Dani your turn I think

Well, I’ll post one in several hours (when I’ll reach home).

Edited: Much, much eralier, here it is:

What was Sichelshnitt?

Maybe The German attack through the Ardennes called Sichelschnitt?

Is it a spicey German sausage? Just kidding, I think it was an offensive plan that was used in 1940 on the western front?

The German offensive through the Ardennes was called Sichelshnitt, meaning Sickle cut.

They had intended to sever the advancing Allied line, cutting it in two then to capture Antwerp.
It was then planned to sweep north in a curve (like a sickle,) to encircle and destroy four Allied armies.
This according to Hr Schikelgrüber, would force the Allies to negotiate a peace treaty with advantages to Germany.

Erich von Manstein received the position of Chief of Staff of the Army Group A. On February 1st of 1940, he received the command of 38th Infantry Corps (which he successfully commanded in France and was first across the River Seine) and later proposed his own new plan of the attack on France based on his experiences in Poland, where he mastered the technique of Blitzkrieg. He completely ignored originally intended Schlieffen Plan dating back to 1914 and devised his own plan named Operation Sichelschnitt (sickle-stroke/cut/slice). The main idea of his plan was to attack using a concentrated Panzer force through the Ardennes Forest to seize the bridges over the River Meuse before striking eastwards, while outflanking the Maginot Line and cutting off French Armies in the North.First his plan was rejected by the German Army’s High Command (OKH), but once it was brought to Hitler’s personal attention on February 7th, it was quickly accepted. During the French Campaign, Erich von Manstein was promoted to the rank of General and on June 19th of 1940, after the success of Fall Gelb, he was awarded the Knight’s Cross.
Quoted from http://www.achtungpanzer.com/gen8.htm

Any of you, meaning Clauss, SS Tiger or Cuts could post a quiz

Name this device:

For sure it wasn’t Flettner 282 Kolibri

Nor Focke Wulf FW 61

Didn’t found any similar: http://www.helis.com/UpTo50s/

Linked to RN perhaps?

Sikorsky’s VS-300?

Who was the Cheif of Air Staff from 1940 to 1945?

Hold your horses Tiger! Tsolias is needed to enlight me (at least). :lol:

The photo shows the Focke Achgelis Fa-330 Bachstelze, rotary winged kite. Used on U-boats to give an observer a greater view than from the conning tower.

I’m sure that Topor is right!

Well done mate-your turn.
Nice try Dani-love those links!

What were the small explosive charges, moulded into coloured plaster of paris & spread on the roads of Southern Italy by British SF called?

(I can go to bed for a bit now :lol: )

OK wake up please and provise a hint! :x

Explosive coal?

“The Clam”?

Topor, I see you online now. :smiley:

Composition C Topor ?

I think that student-scaley must ask Topor how to deal with the insomnia in the other thread! :lol:

Wake up Topor and enlight us!