Your Favorite Fighter?

My favourite fighter is Cassius Clay

Hi there I’m new here so if I do this wrong I apologize. My personal favorite aircraft is the Me-163 Komet. Granted its not the best looking aircraft, but I have a lot of respect for a guy to sit in a little crate that flies using a controlled violent chemical reaction, and then you loose your wheels on takeoff.
As far as looks go, the 109 in my book.

Hi,Welcome to the forum! :smiley: ,nothing wrong mate.
enjoy the forum

A little off topic, but welcome, and the Messerschmitt Bf-109 is very flashy when it comes to looks :smiley:

I like the sleek and dangerous look of many of the late war era German fighters and interceptors like the Adder, especially the jet and rocket powered aircraft. I really like the E series of experimental jets they were working on at the end fo the war, too.

Hi everyone. My name is Henk and I love German aircraft and other german technology during WW2. Please excuse any spelling misstakes I made I am not English.
Thank You

I also had the debate with the people of Planes of Fame Museum about the P-51 Mustang and the FW-190 and they said the P-51 and I said the FW-190. The FW-190 had exelant handeling and carried better guns like the cannons and mashineguns. The P-51 only carried machineguns and not cannons. The FW-190, He-162, Dornier 335, Me-163, Horten 229 flying wing and the Me-262 were all exelant German aircraft but if I were to chose one it would be the Dornier 335. It was faster than the FW-190 and had even better handeling than the Me-262 and also had nice Armament. The Me-262 and Heinkel 162 would be my second choice. The FW-190, Fw-190 D / FW Tu-152 are my best single prop fighter of the of the German airforce. The German airforce had some of the best technology of WW2 but they did look past great designs and ideas in the begining of the war.

The Heinkel 162 were also quite a number. It was a nice little jet fighter and did have better handeling thatn that of the Me-262. The US airforce did not have such great fighters than that of the German Airforce during WW2.


The US airforce did not have such great fighters than that of the German Airforce during WW2.

Well, even fanatic of the of the german militaria as I am , I wont say that the americans dont have any similar, the P-51 with merlin engines and the big Republic P-47 could be enough mach for any german fighter piston engined fighter of the 1943-44 period.

The americans probably use the heavy MGs in his planes due they never had to fight off big formations of bombers, the british faced the german bombers and they had to put the Hispano canon in service even too late for see service in the mid 1940.

and the Messerschmitt Bf-109 is very flashy when it comes to looks


FW 190 gets my vote, no real reason just like the looks.

FW-190’s ability to shoot down bombers would make it the best planes germany had in world war 2

:lol: :lol: :lol:
…why I’m not wondering about your choice? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes the P-51 and the P-47 and even the P-38 were very good piston fighters but if the German pilots were well trained with the jet aircraft and had lots of feul and ammunition and lots of plane thy could have won the air war over Europe. The Me-109 was a wonder when the war broke out, but did you know that the Heikel 100 fighter were actualy faster and a better fighter. A example stands in the Planes of Fame Museum today. The Me-109 was chosen over the Heinkel 100 fighter. The Focke Wulff 190 is a lovely aircraft and I saw one at the Milatary Museum in Johannesburg South Africa when I was vissoting my family and it was exelntly preserved. It had the Defence of the Reich band in front of the tail and had cannon pods under the wings and had Lichtenstein radar so it must be a night fighter for attacking bombers. The Heinkel 219 night fighter was very fast and was one of the few German planes that shot down Mosquito night fighter/bomber.

What do you think about the Dornier 335 and the Heinkel 162 fighters?

Thank you for your opinion.


The Dornier was a very fast fighter-recon aircraft, the french ace Pierre Clostermann remeber in his book “Fire in the Sky” that once it try to cath a Do-335 but the german twin engined fighter give full trottle and “parked” his aircraft ( Clostermann flew an Hakwer tempest Mk-V)

Beside that the low numbers of production and the almost nill combats misions performed by the Do-335 denied any good comparative against allied fighter in air combat.

Probably it would be good against bombers due his heavy canon armament, in fact the 335 was one of the few german fighters that could handle the powerful 30 mm Maschinenkanone MK-103 firing trough the propeller hub.

MK-103 in Hs-129

The He-162 salamander was a product of the emergency fighter programe of 1944…and it was a very small fighter with most of this part made of wood.

I wont say that is a good plane, the only advantage is his speed and the relative low amount of raw material required for this construction.

Yes, the Dornier 335 did not have any combat but if there were more the war could have turned. The He 162 was very fast but did not have good construction in the underground factorys that they build them in.

The problem these days is that there are not alot of correct information of the HOrten 229 flying wing fighter that were a very great idea and almost made it if the war just did not end and the Hortens would be very famous people today, but you actualy never here about Von Braun and the Hortens allthough they turned the whole world upside down and put us in space and helped with the design of the US B-2 stealth bomber.

I read a book about German pilots during WW2 and the main charector in the book amonst the German pilots were Dieter that flew all the Me-109, Fw-190 and the Me-262 jet fighter. I do not know if he still live today but according to the book he went to Namibia of South West Africa. I will get the name of the book and I realy suggest reading it becose it give you a great idea of how it was being a German pilot during WW2.

Sorry for being of topic.


I read a book about German pilots during WW2 and the main charector in the book amonst the German pilots were Dieter

You mean Heini Dittmar or it was another? any case Dittmar also flew the Me-163 prototipe at 1004 km/h in mid-1941 :shock:

HG- the problem with many folks is that they really have never researched information from multiple sources about the aircraft of the WW 2 era. They own a couple books with the basic aircraft and some specs on them. There is so much more to learn! Many people are prejudiced against the German and Japanese “enemy” aircraft. We should be able to analyze all these aircraft without bias but that is not the case all of the time.

I can acknowledge the strengths of 109s and 190s and appreciate them even when I conclude that the P-51 was an outstanding plane which could fly all the way to Berlin protecting bombers, dice it up with the Luftwaffe equally and fly all the way home. That’s why I feel the P-51 is a great plane.

The Do-335 had fantastic performance and the Go-229 was the fastest of the war with the most potential. The 162 would have been effective in the hands of an experienced pilot but not guys with little air time. As far as construction goes the Russians used lots of wood in their planes too.

It is so very hard to be clinical in comparisons. Just matching performance figures is pointless. And doing a “what if” scenario is hard since most people scoff at that and we know the Allies would have won no matter if the war was prolonged.

I don’t know, maybe if we make a fantasy situation with a certain plane and pilot versus another we’d have parity. Years ago they used a computer to match old time boxers against modern day ones. Supossedly that proved something.

The truth is that on any given day any pilot in any plane pitted against a roughly equal combo can triumph.

Please call me Henk.

Yes, the allies still would have won the war no matter what. The P-51 was realy a great fighter, but it actualy did not have a big combat record in Europe. It was named the best fighter of WW2 and the fastest prop fighter also, but if it comes to asking poeple wich fighter of WW2 is there best there will be lots of different asnwers. Some poeple go for the looks of the plane some for the Specs and the Looks then you get those just go for the Specs.

I love the German Aircraft, but it does not mean I do not sea the other wonders that were alos build.

Yes, a aircraft need a experienced pilot and the aircraft must be everything that the pilot needs to win in combat. The Germans locked th epilots and the material as we all know.

The srange thing is when you look at US aircraft, German aircraft and the Russian aircraft. The US aircraft have everything in the cockpit and even a bit more. The German aircraft had new technology and near the end of the war they had new technology but just had the basics. The Russian aircraft had everything in the cockpit, but it was simplifide.

I personoly I chose aircraft for there looks, combat record and there stats. I love it when there is someone that likes other aircraft then I can ask him why he chose that aircraft and tell him why I chose mine and threw that I learn how poeple look at aircraft from there poin of vew.

The biggest problem these days are the books on WW2 aircraft are sometimes the poorest I have ever seen and getting one that is great are quite rear. The Internet are a wonder, but there are so many bad information out there you must wach what you read.

Well I bought myself a book that are great information about German aircraft. The book is Janes Fighting Arcraft of WW2 and I recomend it for someone who wants to learn more about WW2 aircraft.

Well I am talking to much again.


Henk- While the Mustang was a later entry into the war I believe its combat record was great. I don’t know if it is better than P-47s relative to missions and kills.

I recall talking to 26 victory ace Horst Petzler about the Fw 190. Though he put in lots of hours in the 109 he had a kindly, far away look in his eyes when he spoke of the 190, “Ah, the 190 had lots of ammo.” He used it in ground attack and loved it.

I feel if I had to duel it out one on one against any plane, I’d like the FW too.

The P-47 were regarded as a better aircraft/fighter than the P-51 but I don’t know if it is so or not.

Yes, the Fw-190 were one of the best and were regarded as the second best fighter of WW2. I bought myself a PS2 game called Secret Wepons Over Normandy and it’s got the Me-262, Me-109, Fw-190, Hurricane, Spitfire, Glosteor Meteor jet fighter, P-51 and more. The Fw-190 and the ME-262 are my best fighters in the game, more the Fw-190.

In a magizine that came out a few years ago Take Off had the storey of the Fw-190 and it describe the aircraft very good.

The problem with the Me-109 later in the war is that the pilots that flew it were not happy with the handeling and speed that they were used to in the begining of the war. like the Gustav series, but the Fw-190 were all in all better in combat.

I forgot all about the Heinkel 280 jet fighter thst did not have the bat quilatys of the Me-262. It had better handeling and the Heinkel jet engine were faster thatn the Junkers Jumo 004 jet engine that powerd the Me-262. It never made the production line because Messerschmitt were the favourite for the Goerig.

What do you think?


Every Luftwaffe ace I’ve talked to had a love for the 109 but acknowledged its limitations. The landing gear was poor and more fragile than the FW’s. It also had more severe stall characteristics. The liquid cooled engine was a slight negative too compared to the 190’s air-cooled. The Focke Wulf could tote more guns that the Messerschmitt and had better armor. Importantly, range was better in the 190.

They made do with the 109 before the 190 and like pilots everywhere they learned how to use the 109’s strengths and stayed away from actions that showed up the weaknesses.

Willy Messerschmitt was favored by the Air Ministry and was close to Milch so he got contracts over Ernst Heinkel regularly.

no no no lads the best German aircraft was the messerschimitt bf109 any one knows that silly. the English aircraft is the supermarine spitfire MK1