WWII Posters & Art

And a few more…
Bits of Careless Talk-large.jpg



Interesting how both the posters with the Nazi hand show the skin as almost reptilian. Another subtle propaganda influence.

Since when did the RAF use He-111s? :slight_smile: Or was this a dastardly Nazi plot to paint their own planes with British markings and bomb themselves in some elaborate false-flag operation…

There was a brief discussion about the plane’s identity before on the photo site (incl. the He-111 comparison). Someone assumed that this could rather be a Bristol Beaufort or a Blenheim…

Did the British have something similar to show that a family member was in the field or KIA? The Germans didn’t which is pretty remarkable since generally they had medals/badges/emblems for about everything.

Don’t know about the British but I’m not aware of anything in WWII Australia, which at that time was fairly British in its attitudes and conduct, which publicly proclaimed the sacrifice of a serviceman or servicewoman.

As far as I’m aware the best Australian families got was a telegram from the Army or government “It is with deep regret that I have to inform you that XX10001 Private John Smith was killed in action on the dd mm yyyy.”.

I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s as much as the British got.

The Americans have always tended to be rather more demonstrative publicly about a whole range of things to do with war and patriotism.

The British / Australian approach was pretty much that the service people were just performing their national duty, in an era when concepts of duty transcended anything most young people now begin to understand, and generally were to be well regarded for it but not individually honoured just for doing their duty.

Japanese propaganda aimed at trying to turn the Aussies against America.http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=3804

Interesting how the Japanese used the Union Jack instead of the Australian flag on their poster…did they do that with all of them?

Nazi propaganda poster that was supposed to show who’s really controlling the Anglo-Saxon press. Note how the name of the newspaper changes in the reflexion.

Notice also other subtle changes:

The SEMIT(E) woman (who looks like she could be Bette Midler’s mother) changes to a Jewish appearance from the Anglo Saxon TIMES one; goes from blonde to black hair; light to dark eyes; smiling to jubilant or yelling mouth; uplifted to sagging breasts; and so on.

Quite clever in its own way, and bound to resonate with people already educated to respond negatively to images of Jews.

Yeah, the very nice perfect propogand , that hints on jewish conspiracy which rules by the Ango-saxon world.
BTW that’s my favorite
Neanderthalic art

Probably the most unique poster I’ve ever seen

Something more exotic:

Dutch poster from ~1942. “D’r uit! Indië moet bevrijd…”, means “Out with them! Indië has to be liberated…”
“Indië” is a somewhat ancient Dutch term for a South/Southeast Asian region (incl. the Indian subcontinent and parts of Indonesia).

I scanned a few pictures from my book “Life Goes to War A Picture History of World War II” by artist Tom Lea.

With the Marines on Peleliu,LIFE artist Tom Lea painted frightful scenes.This Marine had just landed.“Something exploded” Lea wrote.“He scrambled up from the ground as if embarrassed.He looked at his left arm and stumbled back to the beach.He never fired a shot”

Battle fatigue hollows the eyes of a Marine at Bloody Nose Ridge.Lea recalled:“Last evening he came down out of the hills.He left the states 31 months ago.He was wounded in in his first campaign.He has had tropical diseases.He gouges Japs out of holes each day.Two thirds of his company have been killed,but he is still standing.So he will return to attack this morning.How much can a human being endure?”

Wow. Those are some intense pictures. Any more from that book?

There is but nothing compared to this.When I get around to scanning some more and photoshoping them to making them presentable I will post them.

Indeed, excellent examples! In the meantime, honorable ladies and gentleman, here are certain specimens of the genuine WW 2 graphic design in the flesh of the commercial art that once upon a time flourished as a major by-product of an audacious patriotic effort, assisted with pure consumerism, and personified in the prosperous scope of advertising business. :slight_smile:

Graphic designers have been aptly dubbed “the practical idealists”. Looking back on the forties as the beginnings of a Golden Age of consumerism, we will be able to see many changes in the human situation, and above all those new commercial attitudes towards those commodities which affected most directly the individual way of life – consumer goods. But in the same time we will be able to see that all the paraphernalia of human existence was above all a highly usable opportunity for the increased influence upon our deeply commercialized personal lives, involving the manipulative but absolutely feasible assumption that practically all customers are alike in that they are basically irrational animals who can be made to respond to a given, apposite profit-making stimuli.

So here they are:

Throughout the 1930s, as manufacturers advanced R&D, the most common of products were declared miraculous solutions to contemporary problems. In one of the more dubious wartime claims, the freshly developed clear tape purported to help in stopping poisonous gases from harming troops. Therefore - don’t worry GI Joe! Bring on that lousy 1,2,2-Trimethylpropyl methylphosphonofluoridate. Scotch tape is here!

Yet another step in the application of benevolent chemistry to better and completely liberated living! Those miserable totalitarian bastards are without asbestos! Well, there certainly is a possibility that those spine-chilling people actually have had a diabolic plan how to increase fabrication of pulmonary fibrosis, cancer of the lung, and mesotheliomas of the pleura and peritoneum with those curly fibers via enhanced exposure levels of domestic American population. However, our specialists are firmly maintaining the simple verity - that couldn’t actually happen!

You’ll be glad to know it is our precious vitamin reaching those brave boys who are teaching the Japs to remember Pearl Harbor! Yes, soldiers fortified with our domestic Victory Vitamin C from Florida orchards put the enemy on notice that American GIs could whip’em, be it in the air, on land, or at sea. That is – if they had plenty of that canned grapefruit juice…

If they couldn’t don a uniform and fight those Axis bastards, folks on the home front could at least unbuckle their belts and imagine smacking Hitler or Tojo with – what else – a Hickok belt! Smacking someone with a cane, slipper or belt will become a criminal offence later, with possible jail sentences, but we have to keep our spirit in shape for the Japs and Krauts…

Well, that’s all for today, honorable ladies and gentlemen.

In the meantime, as always – all the best! :wink:

LOL I can’t imagine that aerial spraying would even be a very effective, reliable means to deliver chemical weapons to the battlefield…

Probably like crop dusting, it’d be effective if we were stupid enough to bunch up together in a small area

That cover looks like a mini-greenhouse, not to mention the layers of clothing & gear the soldier in question is wearing already

I think the garbage bag would be more debilitating than the gas.

As usually, I’m late again, honorable ladies and gentlemen. However, certain novelties are already prepared for our distinguished thread, so here we go:

LOL I can’t imagine that aerial spraying would even be a very effective, reliable means to deliver chemical weapons to the battlefield…

You might very well think that, my dear Mr. Nickdfresh, but of course, I couldn’t possibly comment. At least not in this thread. :slight_smile:

Nevertheless, I still do remember that my good old teacher, Brigadier General Augustin M. Prentis, PhD (United States Army) officially confirmed that those highly trained American specialists within the Army Air Forces School of Applied Tactics at Orlando Toxic Gas & Decontamination Range had actually proved that aerial spraying indeed was the ultimate cost-effective solution for a truly effective application of chemical warfare materiel:

Demonstration exercise of the forward observers assisted low-level aerial spraying, Orlando Toxic Gas & Decontamination Range – 1943

Pressurized aircraft sprayers for aerial dissemination of combat chemicals, Orlando Toxic Gas & Decontamination Range – 1943

Of course, absolute aerial supremacy represented the only necessitated precondition. :slight_smile:

And now, back to our main theme:

Yes, once upon a time it really was announced that we will beat our swords into plowshares and our spears into pruning hooks. But, alas, we still do live in the acquisitive society of instant gratification, that can’t seem to distinguish forest from the trees. Therefore, we have to take what is at hand and to use our energy and those universal principles to create what we actually need. After all, we are keenly aware of our resources. We don’t want to fight but by jingo if we do… we’ve got the oil, we’ve got the men, and – wowse! - we got the big money too!

Yes Sir – that perilous smalltalk haberdashery will be quite unnecessary with our quality products. Our famous excellence gives you that important well-dressed feeling, so with your faultless Stetson styling you know that you look the best possible in the general public! You see what that smartly formal Squire Model in Sky Grey does for you? You will see that it can do much more for your country too!

If our folks are to be tried in ashes, Jap’s job will be to give some additional salvo of elation to them. No, those blood-thirsty Nip bastards don’t want just to end a war. Those rotten animals will come to bring a sword upon everyone! But, despite all the thunderous noise around, American Locomotive maintaines bright confidence in our righteous perspective, sustaines deeply embedded self-confidence to make those twisted spirits straight, to wipe away American fears and tears, because all the hope of future years actually is hanging breathless on ALCO’s fate!

Well, that’s all for today. In the meantime, honorable ladies and gentlemen, as always – all the best! :slight_smile: