World War2 Pictures in Color From the Allied Fronts and Axis Fronts

Allied Generals Meet

This is a famous shot of the meeting in Yalta in 1945 with Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin being present. The leaders are sitting because Roosevelt was partially paralysed due to a polio infection and had to use a wheelchair.


This is a German Lietenant (?) with the Soviet Automatic Rifle (I forget the tame…T-something). This was a prized find among the Germans just like the PPSH-41.[/QUOTE]

It’s the Samozaryadnaya Vintovka Tokareva 40 (or possibly an Avtomat Vintovka Tokareva 40 - only about 1100 produced.)

Is that 88mm one of the Festung Europa guns at der Normandie?

Is that 88mm one of the Festung Europa guns at der Normandie?

The KingTiger tank is one of my favorites!!

All of you, nice pics. :smiley:

Great pictures in this topic!

German soldiers carrying flags with swastika’s on it on the same way the Roman legions carried their standards.

Germans and Italians together.
The Germans helped the Italians with a canon in the Lybian desert.

German provison planes in Lybia.
Most machines here are Junkers Ju 52.
The plane at the right corner is a Messerschmitt Bf 110-jager.

German troops advancing trough Greece.
Infanterists of the German 12th army is passing by the mountain Olympus after they broke down the British and Greek resistance.

German soldiers in Servia.
When the Germans attacked Joegoslavia in 1941, there wasn’t much resistance. The most resistance came from the Servians.

German infanterists fight behind a Panzer Mark III.

The West Virginia burning.
At the attack on Pearl Harbor the battleship West Virginia got hit by 6 torpedo’s and 2 bombs.

A moment of rest for the German troops.

Logistics from the Red Army.
The infanterists of the Red Army were very dependent of horses and waggons.

Germans tanks in Moscow (1941).

American solders posing with an obtained Japanese flag.

British artillery crew in Cassino.
You can see a Bofors-artillery canon.

Sikh machinegunners observing from the Pagoda Hill in the battle of Mandalay in 1945.

The approaching of Okinawa.
Marines on the battleship West Virginia are looking for Japanese planes at the coast of Okinawa, march 1945.

Finnish soldiers.
Very rare helmets by the way.

Very good pictures people sorry for not being on lately. I really like the Finnish Soldiers picture and all the other ones too!

I am looking after some picture of 104th Infantry Division “timberwolf”

I hope someone can help .

Thank you

michael mosegaard


USS Missouri in Tokyo bay for the surrender 1945

may i ask…why do they have painted skulls on there helmets
can some one please tell me

i think they were some kind of division insignia but i am not sure.

thanks…any information is good

ask this guy

Good point out walter, this guy knows everything from A to Z