Our Wars In 2 Minutes: WW1 to ISIS

Is war beyond our understanding? For several months I’ve read many different opinions on this subject throughout the forum (some others) which has been extremely enlightening.

With this question in mind and being a Film Editor I decided to create a video titled ‘Our Wars In 2 Minutes’ that covers the major wars since WW1 up until ISIS. WW2 is the longest section.


Having worked on this for a couple of months it would be extremely rewarding to hear back from a community that has informed much of my knowledge on international conflicts and warfare.

Great work, looks really good.

Sorry… it sucked.
( I left a more detailed remark…you can guess who I am at joootoop …so you gained a “viewer hit”…you’re welcome).

Sounds hard, but I find that a serious subject like war and especially "philosophying " over it, deserves better handling. It looks like a school project of a 16 y.o.

How old are you Tom Bennet ? Born in 1991 ? Then you should be able to make it better…

Looks fine, but I’m sorry to be negative as you haven’t added anything to what is already known about those wars and have completely ignored the causes and effects, although nobody is going to manage that in two minutes, nor probably two hours or even two years as there is still no clear and universally accepted explanation for the outbreak of WW1, never mind what came later.

I doubt that’s the point, seems to be more of overview of the wars the US was in as well as one or two important moments in each…

FDR don’t be such a ****, you can think its bad all you want, but no need to put him down for making a video.


Yeah, you’re probably correct. I was looking at it from a historian’s perspective rather than the one you’ve put forward.

Negative comments withdrawn, with apologies to tombennett91


Who knows, perhaps Tom sees himself as the next John Ford or Spielberg and a career in Hollywood is his obsession. Better to stop this illusion in its tracks, to save him more time and money wasting.

Here is a good youtube directing channel:

Here is a very refreshing (though not all data were correct, or some were biased…it always is) ww2 youtube statistics clip.
It brings “the same” but in a “new format” and thus can surprise the audience.
So, first think of the message/story you want to bring…after that, work on the filming/editing.
Bad script = bad film. Always.

Tom’s work stands for what it is, which I think was accurately assessed by Churchill at #5.

Your comments stand for what they are. They, like many of your other posts, come across as those of a condescending know-all smartarse committed to negative rather than positive contributions. It’s up to you if that’s the way you want to continue, but you diminish yourself by doing it.

How do you like to see your future ? One in which rubbish, bad quality products and media , are poured over the globe and into your world …all because no-one dares to criticise or implement quality control ? You know what I mean. For every top quality mechanic tool , you have literally hundreds of Chinese fake or chinese own brand garbage tools. Looks quite allright. But performs like hell.
The same goes for movies. Any blockbuster original American/British movie of the past has been duplicated in chinese or bollywood style and adapted for their public. Yet, none of them ever beats the original.
Now, ask yourself…who or what is to “blame” for this tsunami of trash ?

Maybe, just maybe, you guys assume that Tom is a 12 year old doing his first ever youtube project.
Well, where is the proof ? A “private” in this forum does not mean that you are an adolescent.
Let Tom tell us here and in his youtube clip that he is 12 y.o. and we all can say “aaaaaaaaah, well done”. Including me !
BUT he specifically DOES NOT WANT to be judged on his age (however juvenile it may be), therefore we owe it to him to comment his work on its own merits. (and he is said to be a"being a Film Editor"…that sounds quite professional ?!)
(me, I think he is older than 20…and remember. Bomber pilots in ww2 were …younger !)

“and then?” " and then ?" “and then ?”

( only US involvements, no korea war, US perspective only, no other raging wars and conflicts, too much and immediate focus on maimed casualties, no “pointe”, no structure, no surprising effect, no message, no philosophy)

I cannot brew beer, but I am sure qualified to TASTE quality beer.

Tom, editor, if you want a very good example how a certain surprising feeling emanates from good editing work in combination with music; see the begin score of The Iron Cross of Sam Peckinpah ;
this is not just “and then” “and then” “and then” sequence.
you see ? can you see it ?

Perhaps before attempting to point out flaws (real, or imagined) in other’s posts, you might work on your own. Your attitude is querulous for the most part, and not a good position from which to Proclaim Ex-Cathedra to anyone.

And who is condescending, know-all, smartarsing , now , hey ?

you know the difference between the one smartarse versus all (you) other smartarses ?
I have pointed where things ARE wrong, but I also pointed to WHERE he can find improvement (limited to my time and effort. Of course).
What have you smartarses done ? Only bickering and cursing (to me) and…whoa, also to Tom “what is already known about those wars and have completely ignored the causes and effects”, but NONE of you points Tom in ANY right direction to find the cup of improvement.
Some good example of Ivory Tower snobisms.

Look in the mirror Tankgeezer.

PS what does ****** mean ?

Not I, not sure about you yet though. A small hint for you, It never pays to back sass the staff. Officially, I would recommend that you learn (hastily) to comport yourself as a reasoning adult when on this Site.

I don’t think Tom was trying to compete with the best China can produce. Which, actually, is as good as the best any other country can produce.

tombennett91? :confused::rolleyes::shock:

Yes, there does seem to be an absence of proof that Tom is a 12 year old.

So what? You’re the only one who’s getting worked up about, or even vaguely interested in, his age, which you’ve dropped from 16 years old in your original blast to 12 years old now.

I fail to see what introducing irrelevancies about his age or occupation has to do with judging his work on its viewed merit or lack of merit.

If Saving Private Ryan had been directed by a nine year old, would that make it a different experience for the viewer?

If it’s such a terrible waste of two minutes, why are you spending vastly more time moaning about its deficiencies?

Why the reference to “pointe”? It’s a ballet term.

That’s an about face since your first post where you said “I find that a serious subject like war and especially “philosophying” " over it, deserves better handling.”

I’m not a bull, but I can still recognise bullshit.

Give Tom a go, for Christ’s sake, and stop being such a *****!


Okay, genius.

Make a better video and post it.

To be accurate, the post said " **** " and FDR said " ****** " but even so, the meaning is indeed obvious.

FDR may have inserted an apostrophe and an s to make it a plural.

Doesn’t alter the fact that a **** is still a ****.

An immutable truth my good Colleague.