Having watched Band of Brothers (in the Gulf '03, it was about the only DVD we were given for entertainment, watched on my laptop by about 40 blokes!!!
) and read the link I feel compelled to say that I respect the said individual.
However I do not feel that we should be the ones to countermand a medal he has already won. Which is what you are doing if you sign this petition. If we opened the books in the cold light of day we would hand out many Congressional Medals of Honour, as we would Victoria Crosses and as many medals as you could say.
He did what he did and no medal will ever replace the admiration and respect of his fellows which he clearly has. I am sure he was not the only officer in his position at that time nor any time previous to cope as best he could and recieve the thanks of his men rather than the mere thanks of his nation.
Is it an injustice? Yes, but it would be unjust still to the other men and women who have not been awarded the appropriate medal for their actions. Perhaps the moreso as only popularity through a mini series has prompted such action for this particular man. Had the series been about Able company perhaps this thread would bear the name of yet another fine man who did his duty to the best of his ability, regardless of the bad hand he was dealt.
Medals are awarded by the Military and political body in the respective countries, not by the mob. There will always be those who win medals they do not deserve, those who don’t receive the medal they should and those who receive nothing.
But those who stand there wearing a lower medal than deserved or none, are still stood proud. It is not the monarchy, politicians or mob who award the highest award of all. Perhaps even god, who ever he/she/it is to you, doesn’t have a say. It is the men who relied upon you, or looked to you who award the greatest sign of bravery, a sign you will never see nor hold it but it is still there.