your favorite WW2 movie?

A Bridge to Far is a really good movie as well. Has alot of great actors in it. I think you have to be a WW2 buff to really appreciated it though.

agreed.just check out the cast!

wow, amazing cast! i must watch

I met the Captain of the Memphis Belle the real-life dude and he was mean for lack of better words we’ll say.

Did anyone saw Russians films about WW2? Oldest black and white films? It’s a strange mix of humor and tragedy… It’s my favorite films of all types.

Did anyone saw Russians films about WW2? Oldest black and white films? It’s a strange mix of humor and tragedy… It’s my favorite films of all types.

What was you going to see? Most of old russian films has nothing close to reality. It was time of propaganda, the real information was restricted! But some are really funny.

That is a good point


What was you going to see? Most of old russian films has nothing close to reality. It was time of propaganda, the real information was restricted! But some are really funny.

I can’t agree with you. Most terrible facts was hidden, of course, but my grandmother (veteran of Leningrad blocade) told me, that was tue in that films. About information - old Soviet films are not linked to reality combat offen, but it’s main theme - show the heroism of Soviet nation and Red Army. This is a difference between Soviet and Germans books too… V. Suvorov (Rezun) told such a phrase : “German autors - school of tactics, Russian - scool of heroism”. The War was not only a batlle between tanks and planes, no, most valueble resorce of war - people. And the personal relations and abilities of people - is most intresting thing in WW2. Btw, political course of Stalin and Hitler very offen was ruled by their personal relations with close range of persons…

I met the Captain of the Memphis Belle the real-life dude and was mean for lack of better words we’ll say.[/quote]

If you have a story please do tell.

I like Star, Hang and many other!

The enemy at the gates - very bad film. The Soviet veterans protested against this film. Maintenance of fighters was quite good enough. Rifles and cartridges gave in normal quantity. Officers of red army are presented as concourse of alcoholics…
German film Stalingrad is much more truthful.[/quote]

There you go. The German file ‘Stalingrad’ is the best WW2 movie I have ever seen, because it is both realistic AND truthful. The underlying theme
is betrayal of the German soldiers by the high command ( Hitler ). There
is no glory-just pointless sacrifice and horrific brutality. The scenes I’ll
always remember are (1) the Wehrmacht ‘church service’ in a pile of
rubble where the priest talks about saving civilization, while nearby a
Russian prisoner is randomly pulled from a column of prisoners and clubbed to death in the mud and (2) after the German officer VIPs are
evacuated by air, the footsoldiers discover the house that they used as
a secret headquarters-complete with brothel and winecellar. Instead of
raping the one surviving Russian woman there, they are enraged at their
own officers, and join with the woman in trying to escape the Stalingrad
pocket to the west. One by one, they all eventually die in the snow. The
only thing that kept it from being the perfect film for me was the poor
quality of the background music.
While I enjoyed ‘Enemy At The Gates’, it cannot be taken seriously as
a true account of the battle, or the sniper contest. The German sniper
did not stand up and confront his Russian antagonist in the real battle;
instead he was spotted in a crater in the street under a sheet of metal.
He was shot through his rifle’s scope. A lot of great looking scenes, excellent music score, but not very factual. Typical Hollywood.
‘Private Ryan’ is my second favorite, with ‘Band Of Brothers’ third and
‘Cross Of Iron’ fourth.

Der untengang (german film about hitler)

I should have included ‘Das Boot’ as fifth favorite.

…when trumpets fade? It’s about the Hurtgen Forest battle in late 44. It’s lost in history most of the time because the Bulge offensive took place whil it was still going on. A real meat-grinder. Same folks who did Hamburger Hill did this one for HBO with no theatrical release in the US.

Never heard of it Bigmac… perhaps it’s due to the no theatrical release in the US. part. :?


I should have included ‘Das Boot’ as fifth favorite.[/quote]

Yeah, Das Boot is a pretty good WWII flick

I am reading about it at the moment, both the Siegfried line and the Huertgen Forest. The feeling I am getting from the books is that it was a needless battle and cost the US a lot of casualties for very little gain and no tactical reason.

“Siegfried, the Nazis’ Last Stand” Charles Whiting also by him is “The Battle of the Hurtgen Forest”

he uses two different spellings for Hurtgen Forest. The cover also gives another 7 books by him covering D-Day to the end of the War.

Just Googles “when trumpets fade” and came up with the film and a link to a trailer. It would seem that it was made for TV by HBO but is out on video.

There’s also a good book by MacDonald and another one called “Follow Me and Die” by Curry that I’ve read. Both excellent reads. Quite a few MOH winners at the battle as well. Movie really demostrates the casualty count and how it impacted the morale.

I have to admit having a soft spot for 1950’s war movies, particularly the ones made in b&w so they could cut in real footage. Among my many favorites are, Angels one five, Twelve O’clock high, Sink the Bismark, The Cruel Sea, Ice Cold in Alex, A walk in the sun, The Desert Fox and The gift horse. I could go on and on, all of the above are a good watch.
They also tend to stick closer to the facts as many of the actors and production teams where veterans of WW2.

my favorite war movie is ‘A Walk in the Sun’

its a period war movie, and the only inaccuracy is they didnt have a german halftrack, they used an M3, and the used P51’s for 109s. but other than that its spotless

my favorits are

we were soldiers
tora tora tora
wind talkers
saving privite ryan
enemy at the gate
dirty dozan