WW2 myths

AvRo Canada managed to get a “flying saucer” off the ground, though it never achieved free flight.[

The drawings I have seen on the Nazi flying discs indicate to me that they would not fly. Think of a helicopter, it needs either two contra rotating rotors or a tail roter to keep it stable. If the tail rotor goes then the helicopter spins, out of control and crashes.

The Nazi UFO doesn’t seem to explain how this stability was to be achieved.

The so called aliens from area 51 are more likely to be experimental aircraft and also experiments for high level parachuting. One test pilot for the parachutes was dropped from a high altitude to test the parachute required for a SR71 blackbird pilot. Apparently his face ballooned out and it looked like he was some kind of alien.

Some drawings suggest that anti-gravity was used. The idea was by spinning electro magnets it would use the Earths magnetic field to counter the gravity.

Nazi UFOs are a Myth, this is long established. Can we put it to bed please?



I agree with Bas, anyone have any other myths?

I forgot where i heard this but, think it was in the vietnam war, this platoon was at camp and on e guy was upset about something (forgot what) and he was so upset on e night that he ran out tin teh cold and his friends chased after him snd that was the last time he was ever seen again! :shock: and his ghost haunts the place. :shock: :shock:

PLT.SGT.BAKER, as the starter of the thread stated, ww2 myths only.

oops :oops:

Never mind!
Now I changed also the name of this thread. You could open a thread in Off-topic Militaria for instance.

is that a myth that the german are trying to build a UFO disc that can fly over 2000 km/h?

Well, the speed you mention is scary (makes my hair stand on end). The story of the UFO disc is real though. It’s been documented both in books and videos. I saw a documentary on the History Channel that made me wonder the actual scientific knowledge of those people at that time.

One of the German engineers who worked on this project and whose name I can’t recall travelled to the USA after the war (just like von Braum and many others) and joined the American space race versus the Russians. There was no punishment whatsoever for these genius.

I remember a good myth from the 70’s, Hitler was supposed to have lived in Liverpool prior to WW1 with his half brother Alois and that the last German bomb to fall on Liverpool destroyed the house in which he was alledged to have stayed.
File under B for bolocks.

May explain why the place got so heavily bombed though :twisted:

If your’re asking why england got bombed so much was that hitler tried to dramaticly lower england’s morale that it will surrender or for other reasons.

Nope, I’m suggesting that Liverpool got so heavily bombed because he’d been there!
<ducks and runs for cover>


Nope, I’m suggesting that Liverpool got so heavily bombed because he’d been there!
<ducks and runs for cover>[/quote]

I’ve been there and can quite understand why he bombed it ! :wink:

They only stopped the bombing of Liverpool because all those bombers that returned were diffy their landing gear wheels…

ooh you cheeky monkey, it never would have made a good invasion point, they wouldn’t have got far with their tanks on bricks and minus radios.
bye the bye if your interested in spare wheels for a Ju 88 I might know a bloke.

What would they have made of all those Permed Hitlers running about in their SS Shell suits!

Firefly, you must mean the Kingo’s,

They do DPM shell suits :shock: