Political correctness? (splitted from Merry Christmas movie)

Did any of you stop to consider that I might be horribly offended by this thread? Did you?

why would you be offended? please explain, thanks

why would you be offended? please explain, thanks[/quote]

Because, as a non-Christian, I might find the entire concept of Christmas horribly offensive.

If you believe the BBC and the rest of the liberal media

Im really sorry for you stoaty.

sorry, i am not trying to insult you, but do you mean you hate christmas?
i am a buddist, but i still celebrate the season because we respect other relilgions.

that is very nice fw!

Do You also celebrate Ramadan, Eid, Hannukah etc out of respect for these religions?

It is not your problem stoat,i thought you don’t practice any religion!

Do You also celebrate Ramadan, Eid, Hannukah etc out of respect for these religions?[/quote]
i dont celebrate them, but i wouldnt be offended by their existence :wink:
again, i dont mean to insult you

This has the distinct smell of Wah.

Merry christmas for all!!!

MoS, you might be, but you aren’t, are you?

The same reply as above from me.

More: How comes that suddenly you “might find the entire concept of Christmas horribly offensive”??? Why you didn’t complained when others started to talk about Christmas before the starting of this thread? (Not to mention that you posted your complaint in a wrong thread- there are several Christmas threads more appropriate to post it)

Shortly, your intention is?

What means?

Ramadan and Eid are for sure celebrated on an islamic forum (if any). Hannukah are for sure celebrated on an jewish (or Israeli) forum. This is an American forum and the vast Christian majority celebrates Christmas.

Why don’t you (as an Atheist maybe) sue the whole Western society on Christmas time? Why you don’t protest at your office when you have Christmas Holiday? Why you are on vacation on Christmas time instead of working? It is very easy to “protest” hidden behind a keyboard and a monitor, isn’t it?

Unless your explaining post I found your posts offensive and insulting for me as a Catholic.

It does, and I believe he may need a landing net for Dani :wink:

Sorry MoS, if provoking Erwin was your intention, you just missed the fact that I am Catholic (fact that I posted openly in my debate with Minimalistix).

It had nothing to do with provoking Erwin – it was firmly tongue-in-cheek, as this comment:

If you believe the BBC and the rest of the liberal media

… and the excessive use of the word “might” should have given away.

It was poking fun at political correctness, and also at those who are far too quick to call “offence” at things which really don’t matter.

I was hoping that I was not going to have to explain this…

If I was going to push this gag further, I would say that your Catholicism offended me, as would your proudness of it :lol:

And large brew wins the “top wah-spotter prize” of the evening!

:lol: :lol:


you are insulting my religion, please stop doing that!

Late in the game, Erwin chimes in and completely misses the point…

Stupid “political correctness”!!

MoS, it’s true that in UK they invented the word “winterval” for replacing Christmas time?

Fucking communists!! After WW2, in Romania, as well as in other Eastern European countries occupied by the Soviets, the Christmas (as a religious celebration) was forbidden officially, communists being atheists.

Only two things remained at that time: “Christmas tree” became “Winter tree”, “Merry Christmas” became “Season Greetings”.

See the similarities? :smiley: :smiley:

For the sake of “political correctness” they headed to what? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Political correctness should have nothing in common with “offending of other religions than Christian”. Non-Christian minorities in Western countries are not offended (see FW posts - for buddist example). If somebody (muslim, jew, etc) feel offended, it is his choice. Muslim minorities, jewish minorities, “other-religion” minorities, as a whole aren’t offended.

Christian minority in Lebanon aren’t offended by Ramadan as an example. It is stupid to be offended by the celebrations of the vast religious majority of the country where you live, and still to live in that country.

Please calm down.

Anyway, I will split several posts making a new topic named “Political correctness?”