WW2 myths

Maybe more of psychological effect than a normal aircraft. Seeing something so weird would really worry enemy troops and circulate rumours and stories amongst the soldiers.[/quote]

Would that be worth the R&D ?

The disc is simply a great airfoil lifting shape with no directional prejudice- it’s always got a proper lifting surface angled at the direction of flight.

If the disk had a cross section like the diagram I drew below would it fly in any direction? Assuming it was going quick enough. If so it would allow quick changes in direction and more stability.

How would it use a weapon? This amazing Disk?

It would excel at dog fighting so cannons that were mounted below the disk that could trun 360 degrees would be good. Take out anyone on your tail as well as infront!

Please explain the following:

Where would the engine be mounted?
Where would weapons be mounted?
Where would the pilot sit?
Where would the undercarriage go?
How would you control it? Where would the control surfaces go?

Plus, it is highly unlikely that the shape you drew would be able to fly.

Further to SToats questions,

How much fuel would it need, when I saw the programme on the Hist Channel it was electricity and a heck of a lot of it!

What speeds did it fly at?

And why, if it was so good, arent all the nations of the world flying them right now?

Yeah it does lack a bit of surface area but in theory it would fly. Bi-directional flight controls would be intresting too design. The pilot may sit in a pod below the aircraft which could rotate to face the direction of flight. The engine would be a liquid fuel rocket that rotated on a ring around the craft giving thrust in any direction.

All this is completely ridiculous and way too complicated to engineer probably why it hasn’t been! I think I’ll leave designing flying disks to the aliens!

Damn right

Well I think that sees the end of the Flying Disk myth.

On to the next Myth?

Nazi Gold in Lake Toplitz? Myth or true?

Read my earlier post on flight details of discs. Discs were no myth.

I don’t know about Tolitz but other Austrian lakes had 4th Reich gold in them. The Forth Reich existed before the fall of the Third Reich. Careful plans and elaborate webs were organized to keep the new Bundt going. Hidden gold and jewels have been turned up since 1946 when Baron Helmut von Hummel, aide to Martin Bormann, was found with seven million dollars worth of gold coins in a suitcase. Hell of a retirement plan! Other Nazis have been caught with huge amounts of gold since and ingots have been found in Austria, the Nazi jumping-off point to Switzerland, where they went to Egypt, on to South America and “points beyond,” it is said. Spinna and Odessa are real enough.

Read my earlier post on flight details of discs. Discs were no myth.

I’m sorry but they may have existed in the planning stage, though for what purpose I cant tell, but they were never brought into service.

Nazi UFO = Myth, lets just put it to bed.

also myth, german and american G.I.'s claimed to have seen UFO’s in WWII and have thought it was the enemy spying on them,UFO’s seen with bright blinking lights.

That was a myth?

The Flugelrad actually flew in prototype form. It was no myth. If anyone wishes to they can research the fact that the BMW machine was tested. Why is this so hard to believe? There’s more to it that just trivia on the internet. All anyone wants to do is lightning web searches and never bother to seek out and then turn the page of the books that reflect information on any subject. Who is monitoring what is valid when any yahoo can post any sort of tripe they desire on a website and others quote it as true?

The disc shape is a valid airfoil that could have been used as a VTOL platform- vital toward the end of hostilities with runways crumbling to bombs. Any ability to hover in any way would have been a plus even though, in addition, German helicopters were the first in active service in the world.

We must ask the mission purpose of the Harrier and all the VTOL ships that have followed we assume.

I own 2 books that mention the Flugelrad as a prototype that flew late in the war. One is a very old book from the 1950s. The information has been available to those who seek it with unbiased minds.

PLT.SGT.BAKER- Yeah the phenomenon you speak of were called “Foo fighters” and were seen by Allied and Luftwaffe personnel. They generally varied in size and number but were generally much smaller than manned aircraft size. Strange nonetheless.

I think the mission purpose of the Harrier is pretty obvious, this is once again an example of the Germans fooling around with a bit of everything and getting no-where really with anything.

I didnt deny the existence of the Disks but I say it was a myth to think there was anything to be done with them.

July 4, 1947
A bright light shot across the sky over Roswell, New Mexico, it exploded and fell on a ranch outside of town. First townspeople thought it was a meteor that came from space. some men rushed to see what it was . First to arrive was a team of archaeologists to examine the crash,the object looked like “an airplane without wings”.when the team came closer they saw three strange bodies. The metal from the flying object was nothing the team everseen before, it was soft as cloth but yet couln’t tear it of burn it. Then they notified the sherriff in Roswell who then notified the U.S. Air Force, the U.S.A.F cleared away the wreckage. July 8th on newspaper announced it was a flying saucer aka U.F.O. , next day they changed it and said it was a weather balloon. Reports were the U.S.A.F. removed the body’s identified that they “had large eyes and strange faces”. Rumor has it the body’s were taken away to Area 51. The more information about this U.F.O. is classified and in the vaults of Area 51.

Buddy, please post on-topic (WW2 myths).

and the nazi dollars at the lake…(I don’t remember the name) :arrow: