Thats a bit vague. Do you mean the commando that showed up and met Erwin Rommel. If so George Lane. But im not sur WTF you are talking about so please explain.[/quote]

well it was meant to be vague, but I guess its too hard then. So my revised one:

Who was the bloke who landed on DDay wearing white, who carried an old hunting rifle, and had a personall piper who piped while landing on the beaches.

That should do it! no excuses now.

Tha should be Lord Lovat.


Well done Tsolias!! :smiley: :smiley:
Off-topic: we should think about a reward system for people who answered correctly. :smiley:

Thanks Colonel!
How 'bout a “knowledge” medal? :smiley:

Apart from a beutifull Greek island what else is “Naxos”?

Naxos: Radar IIRC?

Sorry for the delay.
Kurt Panzer Meyer i think you’re close.
Can you be alitle more specific about it?

Tsolias, was it the radar detector the Germans had?

IIRC they fitted it to their subs to help tham avoid destroyers and to their night fighters to tell them when Allied night fighters were tracking them.

Bang on!

In that case - which WW2 commander was known as “Smiling Albert”?

Del Boy’s uncle ?

Albert Kesselring, hehe :arrow:

Well done SAM

During WW2, merchants ships were constantly attacked and sunk by either German U-boats, ships, or from the air. A large percentage was done by the Luftwaffe, expecially the Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Kondor, and other planes. The Royal Navy did not have enough aicraft carriers to cover the many merchant ships and turned to desperate measures. A total of 35 merchant ships where reconfigured to fit a rocket-driven _______. 50 _____ were then reconfigured by General Aircraft for the merchant ships. This new idea was extremely risky for the _____, and were only operated by volunteers. The first battle and kill by a ______ was on August 3, 1941, where it destroyed a Kondor. During the two years these modified merchant ships were operating, 6 enemy planes were shot down.

The question is: What was the name of the modified merchant ships, and what was so special about the modification?

I hope that this one is not too hard. I left a few blanks where you will have just have to figure it out. If after a while you REALLY cant figure it out, then I will give you some hints.

Trolley for CAM (Catapult Armed Merchant Ships)?


From the summer of 1941, some 35 cargo ships were fitted out as Catapult Armed Merchant Ships. ( CAM Ships. ) A rocket propelled trolley carried the aircraft on a catapult fitted in the bows of these ships. These 35 CAM ships made 175 voyages, 12 were sunk, and 8 catapult launches were made, 6 enemy aircraft were shot down by CAM launched fighters, and one Royal Airforce Pilot died.

You got it! :smiley: Most of these merchant ships used specially modified Hawker Hurricanes.

Here it is:
What do they mean?

Hint 1: They are codenames…

Operation Battleaxe was the secound attempt to relieve Tobruk.
Operation Alphabet was when British troops evacuated Norway.
Brisk? I have no idea.