Zimbabwe - ready for intervention??

Ahh the “old boy” network, can I join?

Sanctions as usual didn’t work for the powers that be in SA, people like my dad lost work and income, but he still owned his house, had to let go some of his workers (black folks) and couldn’t do his charity work in black orphanages anymore (couldn’t afford to)…
No Mandela, his crownies and the “Western world tree hugging whine about the planet whilst I drive a 4X4 with horsey green wellingtons flying around the world telling you to recycle whilst I plan my agenda at plush dinner parties with my hypocritical baastuurds” are the ones who fucked up SA…

But as Homer Simpson said: I didin’t get where I am today by learning my lessons"…

AND btw…They still had their cocacola, latest CDs and “they” still own the diamond mines…As it ha been sdaid here, WAKE UP…

Not seeking sympathy are we, old chap?

If you want to join the human race, old boy, all that you have to do is come in from the cold and see the light.

AND btw…They still had their cocacola, latest CDs and “they” still own the diamond mines…As it ha been sdaid here, WAKE UP…

Who are ‘they’, old boy?

Not seeking sympathy are we, old chap?

Distraction as an argument…doesn’t work…

If you want to join the human race, old boy, all that you have to do is come in from the cold and see the light.

dunno whwere you are, but it’s real hot here, and bright and sunny…:cool:

Who are ‘they’, old boy?

You should be bright enough to figure that one out fer yerself auld bean …;):slight_smile:

You must be bored!

How dare you! If I was bright, I wouldn’t be wasting my time with your comments, old chap!

Ahh…distraction, and pomposity…Sorry auld bean, trolling doesn’t work for me…

Now, back on topic…

No, I don’t think sanctions would work, for a number of reasons:
Mugabe is arrogant, the country is already a self inflicted mess, and sanctions only hurt the poor not the powers that be…For a look at sanctions in SA: http://www.econ.yale.edu/growth_pdf/cdp796.pdf
As usual with African countries, they blame everyone else, and as long as this is the case, they will never come out of the hardships they face…

Another example, in Iraq, again the glorious leftie answer meant that the infant mortality rate increased dramatically, again, poor people suffering and the people in power remaining as they where…But no, the lefties wil stand firm and say that the war there is a crime, but forgetting to mention that the they whre the cause of the chilrdrens deaths, whilst deftly changing the sugbject and highlighting the current situation there…

I’ll guarantee you, the deal Mugabe is brokering now, means he will retire a wealthy man, and there will be no comebacks…

Unbelievable duality!

No, I don’t think sanctions would work, for a number of reasons:
Mugabe is arrogant, the country is already a self inflicted mess, and sanctions only hurt the poor not the powers that be…

Here, we are in sensible agreement.

I’ll guarantee you, the deal Mugabe is brokering now, means he will retire a wealthy man, and there will be no comebacks…

Highly probable, unfortunately. He ought to be lifted and tried for crimes against humanity.

I have to absent myself for a couple of weeks, as I’m off to climb a mountain. Who knows, perhaps the Trolls will be having a picnic and I’ll get an invite?

Do proceed without me, dear boy, I’ll check in on my return.

Right back at ye…:D…Enjoy yer trip auld bean, where are ye giong?..Just climbed a mountain meself recently, Italy…

Back non topic, heres a link that might interest ye: http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2006/apr/25/Zimbabwenews.internationalnews