WWII Related Humor.

From The Beaches Of Normandy To The Streets Of Paris, My Platoon Was A Bunch Of Pussies

By Phil Schebler
September 5, 2007 | Issue 43•36

Like many good men my age, I was in the Big One, and I can tell you firsthand that war is hell. It’s day after horrifying day of your worst fears come true. And when it came time to face those fears and be men, I could always count on my fellow leathernecks in the 202nd, without fail, to knuckle under and scatter like frightened little children.

You know, people like to throw the term “hero” around a lot when they talk about my generation. But I don’t believe the men of the 202nd were heroes. No sir. The heroes were the ones who didn’t stay curled up in their foxholes sucking their thumbs or jamming their fingers in their ears. The heroes were the ones who refused to pledge their complete and unwavering allegiance to Hitler the moment the enemy was in earshot. The heroes were the ones who didn’t pretend to be dead for hours and sometimes days after a battle had been decided.

Those were the real heroes.

I don’t know if it was fate or coincidence that brought us together, but I can say I served with 39 of the most craven, gutless pussies you ever laid eyes on—every last one of them quicker to cry than a colicky newborn. By God, there wasn’t a major battle in the European Theater we didn’t flee from like a flock of spooked pigeons. Even “Old Blood and Guts” Patton himself said we were the biggest bunch of lily-livered pisspants ever to disgrace the U.S. Armed Forces, and that’s no exaggeration.

Yes, everyone knew our platoon. The Scamperin’ Squirrels, they called us. Our girlish, high-pitched screams gave courage to Jerry from Nice to Luxembourg. “That’s the Squirrels,” the Krauts would yell, and they knew they didn’t have a chance in hell of sustaining any losses.

I remember the Battle of the Bulge like it was yesterday: All us young men shoving one another out of the way, tripping over the wounded and dead with our white flags flapping in the frigid winter wind. Those images will be with me forever, even though I was blinded by tears most of the times I dared to open my eyes. We eventually surrendered to a confused Ardennes dairy farmer at the end of that first terrifying day. Boy, you should have seen the look on his face.

But hell, who didn’t we surrender to? The enemy, the Allies, each other, it made no difference. One Panzer division refused to take us prisoner out of pure disgust. Can’t say I blame 'em, really. We would drop our weapons at the first sound of tanks, planes, jeeps, horses, thunder, or almost any kind of shouting. I don’t think I fired that damned gun more than once. None of us did. To be honest, we weren’t too partial to loud, sudden noises.

And Normandy. Let’s not forget Normandy. We were there, too. If you look closely at some of those old photos, you can just make out our Higgins Amphibious bobbing on the horizon, speeding away from Omaha Beach as fast as we dared until we were forced to turn around because of seasickness and a terrible fear of sharks. We eventually stormed a secluded little cove and waited it out until we were certain we could timidly skulk unseen through the streets of Paris.

No such luck, as it turned out. We were over a week late and the grateful Parisians still showered us with flowers while we cowered in the middle of the Champs-Élysées. I’ve never been so scared in my entire life, pinned down by that ceaseless barrage of daffodils. I’ll always remember what my best buddy, Jimmy Conroy, said to me that day, a single tear—the first of many, many more—rolling down his cheek. “We ain’t gonna die here, Phil,” he said. “We’re going to die old men.”

And he was right.

Say what you will about the Squirrels, but every last one of us survived the war. We even got Purple Hearts, though there was some curiosity about how every member of a 40-man platoon could get shot in the foot on the same day in an Allied barrack 200 miles from the front lines.

There may be little talk about our part in the Second World War, but we secured our place in history as the most yellow-bellied, spineless members of the Greatest Generation that ever was.

The Onion



And for some strange reason the site is converting my caps to lower case when I submit.

Ha! That was great!

I know one about the air forces . The german troops used to say : When you see a green and brown painted fighter is british , when you see a white plane is american and all the invisible you can see are ours

During the campaign in Northwest Europe in 1944 a German and British officer met under a flag of truce to allow the wounded to be tended to. They both noticed aircraft flying high overhead. The British officer turned to the German and said “you know whenever we see German aircraft we run run for cover.” Then the German said “yes, and when we Germans see British planes we run for cover too.” They both looked at each other a moment and then blurted out at the same time,“and when we see American aircraft everybody runs for cover.”

lol, thats a freaking good one, all those were

In Germany the state supported (and cheapest) radio was called a “Goebbels Mouth”
The permission from a doctor a couple needed in order to have children (for racial and genetic reasons) was called a “Breeding Pass”.

The Germans people had some funny jokes about their leaders, unfortunately, I´ve only read them in books from the library, and can´t remember any of the top of my head.

In Denmark during the 2nd half of the war, some newpaper´s classifieds sections gave the editors problems with authorities (The official Nazi Germany had no humor):

Have: Mein Kampf [Hitler´s book]
Wanted: What Now, Little Man [another book title]

Here…I heard it in memphis bell but saw it online

A British flier is shot down over German-occupied France. He survives his combat but seriously injured. The German doctor has to amputate one of his legs. The British flier asks the doctor, “After you take off my leg, can you have one of your bombers drop it over England on their next raid?” The doctor thinks this a strange request but agrees to it. A few days later, they have to amputate his other leg. The British flier makes the same request, and the Germans agree. Then they have to take off an arm, and the flier makes the same request. Again, the Germans comply and drop his arm over England. Finally, they have to amputate his other arm and the flier makes the same request. The camp Kommandant interjects: “Nein! Ve cannot do zis! Ve suspekt you are trying to escape!”

plane with german paratroopers above Greece.

The instructor guides every single parachutist to the door and pushes him out.

“Come on , come on , come on !” “We dont have time to mess around !”

“Out with you cowards!” “Come on ! The next one ! go go go!”

But one of them resists to jump by all means. He kicks punches and screams, tries to stem his legs against the doorframe.

“Out with you !” “We have no time for cowards !”

At last, the instructor gives him a kick and he flies out of the door…

The remaining parachutists start to laugh…

“You think that was funny or what ?”

“Funny ? , yes indeed sir…that was the pilot”

Guy: “Father, during the war I allowed a Jewish refugee to live in my attic”
Father: “Well, I do not see anythign wrong with that. You helped a poor soul survive the war”
Guy: “But Father, I collected rent from for every week that he stayed”
Father: “Well, that is not a good deed, but it was for a good cause, so that is fine.”
Guy: “… but Father… should I tell him the war is over?”

A common joke among the Tommiys of the British tank regiments in NorthAfrica, was:

“Our Major is so stupid, even the other Majors are beginning to notice!”

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: haha

From Yank Magazine.

My chocolate bar had only N number of raisins but the guy inn front had N< number of raisins!

Reply: Due to a groase and inexplicable err, the guy in front must have gotten an officer’s Hershy.

Another joke.

SSguyA: Our regiment will crush those commies and kick their butts so tojo will have to contend with them.
SSguyB: But… You know, this has nothing to with commies but…
SSguyA: What?
SSguyB: Whats with the skulls on our caps? Skulls are supposed be the baddies? arnt they?
SSguyA: Skulls… Death, Destruction…Pirates?
SSguyB: But pirates are the baddies.
SSguyA: Shut up. This is causing low morale.

This is one of the cruelest jokes i know but why did hitler kill himself?..He saw his gas bill!

Or whats hitler’s least favorite planet…jupiter!

What did the Emperor say when he heard that Nagasaki was hit with an Atomic Bomb?
“Well at least they didn’t bomb Tokyo”!!

What did Paul Tibbets (pilot of the Enola Gay) say when he dropped the Fat Boy on Hiroshima?
“Thank God Trueman didn’t tell me to conserve fuel on the plane for environmental reasons, or fly low to avoid hitting the ducks”

bloody stop it about the nukes…

I’m going to tell a very naughty joke…one that I first heard when I was a child…it’s direct from late WW2, as I found out from the guy that told it to us…

READERS HEALTH WARNING…You may find this offensive…

A German Kommandant in a Concentration camp decided he would address the inmates for laundry day…
Lining them up, he gazed along the rows…clearing his throat, he bellowed…

“JEWS…Today is LAUNDRY DAY. I would like all of you to take off your old underwear.”

The inmates comply…


Sorry…my bad…tasteless, but genuine example of VERY late WW2 humor.

Aha hah ha ha ha .
That’s a great…never heard
I just wonder why you still has not been banned for “anti-semitism”:wink:

I lmao at that one