World War2 Pictures in Color From the Allied Fronts and Axis Fronts

Wow that is a great site. Nice site Panzerpete. Never seen some of those photos on that website. Those are great pictures.


American Sherman Tank

Flak 88 Gun

Canadian Soldiers

Flak 88 Guns

good pictures

Thank you for the comment.

Shermans in Italy

Shermans During the Ardennes Campaign

good shermans.

thank you for the compliment.

your welcome

155mm Emplacement Gun

Allied Generals Meet

Soldiers Talking to Local Citizens

No, this is not a Flak 88 gun, its a 15 cm canon.

Allied generals???
This is a picture of Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin at the meeing in Jalta 1945…

i think german soldier was jus confused,i dont know how but he couldve been. and by the way, i thought it was yalta, not jalta

really nice pics

that pic up there from patrick isn’t a flak 88 it’s too big i think it’s something else check it

Great pics, really good.

In some languages, the letter J is sounded as Y , in others as I. Thats why Junkers 88 is pronounced yunkers jou see?:slight_smile: - Raspenau -

Soldiers Talking to Local Citizens

This is a German Lietenant (?) with the Soviet Automatic Rifle (I forget the tame…T-something). This was a prized find among the Germans just like the PPSH-41.

yes yes very true, and patrick is from sweden so your right.:slight_smile:

I enjoy looking at the historic value in the pictures. The Names could be mispelled and there are differences in peoples ideas of what have been posted. For me, I enjoy the value and representation depicted in the pictures.:smiley: