your favourite weapon of all time (infantry weapon)

Do you know what that is and have you used it ?[/quote]
please vasilij,put the information,thanks :slight_smile:

To me it looks like a H&K PSG-1. No, I have not shot it and in fact Iā€™ve never handled, I have just seen it in the hands of members of Berlin police SWAT unit.


Nice rifle .

Personally Iā€™ve never seen a PSG1 without a palm rest, not even in pics.

And from the site of H&K:

What a gun . :shock:

To me it looks like a H&K PSG-1. No, I have not shot it and in fact Iā€™ve never handled, I have just seen it in the hands of members of Berlin police SWAT unit.

it is a HK MSG-90

here is another nice gun

HK MSG-90A1, a modified design for US DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle) program

Caliber: 7.62mm NATO (.308 Win)
Operation: Semi-auto, Roller delayed blowback
Barrel: 600 mm
Weight: 6.4 kg
Length: 1165 mm
Feed Mechanism: 5 or 20 round detachable box magazines.

The H&K roller-delayed blowback rifles (i.e. G3 based ones) are heavily over-rated, for the following reasons:

  • Balance is crap - front-heavy
  • The bolt is too heavy, so the centre of mass moves a lot when firing
  • The construction can lead to the butt being a bit wobbly - not condusive to accuracy
  • That hump on the butt where it meets the receiver is liable to clock you in the face
  • The cocking handle is annoyingly awkward & hard to operate (my mrs couldnā€™t do it)
  • Cleaning - the roller recesses are a PITA to clean, as are the chamber flutes
  • Brass-sensitive - if the brass is too soft, the case head gets blown off
  • Ejection is violent and at an angle such that the enemy can see your empties glinting in the sunlight from a long way off (a friend of mine said from experience that it made seeing the enemy easy even at 2-300m)
  • Full-auto fire was not as uncontrollable as I thought it would be, but is still not for the faint-hearted

These HK sniper-rifles are also a little overrated - they look really warry & techie, so walts love them. A true sniper rifle should not fire a shiny brassy thing several feet in the air with every shot - it kinda gives the game away!

As for a really good infantry wpn of recent decades, the L1A1 SLR (British version of the FN-FAL) takes some beating - perhaps the AR10 (although the bolt hitting the last-round hold open can crack the frame) is better, but it was never officially adopted (the Dutch used 10,000-odd of them in Indonesia but then adopted the FAL for political reasons).

And if anyone wants proof of this, find out what the Bundeswehrā€™s issue G22 sniper rifle is beneath the German designation!

WouldnĀ“t be something similar to an AI AW by any chance would it ? :smiley:

i thanks its a little differint

Not only different AS, more accurate, more comfortable, and in the 338 Lap Super Mag or 300 Win Mag, (as used by the Bundeswehr,) more effective in the anti mat role.
(If itā€™s of any consequence itā€™s also easier to tpt or lob with.)

My favourite is the Minimi, having just fired one (and a Demarco, which was effing cool!) i am now in love and have decided to chuck my girlfriend and replace her with a minimi.

Did you giggle like a little school girl first time you fired it, like I did?

yeah, but then the screams of ectasy took over followed shortly by ā€˜GET SOMEā€™

You just canā€™t help yourself can you? I love that gun

I have pictures of it in my room now. I did consider buying a BB version off the net, but that was deemed by others to be a step too far :cry:

Lads, while the Minimi is a useful bit of kit, for pure fun try the M2 BMG, or if you can find one these days a quad mount of the same !
The most fun you can have with your clothes on.

A personal favourite from a mechanical/useful point of view is still the Grand Old Lady, the venerable Vickers.
Still the best truly SFMG that exists, despite itā€™s age.

Had a go with a DSHK on a captured weapons shoot in NI, now that was fun. Not had a go with the Browning version

The DShK is also very impressive - odd sort of link though donā€™t you think ?
Iā€™ve always thought that they looked a little ā€˜Buck Rodgersā€™ with the finned bbl and FOGB muzzle device, (in no way can it be called a flash supressor !)

Even the DShKM is more complicated than the BMG to manufacture, and not as reliable as John Mosesā€™ cuddly toy.