Middle east crisis

What you think about what happens , in Israel ??? Do you believe that a land assault from the Israelis could “solve” the problem ???

Well i dont think you are ever going to solve any problems in the middle east it’s just a place known for conflict but i guess an assualt could save the Israelis from more hamas rocket attacks if thats what your asking

Well i agree with both of you , but dont you think that an israeli attack could “build” another Afganistan or Iraq ??? Suicide attacks from Hamas , ambushes in Gaza … or Hamas has not the “resources” for that ???

hamas knew israel would retaliate.they want the world focus on them,they wanted a reaction.have you seen all the demonstrations in the middle east.what they hope to accomplish i dont know,but pretty soon they will be rulers of a pile of rubble.

Well grenadier , i cant say i disagree with you , but even if the world focus on them whats the point ??? every reasonable person could realise that they are terrorists who do what they do for “the greater good” but through that they actually do the exact opposite thing : they are causing pain to the palestinian people .

I blame the Israelis, because Israel exists because the Zionists muscled into Palestine and displaced and often expelled the Palestinians who survived their invasion and ensured that the Palestinians could not return to the homeland they had occupied for millennia after the Zionists’ ancestors had departed.

The current situation goes back politically most recently to Lord Balfour and short term British war aims in 1917.

Which goes back to centuries of European persecution of the Jews which encouraged the creation of Zionism.

Whch goes back to centuries of European Christian hostility to Jews.

Which goes back to Roman hostility to the Jews, notably someone called Jesus.

And so on.

Then there are current influences such as American support for Israel by a collection of wealthy American Zionists who influence American politicians but nowhere near as much as fundamentalist Christians who hold a big swag of Republican votes and who believe that Israel must be preserved to allow the second coming of Christ.

Then there are people on both or more sides of the issue who just have silly ideas. :rolleyes:

Instead of being upset about the current violence, we should just accept that that is the way of the Middle East in its current form (not unlike Europe in its form until about sixty years ago, for the time being) as, despite all the attention being devoted to Israel, the Iran-Iraq war was far worse but went almost completely unnoticed in the West while huge efforts were devoted to seeking peace in or over Israel where, comparatively, hardly anyone got hurt or killed.

Frankly, I don’t care any more, as long as the West keeps out of the Middle East and lets the Arabs sort out Israel, or vice versa, once and for all.

Of course, if the Arabs sort out Israel, then we’ll have to put up with something like the Iran-Iraq war again (Yes, I know that the Iranians aren’t Arabs.) between whomever there.

Again, I just don’t care.

Well, I do care, but I can’t do anything about it, and they don’t want to do anythng about it, so why not just stand back and let them all slaughter each other?

To the victor, the spoils.

I am, as the kids say nowadays, completely over it!

RS i believe you are right and i guess most of those who are in this forum will do the same . But man do you agree with these artillery/rocket barrages of Israel to the palestinians ???

Sadly, that’s a hideously over-simplified description. There have been Jews living in Palestine continuously ever since the Diaspora.
To describe zionists as “muscling in” is partially misleading - at various times Jewish immigrants to modern-day Israel have used every method from buying land (probably the most common) to full-on ethnic cleansing of Arabs. Furthermore, the Palestinian refugees were not the exclusive fault of Israel - during the 1948 war, the various Arab states encouraged them to leave their homes so as to make the entire state of Israel a free-fire zone, making it easier to exterminate the Jews within it’s boundaries. Ever since, these states have done everything in their power to prevent the refugees becoming permanent citizens or putting down roots in any form - because it is in their interest to maintain the cycle of violence.

Frankly, “a plague on both your houses” seems the most appropriate comment here.

I don’t agree with any violence.

I’m a pacifist.

Violence begets violence, and so it goes forever, to no ultimate or good purpose in most cases.

People who are victims of violence often have a well founded belief that they are entitled to inflict equal or greater violence on those who hurt them.

Add to that the background of decades of oppression and dispossession of the Palestinians by the Israelis and, if I was a Palestinian and not a pacifist, I’d be shooting the shit out of every Israeli I could find who was occupying my family’s home and lands of but a few decades ago while I was forced to live in some rubble built slum because neither the Zionists nor my supposed Arab brothers in adjoining lands would allow me to live in their lands.

On the other hand, if I was an Israeli who had pushed into the settlements in pursuit of Jahweh’s right given to me to occupy them and in the process to dispossess lesser beings such as Palestinians, then of course I would regard it as outrageous that Hamas or anyone else would use violence to try to redress what they see as my arrogant expropriation of Palestinian property when Jahweh gave me and my people the right to push out every Palestinian who stood in the way of me and my people reclaiming what we think is ours, after an interval of barely a couple of thousand years in our title to the land.

That was my point, if not clearly expressed.

This is the way the Herman Meister sees it.:
Bush is on his way out and Israel knows it, so they are capitalizing on this, cause they know Bush will not say anything to critical or take any action (not that they ever do, against Israel), BUT, I think Israel knows it better act before Obama comes to Power. Bush is like a dying dog on the ledge. He’s tired and worn out and he won’t do anything about this fiasco on his way out. Israel knows this and can and will do, whatever it wants cause USA will not do anything about it. The UN is a useless group of people who don’t take action against Iran or Sadam, so all they do is pose threats and say don’t do this and so forth.
I believe, the ceasefire was in place under the condition that the medical supplies and aid could continue into Gaza. The Israeli’s did not allow free trade into Gaza and over the mths the people of Gaza complained why Israel was slowing and refusing the aid to enter since the ceasefire began. So since the partial blockade was never lifted, the people of Gaza got pissed and said why do we have a ceasefire when we are being punished by partial blockade, so they get mad and shoot a few rockets into Israel to protest.
The bottom line, is that if Israel only allowed aid and medical supplies to enter Gaza unobstructed, in the first place, this would not have happened (in my humble opinion).
You can’t limit or delay trade to a suffering nation and expect them not to get pissed off.
The tanks will most definitely roll into Gaza Very Soon, before Obama comes to Power. That I guarantee!

Herman is right . Totally right . Well actually not for this last thing , but mainly for everything he wrote . Could be a different way of solving this particular conflict in Israel ??? And one last thing . I heard an Israeli Minister talking and said that “hamas diliberately(i dont know if i spell it right) aims for children and kindergarden …” and said it after the first bombardement at the time schools were ended . Do you believe she’s right ??? From the things i’ve heard Hamas fires in blind the rockets .

I hope you understand what i am writing

The problem with Islamic rebels is that they tend to put women and children in area’s where they are hiding stuff. Remember Sadam, when he hid arsenals of stuff in mosques and near hospitals so that when the Americans bombed in that area, the Iraqi’s would say that they are being targeted by their mosque’s etc. I don’t know if its true or not, but CNN say’s so. I find it very hard to believe that Hamas would put children and women in harms way. It’s just so un-natural. I also question why the university was bombed recently in Gaza. Were they hiding missiles in the university? I find that hard to swallow. Hamas will never ever forgive Israel as long as they keep bombing and invading their land. It’s like putting a hammer to a pea. The retaliation is well above normal response and the killing of innocent civilians defies the rules of war.More pictures of dead children will be shown in due time on CNN, When will this stop?.

Look Herman my guess is that it will never stop . In that area war will never stop . It is something that is happening all the time

I totally agree. It is very very sad state of affairs. I am beginning to question if it were better off if Israel not exsist where it is, given the instability the country has caused to the entire region for the past 45 years. Although too late to do anything about it now. I feel sorry for them all, both sides.

If this keep going in this “rythme” then Gaza will no longeer exist . Now i am listening the news and says that Israel fears that a land attack , will activate also other “organisations” like Hesbolah

The Lebaneese I work with are going nuts over this thing too!

The Lebaneese ??? How comes ??? I guess the Syrians should pissed off

Well guys i dont know about you but i feel kind of strange cause you know this things happens where jesus lived . I put here the idea of realigion . But dont you think is odd these things to happen when actually “love and hope” was born ???

It may serve the nations around Israel to remove the Hamas influence from their lands. If those people hide, and strike from innocent lands in order to further their hate,they show contempt for their hosts, and place them in great danger for their own selfish ends. Hamas seems a friend to no one but Hamas. Israel must protect their own lands, and people, in whatever way they can. The Arab Nations need to remove the threat of Hamas. Or, one day some fanatical person will launch a chemical or biological weapon at Israel, then there will be real trouble, this time for the entire world.