

As far as I understand Reiver’s post, he says that your opinions, while he might disagree with them are not the point.
I think he means that the comments such as "Ghurkhas are treated as second-rate people by Britain (often mistreated by british officers)” when stated as fact should be substantiated as it is otherwise a libellous claim.

(My emboldenment)

As far as I understand Reiver’s post, he says that your opinions, while he might disagree with them are not the point.
I think he means that the comments such as "Ghurkhas are treated as second-rate people by Britain (often mistreated by british officers)” when stated as fact should be substantiated as it is otherwise a libellous claim.[/quote]

Thank God for someone who understands semantics/English .

You may well be correct, though not for the reaons you might think !

Edited to add that I notice BDL has beaten me to it !


If you can guarantee that Blair the lying cunt and his ugly wife will be there, I’ll burn it for you.[/quote]

Hear, hear.
BDL, you have PM.


A statement was made of the British attacking Washington and burning down the Whitre House. OK, no problem there. But then they said, that burning down the White House was just “the fun part”, with a smiley. That is simply an anti-American comment slipped into a seemingly innocent comment about an event of the war. It ewas not necessary to say such a thing, and had I said such a thing about Americans butrning down 10 Downing Street (did i get that address right? I am not sure), he and other british posters would have jumped my like a group of starving men making a race for a sandwich. You are attmepting to twist the truth to suit your agenda now.

I can assure you that I would not do any such thing!

If you actually did burn it down, then I would join the National Guard in your place and buy you a M1 assault rifle in return. :twisted:

And a BREN mag full of tracer! :twisted:


If you can guarantee that Blair the lying cunt and his ugly wife will be there, I’ll burn it for you.[/quote]

Not sure how things work in the UK but here in America there is a Gestapo called the Secret Service that investigates all things considered a threat to the President. Joking or not. So… take that info as you will. :shock:

The popularity of the big eared twat and the wide mouthed frog that he married with the British Armed Forces is well known, that’s why Blair made sure that as many of us as possible couldn’t vote. They can take it how they want, but I’ve got a bottle of champaigne in the fridge for the day that fucker shuffles off the mortal coil.


The popularity of the big eared twat and the wide mouthed frog that he married with the British Armed Forces is well known, that’s why Blair made sure that as many of us as possible couldn’t vote. They can take it how they want, but I’ve got a bottle of champaigne in the fridge for the day that fucker shuffles off the mortal coil.[/quote]

Well im not a big fan of Bush so I feel with your displeasure of the current adminstrations. Just didnt want you to go to far. With the Patriot Act over here you never know when a spook might be coming.

The PM is a servant (though he forgets it) and therefore replacable. Any threat against the Palace would be different, but then HM elicts a sense of loyalty in her Guards.

Don’t worry mate, we’re still allowed an opinion (although I’m sure that he’ll do his best to outlaw that to, now he’s got another 5 years in charge)

I still remember the Trooping of the Colours in 1981, when a teenager fired a number of shots from a starting pistol as the Queen rode past.
I thought we were about to see the first British death by sabring, broadcast on nationwide television.
The Blues and Royals were NOT happy.

Incidentally Two things in the news today have made me smile.

The guards at the trooping of the colour looking the mutts nutts especially when you consider that there is not a Drill square in London large enough for a practice they still pulled it off 9are pullng it off) remarkably well

Secondly, it was more of a wry smile, regarding 3rd world debt and the G8 summit, Gordon brown said, “we had to do something the voice of the people was too loud to go on ignoring it” How strange that a concert by Some media darlings and Tonies crony Bono, Geldof and some other hippies can change international foreign policy but the countryside march and the anti-war marches werent quite loud enough!

ho hum.

Not sure how things work in the UK but here in America there is a Gestapo called the Secret Service that investigates all things considered a threat to the President. Joking or not. So… take that info as you will.

If “they” investigated every threatening insult to the Fuhrer Bliar, then “they” would have very little time on their hands!

I still remember the Trooping of the Colours in 1981, when a teenager fired a number of shots from a starting pistol as the Queen rode past.
I thought we were about to see the first British death by sabring, broadcast on nationwide television.
The Blues and Royals were NOT happy.

I remember the opening of the Scottish parliament. A soap-dodger rushed at the Royal carriage and was tackled to the ground by a guardsman. God save the Queen!

and there would be a huge beauraucracy demanding huge piles of cash from the tax payer to pay for it, and a police force chronicly underfunded and over stretched and lots of civil servants with non descript job titles in whitehall.

maybe its already happenend :shock:

(Editted for typos)

That would be me making that statement then! Two points:

  1. You appear to have had your sense of humour surgically removed :shock:
  2. Think about this one second. You’re invading a major power that defeated your country 20 or so years before. When you compare the battles that were fought (IIRC casualties at New Orleans were over 50%) to the casualties suffered in burning down the White House (IIRC none on either side) which do you think is the fun part? It’s just a frigging building!

Oh, and if you suggested a bunch of Americans tried to burn down 10 Downing Street (yes you did get the address right) I suspect most of the UK members of this forum would give you directions and a box of matches.Buckingham Palace would be a different matter, but then again I was hardly stating that the US troops had helped us burn down the White House was I?

If you can guarantee that Blair the lying cunt and his ugly wife will be there, I’ll burn it for you.[/quote]

Not sure how things work in the UK but here in America there is a Gestapo called the Secret Service that investigates all things considered a threat to the President. Joking or not. So… take that info as you will. :shock:[/quote]

Good Lord. You jest with monkeys. We do see that you guys like to dish it out, but you can’t take it. Why not just conduct yourselves like gentlemen and cease tha anti-America blather. Then you won’t have to expect it to be thrown back into your face. It’s like someone saying to themselves, “You know, while it’s kinda fun to do, I really should stop pissing into the wind about now.”

I have asked you guys kindly to stop bringing up the Gurkhas. All of this is because you simply cannot. You should help yourselves and quit bringing it up. We all have opinions. I would not expect to be able to change yours. Why do you think you can change mine? It’s old already. Still you fill the threads with it.

I am not your enemy. I do regret saying that British soldiers were cowards in that Gurkhas comment. I apologize for that. That was certainly untrue, and I only said it because for a moment I got angry at all of the crapular (new word!) comments being thrown at me for quite some time before I said it. I got sucked into your kind of behavior and responded harshly. Sorry for that.

But my opinion is my own. All the blather and hatred in the world will not change it. Surely you have seen that by now. You are burning your candle of life for a lost cause. Let’s move on.