What was the most successful British submarine of WW2 in terms of tonnage sunk?

(easy I know, but I’m running out of ideas)

If we’re talking about fighter pilot Pattle, and you read the heading of my post you will see Hurricane I in the text, no?

So my post WAS the first correct answer, no?

And, Topor did not ask for numbers,

But JBTW - ‘Pat’ Pattle’s score in Greece, on Hurricanes, was 40, not 25 according to 33 Sqn’s survivors. I met some of them. My Dad was in 3 Sqn RAAF at the same time.

And if we’re talking the two gun tank q’n, if an Aussie doesn’t know about the Sentinel, I don’t know who else would.

There is a ‘single 25pder’ armed one, on the hill behind Duntroon RMC, here in Canberra dontcha know - more were made with 2 or 6pders. I think only one with a 17pder was made, before shelving the project.

Sentinel was distinguished by a single, one-piece casting, hull.

NOW, can you all try and answer my question about the pommie staff officer?


Warmly, ;-)!

Timbo in Oz

I believe Timbo was first with correct answer - surely it’s his crack now ?

He’s more than welcome to if he wants to - I was just going on Topor’s comments saying it was my turn.

There’s no mention of the Hurricane in your post which was the answer I was looking for, so that’s why I gave pdf the OK for answering the question.

My apologies for sticking my oar in.

I will now retire to the Mess and write out fifty times, “I must RTFQ !”
As an extra penance I’ll have a wet for each line.

HurricaneI - I left out the space, I admit.

WHY oh WHY, are the headings in such TINY script?


and his combined score WAS above 40.

HEADINGS??? Topor, eh?

Could you please, please, develop the habit of reading, the heading, always, and first.



Or I’ll come into cyberspace - ‘and rip your bloody arms off and I will, too!’*

*apologies to the Auntie Jack show.


THIS is what I posted.


"Post subject: Pat Pattle? In a Hurricane Ialmost certainly, hard to know.
he did well on Gladiators before that, too.

I know he’s NOT the RAF’s official highest scorer, Johnnie Johnson is IIRC.

But Pattle is reliably known to have shot down a lot of aircraft in Greece."


Timbo I went back and read your post and this time noticed your heading. You did answer the question correctly.I’m sure everything will be cleared up when Topor gets back.
I for one never add a heading as until you pointed it out I did’nt realise you could put one in. I tend to just wack up the reply box and start banging away and having had a look at this thread I’m not alone .
I’ts been rememberence day here which often means post parade drinks with the old boys and making sure they get home safe which is why I’ve only just got on line ( 01.40 GMT)

I thought I posted a reply this AM but it’s not there :?

I think we all missed the Hurricane reference with it being in the Subject bar, as nobody generally uses it except for new threads.

I hope you now realise why I missed it.

As there’s been another question posted since, I’ll pass next time I get one right & you can have the slot.

As for the most successful sub., I’ll go for HMS Upholder under Captain Wanklyn.


For God sake Tmbo! Will you stop using “The post subject:” issue??

As you might notice, that issue it is about a subject and not a sentence or phrase!!!

If you want to post something, post like anybody else and eventually input A SUBJECT in “The post subject” line.

“Post subject: Gee, then you ahd better get one right real soon, Topor!”
I made an offer that you reply to with this “smart Alec” comment in return.
I suggest you calm down a little & give up on the attitude.

This little gem, along with your post in the “Which LMG” thread doesn’t exactly endear you to myself, or others.

You put your reply in the wrong place, where I & many others missed it, EOS.

Can we get back on topic now?

Can I have Timbo’s go then?


Give him a break Topor, they have lost to us AGAIN and he may be feeling a little upset. :lol:

Get back to topic. pdf27 please confirm it or not.

Yup, that’s correct. Sorry for the delay, been busy for a day or two.

OK Timmo; your shout as offered.