WWII Related Humor.

Whats lmao?

as you wish sir :slight_smile:
here is my couple of cents
Not sure i will trunslate it right but though
“Germans has arrived to the ittle Ukraine village- start to steal the fowls, piges, rape the girls, treat the jews.
3 days they enjoyed , and only in four day their group-guide could explain them the war has ended 60 years ago and pulled them back to bus”.

Funny one!:stuck_out_tongue: :D.

OK dude, then one more…
The english fishman sit on the boat at sea.
Suddenly the old rust German submarine surfaces , the hatch opens , old germans capitan lifts the bearded head.
-Hey man , do you accidentaly know, has war ended?
fishman think , lets make a joke with him…
-No we still in war with Germany.
German captain , closing the the hatch and start to submerge
-OMG , damn , i’m so tired to sink those American convoys…



Early 1970’s.

A British businessman is flying Lufthansa into Germany.

Gets held up for a long time at Hamburg airport.

Lufthansa organises a bus tour of Hamburg to occupy the passengers.

Brit refuses to go.

Lufthansa hostess says ‘But have you seen Hamburg before?’

‘Yes, from 20,000 feet and it was in flames.’

Other version is

‘Yes, but we didn’t land.’

British soldier returns to his wife in 1946 after being overseas for five years.

After his first home-cooked meal in five years they settle down in front of the fire to catch up on missed opportunities. During a deep embrace he asks her

‘During the last five years of uncertainty and loneliness, were you ever unfaithful to me.’

She pauses, sobs, and says

‘Yes. But only once.’

Devastated, but willing to overlook one liaison during all those years of loneliness, he asks

‘Who with?’

‘The First Battalion of the Black Watch.’

I’v heard this anecdote in other interpretation.
She answered…
“-Yes , but only two times, darling.
Once with football team, the second one - with Jazz-orchestra”…

A long time ago when I used to do what were then called paternity suits, being court cases by an unmarried woman to get maintenance for a child from the alleged father, it used to be said that the standard defence by the alleged dad was to get his local football team to give evidence that they’d all been through her.

It worked, too.

Don’t know whether to put up a funny face or a bloody sad one. It was quite brutal, really.

The most commonly seen version of that joke is:

The German air controllers at Frankfurt Airport are renowned as a short-tempered lot. They not only expect one to know one’s gate parking location, but how to get there without any assistance from them. So it was with some amusement that we (a Pan Am 747) listened to the following exchange between Frankfurt ground control and a British Airways 747, call sign “Speedbird 206”:
Speedbird 206: “Frankfurt, Speedbird 206 clear of active runway.”
Ground: “Speedbird 206. Taxi to gate Alpha One-Seven.”
The BA 747 pulled onto the main taxiway and slowed to a stop.
Ground: “Speedbird, do you not know where you are going?”
Speedbird 206: “Stand by, Ground, I’m looking up our gate location now.”
Ground (with arrogant impatience): “Speedbird 206, haff you not been to Frankfurt before?”
Speedbird 206 (coolly): “Yes, twice in 1944, but I didn’t stop.”

You’re an idiot!

I agree with nick.

Laugh My 4$$ Off…

Whats was your original sentence, LOL

O ya chevan, good one

In extremely poor taste, relating to the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan…


A friend of mine, 72 year old Jean-Claude Gohier was travelling to France…he flew the German national carrier.(Lufthansa)…

…he mistakenly refered to it as the “Luftwaffe” whilst still on the plane…

The pretty German hostess refused to serve him drinks for the rest of the flight to Paris!

I don’t agree and I personally thought my joke was funny. Jokes are entitled to opinion. I thought this thread was devoted to humour thus I entered a joke and after all my hard work I get name called. It’s not very nice to gang up on a earnst member.I am submitting no more jokes in this thread since I am unappreciated…

If I may say for the record, the Master Mod and honourable Mr.Firefly has previously stated the following quote in a previous thread, and I would like to take this opportunity to quote Mr.Firefly
…""Originally Posted by Firefly
Take it from me. The best way to lose any respect here is to name call. Calling someone an idiot isnt necessary and isnt adult.

Please conduct yourself more civily in future, thanks. “”

…I thus assume that Mr.Firefly’s comments in a different thread are applicable to this thread so I enter my point of reference for your kind consideration…Thank You

Ok. at least I wont… Im just gona pu label on you… I guess everyone knows whhat it is.
[COLOR=“White”]troll or tinwalt[/COLOR]