Adolf Hitler, pros and cons

Some quotes from the “source” that RS has mentioned:

as a boy of
twelve, Hitler was caught engaging in some sexual
experiment with a little girl (I was caught doing the same once:oops::oops:); and later he seems
to have developed a syphilophobia, with a diffuse
fear of contamination of the blood through contact
with a woman.

In other section:

and yet ,
Hitler himself is impotent He is unmarried (?) and his old acquaintances say that he is incapable of consummating the sexual act in a normal fashion.

If Hitler suffered from syphilophobia with a “diffuse fear of contamination of the blood through contact with a woman” and was impotent (since he is unmarried) and unable of consummating the sexual act in a normal fashion then, how on earth did he get syphilis from a prostitute in 1908??

The following quote from this “analysis” give us a good idea about the credibility of this “source” which seems to be a work developed by a real psychopath and a masterpiece of hate and racism :

In treating the Germans psychologically we must
realize that we are dealing with a nation suffering
from paranoid trends: delusions of grandeur; delusions
of persecution; profound hatred of strong opponents
and contempt of weak opponents; arrogance , suspiciousness
and envy ,aII of which has been built up as a reaction
to an age-old inferiority complex and a desire to
be appreciated.

Since the germans are the largest ethnic group in America, they are spitting at the sky…….

TV Shows…. you mean like Desperate Housewives:):)?
It is supposed to be your duty to provide reliable sources to support your statements.
It has been demonstrated here that about the “ample circumstantial evidence” on Hitler alleged disease, there is not even the slightest, remote and single clue.
Nevertheless , I will give some examples of great men who had syphilis:
Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Napoleon Bonaparte, Franz Schubert, Oscar Wilde, Van Gogh, Henry VIII, Sir Randolph Churchill…, here it is relevant to make a quote:
Congenital syphilis may occur during pregnancy or during the birth process. Most infants (2/3) are born without symptoms. Common symptoms that then develop over the first couple years of life include: hepatosplenomegaly (70%), rash (70%), fever (40%), neurosyphylis (20%), pneumonitis (20%) If untreated late congenital syphilis may occur in 40% including: saddle nose deformation, Higoumenakis sign, saber shin, or Clutton’s joints among others.
Maybe a good explanation for the dreadful consecuences in his offspring.

deformed head with smoke.jpg

Probably the same way that a married mate of mine got HIV from homosexual encounters in public toilets during a couple of decades of marriage without his wife or kids or anyone else close to him knowing that he was trawling poofter beats for anonymous arse sex.

Just because someone has a particular sexual orientation or proclivity doesn’t mean they haven’t tried other forms of sexual expression.

There is compelling evidence from analysis of historical records that Hitler did not have syphilis, based on the diary of one of his doctors, Theodor Morell, who recorded that blood tests showed no evidence of it. You can find this in the entirely reliable and utterly unbiased analysis by an outstanding professional historian entitled The Secret Diaries of Hitler’s Doctor.. You can read it here . Don’t pay too much attention to the site name ‘whitehonor’ or to the swastika which precedes its site address, or to the fact that the outstanding professional historian is David Irving. They are just distractions from the ineluctable truth contained in Irving’s work.

I can’t imaging why anyone would think that Hitler had the pox, even if he chose Morell as his doctor when Morell was an established specialist in venereal diseases.

Seems like a fair appreciation of the national victim complex Hitler and his ilk built up to reinforce the Nazis’ right to reclaim their national and mystical Nordic heritage and persecute the Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, homosexuals, disabled, and everyone else who wasn’t like what they wanted Germany to be (which was blue-eyed, blonde, etc, which was everything Hitler and his main henchmen weren’t).

What is the relevance of Americans of ancient German descent to the crimes of Hitler and the Nazis?

Nice picture of a syphilitic head taken from wiki, but the wiki one doesn’t have the Churchillian bow tie and cigar. Cute photoshopping, which tells us all we need to know about where your sympathies lie.

It must really get up your arse that Churchill with all his syphilitic deformities defeated the pure, noble, vegetarian and virgin Hitler, who took the coward’s way out after getting his niece to shit on him years earlier.

This shows that shit sticks for years after the event.

Originally Posted by horst
Since the germans are the largest ethnic group in America, they are spitting at the sky…….

All figures come from the U.S. Census Bureau Report issued in June 2004

This is a self reported and unverifiable claim. In 10 years from 1990 to 2000 there was a drop of 15 million people claiming to have German heritage while the population grew in the same period by nearly 33 million.

It relies on what people claim and so can not be checked. The race selection as used by the census Bureau is rather more general.

The race item provides the primary source of data for White, Black, American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian groups, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander groups. The Hispanic-origin question is the primary identifier for Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, and other Hispanic groups.

That’s not racism. Ethnocentrism, perhaps, but not quite racist. This is mainly because he’s talking about Germans’ collective and national identity sociologically and not as a separate and distinct race with inherent characteristics inferior from other European white people, including Germany’s principle historical adversary France, which to my understanding are pretty close to Germans as racially Caucasian since they both came from the same kingdom…

Since the germans are the largest ethnic group in America, they are spitting at the sky…….


I am from a town named after Hamburgh, Germany, and further lived in a farming town (Eden) that was largely founded by, and for, German agricultural immigrants in the 1840s (I think). I’m also probably more “German-American” than most since my great-grandmother was herself a German immigrant. With that being said, I don’t see myself as a “German” nor Irish-American (I’m probably mostly both Catholic and Anglican Irish than anything), and I probably can say with certainty that most European stock Americans no longer identify that much with the countries their ancestors came from. Within my lifetime even, there’s been a downturn in membership of cultural heritage organizations here and although there are some exceptions with some Italian-Americans, Polish-Americans and Irish-Americans who may refer to themselves as such (being more recent white, Euro immigrants than most), I’m pretty sure that there is still a downward trend of saying one is English-American, Scots, or German and most people with the exception of the elderly probably couldn’t name the current leaders or politics of the countries they may claim some ethno-affiliations with (read the idiots on the Jersey Shore cast running around with Italian flag stickers on their cars or whatever). That’s not to say we don’t celebrate “Octoberfest” as there is still a profound cultural influence especially when it comes to food. But few would readily self-identify themselves as much other than American nor would, say, being of Irish lineage make them share the same unique cultural proclivities of those residing in Ireland for instance. Rather, you see Irish refer to the comical, stereotypical representations of them by “Irish-Americans” as “Lucky Charms Irish” (named after a kids sugary breakfast cereal featuring a leprechaun on the front of the box) and might even resent the image of the Irish as superstitious drunken hooligans–as reenacted here every St. Patrick’s Day even though the Irish national holiday is seen as more of a solemn religious day akin to Easter there IIRC…

Quote from horst: “TV Shows…. you mean like Desperate Housewives?”

The show was on the History channel, or the Military channel, and dealt specifically with Herr Schmutzlippe’s health issues. from Parkinson’s, to the effects of the gas attack, his drug regimen, and the few facts available concerning his having late stage syphilis. Now horst, do you think for one moment that there would ever, anywhere be kept a permanent record of such a diagnosis ? the utter, and complete suppression of any information not approved of, or indeed fabricated by the reichs ministry for bafflegab would have never allowed it to come to light.

Quote by horst:“It is supposed to be your duty to provide reliable sources to support your statements.”

My only duty is to uphold site standards. Said standards are defined by the site administration, and the moderator staff. And then only for legitimate, and honorable exchanges of information, not those seeking to advance an agenda or obsession,or delusion. Your presumption, and flippancy presents you as being immature.

First of all, I participate on this forum only to maintain my knowledge of English and to expend knowledge of ww2 if possible. Apologies for absence, I have been on leave but lets waste couple of more hours shall we…

I don’t know what university you attended to acquire a bastardised understanding of Economics 101, but I hope you didn’t pay any money for it because you sure as hell didn’t get value for money.

you’d be surprised that much of this you could learn at Oxford/Cambridge, but than again they are … bastardian colleges

1. Name one well-governed dictatorship.

Compare China to India, or China to Russia and try to see difference. Other would be Nazi Germany

  1. Specify the criteria which make it well-governed.
  1. Dramatic increase in economic/scientific/military power/capability
  1. Name some well-governed dictatorships which have had a military or any other major victory over a democracy.
    Stupid question as there are elephant-ant ratios between Germany and Czech or between USA and Germany. Germany defeated dozens of democracies as China easily would.
Describe how China (a) is well-governed;

This is even more stupid. China’s economic growth in last 10 years is most spectacular in economic history. And look at democratic India ?? Where is everything manufactured including you monitor/mini tower/keyboard and mouse ?

is a dictatorship
Is it a democracy, can you register political party ? Enough said.

has beaten a democracy

stupid question let’s go on.

explain the fact that without the substantial contribution of English-speaking democracies before and during WWII to China's war with Japan then China would not exist in its present, or probably any, form.

Irrelevant as it was not well managed. I said well managed. Even Nazi Germany could have become mismanaged after some time I suppose.

You mean that he's usually portrayed as an evil demon?

I wonder why that might be?

I also wonder :lol:. But it would seem this forum should dig deeper, shouldn’t it or are we official Allied proxy subject to CIA and MI6 control ?

But even if that is now so, was it the case 1923-45?

It is now so. Over a million Iraqi children died because of ban on food imports after 1990. But you didn’t know that did you ?

Isn't it possible that professional historians might have a little influence on the interpretation of past events, which we commonly call history?

It is definitely the case. However, it is interesting why no historians, let’s say analyze, the reason of wide spread hatred towards Jews ie. why where they expelled from half a dozen countries during history ? I would like to see that kind of documentary for example.

My perception of that as an independent viewer is that I have no idea what you're trying to say.

And I do. When the topic is ww2 victims one item is dominant - holocaust, although in terms of sheer numbers of victims involved it is not justified. What media shows is determined of course with that who owns the media.

It's a bit of a revelation that Germans post-WWII aren't better off than they were under Hitler, and notably 1943-45 when their country was steadily pounded into submission by the Allies from the East and West. Could you demonstrate how it is that, say, people in Dresden or Hamburg or Berlin are worse off now than they were 1943-45?

You are mixing here apples with … bananas. Nazi economic policy is one thing and Nazi war effort is another thing. It is colorful picture with many shades of grey not black and white. Given that all major powers declared war on Germany result can’t be in question, but given that Germany fought 6 years practically on it’s own with 4 major powers it comes as a surprise it lasted that long.
Indeed citizens of Dresden are now better off than in 1943, because whole world is now better off than in 1943. there have been many technological advancements etc. Real question would be is Dresden now better of than it would be given Nazis continued to govern Germany to this day. Answer for Dreseden, as economy is concerned, would be that it would better off with Nazis to this day, simply because it was under Bolshevik system for 45 years thanks to Allied victory much the same as half of Europe. Additionally, according to Toozes Wages of Destruction Nazi Germany managed to get GDP back on track in 1945 ie, even in 1944 Germany was no longer in recession while great Democracy USA did not get out of recession until early 1940s. Yes, without war and within Nazi Germany including provinces Germany has apparently lost, Dresden would now be 5 times more rich than it is now. Berlin is same story only worse, Hamburg little better as it received cynical Allied help to bolster defenses against their former Allies the Russians.

If you seriously believe any of that, and some of your subsequent drivel that doesn't merit a response, you have no place in a serious historical discussion.
If you don't believe any of that, you are just a troll who has no place in the forum.

You mean Hitler did not:

  • paint :shock::shock:
  • sketched WV Beatle car - most produced car in history:shock::shock:
  • built highways all across Germany before any other country :shock::shock:

too see how ill informed you actually are please see:

There was sketch by AH of future German volks car which I can’t find right now but I will.

Either way, those idiotic statements combined with your other ill-informed provocative statements are getting you very close to an involuntary exit from this forum.

I got used to this insults of yours, which are resulting from frustration of not being able to match my arguments and maybe you are overstepping your authority.
I however decline from insulting others I very much enjoyed your responses in topics on Bomber Harris, Dunkirk etc.

This is a formal moderator's warning to reinforce previous informal moderators' warnings given to you: Post more of this nonsense and you will be banned, without further warning.

After answering previous question please ban me.

Or, given your love of dictatorships over democracies, I might just exercise my arbitrary dictatorial power and ban you because you look or sound like a Jew, Gypsy, Russian, other Slav, homosexual, mentally retarded person (for which there is ample evidence from your posts), or sundry other groups determined by the Nazis as worthy of extermination.

Please quote my love for dictatorships I said they can be more efficient if well managed.
Furthermore do you know:

  1. how many dictatorial regimes were supported by USA,UK
  2. that UK/USA brought down Iranian democracy when suited their selfish needs
    could it be that some of these fine democracies are abusing their massive economic/military/political power for someones private interest ?
You've just about run your race. You decide how it ends

Mr Goebels do what you got to do. Instruct your henchman I would prefer being shot rather than hanged. But eternal glory awaits in Valhalla :mrgreen:

Kurt Knispel a Wehrmacht NCO (Feldwebel) born in the Sudetanland had 168 confirmed kills but did not seem popular with the Nazi ruling class.

I know but Villers Bockage got my heart. Kicked entire British divisions *** !!!

Art is in the eye of the beholder, personally I think he was adequate for cheap tourist stuff

Well I would like to see someone from Kanagaroo country do better :confused:

Good gracious, are you devoid of all news sources? There are plenty of television progammes and books on Russian casualties. Again, there are stories abound of Kenyans queuing up for compo from HM Gov. As for the the phrase 'enemies of Jews' it causes alarm bells to start ringing in my head, you're not a member of Aryan pride et al are you?

Well no, but I dont understand why are bells ringing in your head.
Had I written enemies of:

  • Kurds
  • Armenians
  • gypsies
  • indians
  • neanderthals
  • kelts
    would bells still be ringing in probably that head of yours ?
    Because, imagine that all these fine stand up people faced genocide but somehow did not manage to LEGALIZE HEIR SUFFERINGS in slangs like Anti Semit or something like that. Use couple nerve cells of yours to try and find the reason why your bells are ringing.
I'm hoping you're a wind-up because seriously no-one, and I mean no-one other than a shaven headed, knuckle dragging neo-nazi thinks Hitler had any good points.

You are hopeless case, my dear Goy. You will be fine slave one day.

Whilst considering how better off the Germans were under Hitler, why don't we consider how worse off every other bugger was, the Austrians, Czechs, French, Poles etc etc now they had a REALLY fun time as part of Hitler's 3rd Reich paradise.

do explain, will you:

  • did Germany declared war on France or other way around ?
  • Did Hitler want to negotiate borders with Poland on terms of public plebiscite or not ?
    Austrians lived same as Germans. Invasion of Czechoslovakia is aggression without any legal ground. Much as Iraq in 2003…

And then there’s this one
'2. I don’t know why somebody would want to portray him as a greatest man ever.

Yes and don’t forget this one:
He was genocidal maniac. Emm who wrote that I wonder ? Maybe somebody who is not trained to get diarrhea from mentioning AH but rather tries to see all shades of grey.

Wow, you've looked up Wikipedia and read the definition. Congratulations.

No, worse. I had to learn it !!!

The money spent on rearmament was money taken from somewhere else - either through taxation (removing it from the private sector), borrowing (requiring repayment with interest in future) or printing money (devaluing the existing money supply and increasing the likelihood of inflation). All three cause problems for the economy, particularly the former.

Congratulations dear. Your first attempt at economics. Did you see part about Germans don’t minding having less VW cars and more tanks ?

The problem with military spending is that you are taking resources away from something that could be used in future to make more money

This I have written, you don’t need binoculars yet do you my dear ?

The German rearmament was largely funded with deficit spending, thus it gave a short term boost to the economy as predicted by Keynes

All correct

However, because what they spent the money on by and large was unproductive (military equipment, etc.) after a while they ran out of money to borrow and, having not improved the productivity of the economy in the process, had no real chance of getting more

Wrong, I’ll post figures from Wages of destruction. Local government spending was reduced and civilian services were reduced for sake of military expense.

Not only does this violate the laws of Economics, this violates the laws of physics. You are suggesting that a discrete unit - the German economy - can perpetually output weapons for a smaller input than output.

Part of outputs for necessary insputs outside Germany. Please view trade agreement with Russia to better illuminate your horizons.

For the financial year 1938-39, government spending in Germany was 33.5% of GDP, of which 46% went on rearmament. In other words, every year 15% of the value of the economy was being taken out of it and pretty much buried in a hole in the ground.
  1. Term “Rearmament” does not mean 15% of GDP it could well be less as it was in previous years. Here you took excesive example
  2. Did you mention that 15% included large stocks of raw material from Russia ie. it was not hole in the ground and obviously Germans did not mind that or to say it otherwise if it meant return of Western Prussia they were willing to accept it ?

The Nazis didn’t even pretend to fund this in the long term - from about 1933 onwards government spending exceeded income by about 50%. If you think that’s a sustainable way to run an economy

I don’t and never said that 50% is sustainable.

Exports are pretty much irrelevant here - you’ve got to export something to pay for your imports, and if you’re only making military equipment then that’s what you’ve got to export.

Yes that pretty much summarizes it. And Nazis did not produce only military equipment with imports bu civilian stuff too. Do look at trade agreement with Russia to see what other side really wanted and then comment on what is good and what is not good.

From 1929-38, German productivity (i.e. the economic value of each hour worked - this is the foundation of all true economic growth as opposed to Keynesian stimulus) grew by about 1.3% per year. 

Maybe, please quote your source. But you fail to take into account 2 things:
1 ) How many unemployed were employed under Nazis as additional labour inputs for overall economic growth ie. amount of goods and services delivered
2) what about capital, do you suggest it is by mispooling of scarce capital that Germany suddenly became largest economy in Europe

 German economy was being fuelled by deficit spending in this period

Do tell me who bought the deficit. Somebody has to buy deficit or it resutls in hiper inflation. But somehow I don’t remember hyperinflation in that period but rather in democratic period of Weimar Republic.

China has achieved it's growth by adopting the economic freedoms of the West without their political freedoms. Other countries have done the same in the past (notably South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Chile). This works - for a while - but there are two problems with it.
1) When the economic growth stops, the people hold the government fully responsible and are frequently quite violent about it.
2) Economic freedom brings the wish for political freedom. Revolutions aren't led by those with nothing, but those who have something and want more.

Well on a good day I could agree with this.

And some people say there was nothing wrong with Hitler!

I wonder who might that be, probably somebody who didn’t write he was genocidal maniac.

But, I’m not sure what you mean when you say “(he) was what the Allies wanted to be by simply couldn’t?”

Do you know of any ally tank crew obliterating 150 Axis tanks ?

By all means, post it!


Had it not been for Hitler US would be in recession looong time.

Military spending got USA out of recession with many unemployed ending up in war and with other Allies paying for USA imports while they could.

You do realize that without the planning of 1941, there aren't 38K planes in 1944, right?

Maybe some less. Do tell what additional resources Germany gained in 1944 that did not exist in say … 1942. Kill me but circumstances were lot worse in 1944 than 1942 or 1941.

No. Actually, I pointed out--and you ignored--that his intuition was sort of shitty in 1939 as he wanted to attack France (predictably) through Belgium. Hitler's "intuition" was only effective if balanced by a Greek chorus of dissenting Heer officers goading him to a patient, balanced decision

No, it was Hitler who saw genius of Case Yellow by Mabnstein. And OKH/OKW sent Manstein to east not to hear him any time soon.

Speaking of which, I suspect that your population figures are way off.

do correct than.

So she was a birdbrained sheep that followed an impotent, homicidal maniac mainly for prestige?

Well I would say she was in love, easily manipulated and probably had no knowledge of such things as Holocaust. It is difficult to interpret her perspective.

Just want to pick up on one of Nickdfresh's points, he said in response to wittman's assertion that there were 90 million German

10 million more/less

No. It's maintaining forum standards, including denying crypto-Nazis access to the forum when they post pro-Nazi or pro-Hitler or anti-Semitic drivel under the smokescreen of legitimate historical discussion.

again this Anti-semitic born impulse by non Semite people. How about Anti-Indian or better still Anti-Bushman :smiley:
I refuse to be labeled as crypto Nazi for one reason or other.

Not from the mods, as in this thread the ignorance emanates from wittman111 and horst.

dear, dear

Seems like a fair appreciation of the national victim complex Hitler and his ilk built up to reinforce the Nazis' right to reclaim their national and mystical Nordic heritage and persecute the Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, homosexuals, disabled, and everyone else who wasn't like what they wanted Germany to be (which was blue-eyed, blonde, etc, which was everything Hitler and his main henchmen weren't).

Interesting indeed. I still prefer my slavic country to that of multi-culti crap. I visited Germany recently and boy, mythical blue goddesses are gone for good.
If I were to marry please invent time machine.

Well, I could do that, but so far we haven’t banned people just for being stupid and pointlessly provocative.

Your posts certainly don’t raise the bar to the point that we should do it instead of just letting your posts reveal you to the world at large as a fool who can’t do better than incoherent ramblings uninformed by any accurate historical knowledge or sensible analysis.

This forum allows and likes a great deal of humour. Your most recent posts are among the funniest we have ever seen. Why would we want to ban a funnyman, and especially one who wants to be a pointless martyr which would stop his funny posts?

Very definitely Popcorn worthy,junge Wittman. I have always enjoyed hyperbole.


sketched WV Beatle car - most produced car in history

Hitler asked Porsche to design a peoples car, it was based on ideas and some patents taken from Tatra in Czechoslovakia who sued VW.

did Germany declared war on France or other way around ?

  • Did Hitler want to negotiate borders with Poland on terms of public plebiscite or not ?

Lol Hitler wished to negotiate borders with Poland, I am sure negotiating after invading works very well. Hitler kept promising he only wanted one more thing but then after getting it wanted just one more, appeasement would only go so far before even the blindest could see he was after all of Europe so of course other countries declared war on Germany.

Hitler invaded Poland and knew the consequences and he also abrogated the Munich Accords by seizing control of all of Czechoslovakia! But yes, feel free to tell how the poor Fuhrer was the victim of Gaulish aggression…

  • Did Hitler want to negotiate borders with Poland on terms of public plebiscite or not ?

Gee, after how he lived up to the “negotiations” over Czechoslovakia, I can really see why the Poles might not have wanted to trust Hitler…

Austrians lived same as Germans. Invasion of Czechoslovakia is aggression without any legal ground. Much as Iraq in 2003…

Austria had never been part of Germany in the modern era, so they didn’t just “live the same” as the Germans did. And while I was never in favor of the Iraq War, there wasn’t anything “illegal” about it…

Wrong, I’ll post figures from Wages of destruction. Local government spending was reduced and civilian services were reduced for sake of military expense.

Of course. Please cite the specific pages though. Because from what I’ve read in Wages, much of it has passed well over your head as you seem to have difficulty seeing the forest through the trees…

Do you know of any ally tank crew obliterating 150 Axis tanks ?

No. Most Allied tank crews were too busy taking territory and winning the war to sit back and pick off their exposed enemy from a distance. Or to conduct the occasional surprise, local counter-attack/ambush/raid. There were however instances, as I’ve pointed out already, where Allied tank crews laid ambushes and slaughtered panzer crews just the same and probably statistically would have rivaled even the best German crews had they had to sustain their defensive efforts over a prolonged period as the German crews did. Specific times you might note were at various intervals in Normandy, The Battle of the Bulge (where 90mm toting M36 Jacksons eviscerated several panzer squadrons), or The Battle of Arracourt where a single thinly armored M18 Hellcat destroyed almost a dozen Panthers and Mark IVs…

Military spending got USA out of recession with many unemployed ending up in war and with other Allies paying for USA imports while they could.

Um no, that’s a fallacy. The Depression was already ending by 1940 and factory orders were sharply up for civilian goods. In fact, it was the hangover of the postwar U.S. transition from a war-economy that caused much economic malaise in the late 1940s. The idea that WWII is what ended the depression is simpleton economics for shit politicians…

Maybe some less. Do tell what additional resources Germany gained in 1944 that did not exist in say … 1942. Kill me but circumstances were lot worse in 1944 than 1942 or 1941.

No one said anything about “resources.” The Germans had resources, just not nearly enough of them at any point to achieve semblance of a victory. What didn’t exist in 1941 was the necessary planning and a realist, pragmatic outlook of what Germany would need to win a war that actually she couldn’t possibly win. The circumstances in 1944 was a response to needs whereas the “circumstances” in 1941 was akin to victory disease until the reverses in the Soviet War and the one against Britain brought reality home once again…

No, it was Hitler who saw genius of Case Yellow by Mabnstein. And OKH/OKW sent Manstein to east not to hear him any time soon.

Maybe you should actually try reading about it sometime rather than rewriting a revisionist pamphlet praising the genius of the Fuhrer? The only “Case Yellow” in 1939 was the limited, shit one that Gen. Halder was forced to expedite under duress and envisioned heavy casualties and a staged battle of attrition through Belgium and into France for very modest gains. Hitler only saw the “genius” of Manstein after Generals Halder and von Brauchitsch bulwarked him until the Autumn campaign season was finally over.

But by all means, feel free to educated us on when Manstein was able to present his plan to Hitler, and when Hitler was pressuring the general staff to attack France at all costs as early as October of 1939 with what was a very feeble, faint echoic version of the Schlieffen Plan…

do correct than.

They’ve already been! And check your own ****ing facts!

Well I would say she was in love, easily manipulated and probably had no knowledge of such things as Holocaust. It is difficult to interpret her perspective.

Yeah, I’m sure she was so totally innocent and never smelled Adolf’s cabbage farts either?

10 million more/less

Based on what?

Interesting indeed. I still prefer my slavic country to that of multi-culti crap. I visited Germany recently and boy, mythical blue goddesses are gone for good.
If I were to marry please invent time machine.

I sense you might need more than that. Pity they don’t have mail-order Aryans…

Additionally, according to Toozes Wages of Destruction Nazi Germany managed to get GDP back on track in 1945 ie, even in 1944 Germany was no longer in recession while great Democracy USA did not get out of recession until early 1940s. Yes, without war and within Nazi Germany including provinces Germany has apparently lost, Dresden would now be 5 times more rich than it is now. Berlin is same story only worse, Hamburg little better as it received cynical Allied help to bolster defenses against their former Allies the Russians.

By all means quote Tooze and in what context…


It is now so. Over a million Iraqi children died because of ban on food imports after 1990. But you didn’t know that did you ?

As part of the ceasefire conditions Iraq was to provide proof of the destruction of its biological, ballistic and nuclear weapons and development facilities. Iraq refused to allow UN weapons inspectors into the country and continued its abuse of Kurdish and other minority groups. As a result, the United Nations imposed import/export sanctions on Iraq in 1990.

The UN sanctions prohibit exports from Iraq and imports to Iraq with the exception of medicine and other essential civilian needs not covered by the import ban. Under the UN’s 1996 “food for oil” program, Iraq is permitted to sell set amounts of oil to fund the purchase of food, medicines and other humanitarian goods, and equipment to repair the civilian infrastructure. Since 1998 Iraq has been allowed to purchase equipment and spare parts for the rehabilitation of its oil industry.

And just in case you did not read it
Resolution 687 (1991), adopted following the liberation of Kuwait, stated that the measures first imposed against exports to Iraq would not apply to foodstuffs and to materials and supplies for essential civilian needs, and that the Council would review this part of the sanctions regime every 60 days. Several such reviews have so far taken place, although none have resulted in a modification of the sanctions regime. Resolution 700 (1991) established that the Committee report at 90-day intervals to the Council on the implementation of the arms embargo and related sanctions against Iraq; to date, more than 40 such reports have been submitted.

that UK/USA brought down Iranian democracy when suited their selfish needs

Iran was a monarchy not a democracy until the 1979 revolution then it became a theocracy. The monarchy was heavily supported by the west. So which democracy was brought down by the UK and USA

I know but Villers Bockage got my heart. Kicked entire British divisions

Which Divisions. The UK unit involved was 22nd Armoured Brigade, part of the 7th Armoured Division.

Well I would like to see someone from Kanagaroo country do better

Get the right person when you respond, I posted that and I definitely don’t come from a kangaroo country (although there are a few wild groups of wallabys around in the UK do they count).
So for some one from say Australia to do better let me think. Ah yes I am quite partial to Rolf Harris and the bonus is he is a dammed fine singer, songwriter and musician. I will say though that it may be in the eye of the beholder.

Maybe these are more your meaning though, as they are definitely better than Hitlers work
Tom Roberts, Rupert Bunny, Han Heysen, John Peter Russel, Norman Lindsey and George Lambert (albeit Russian born).
Brett Whiteley (b.1939–d.1992), Peter Booth (b.1940), Charles Blackman (b. 1928) and Nicholas Harding (b. 1956)
Sidney Nolan began (b.1917 – d. 1992) painting professionally in 1933 for Fayrefield Hats, Abbotsford, producing display stands and advertising.

Adding to leccy’s last post.

You could try the Heidelberg School

Or Jeffrey Smart

Or Brett Whiteley

Or countless others, such as Aelita Andre whose works as a two year old are rather better than Hitler’s as an adult.

If you want to set yourself up for failure, challenge anyone from any nation to find someone from their nation who can paint better than Hitler’s mediocre daubings. You’ll lose every time.

But what I find most interesting is that you want to defend Hitler’s ability as a painter. Seems like a bit of hero worship has got in the way of accepting the opinion of every half-way qualified art critic that Hitler’s work was crap.

Well, I could do that, but so far we haven’t banned people just for being stupid and pointlessly provocative

What does “pointlessly provocative” mean ?

uninformed by any accurate historical knowledge

any proof of that or just… ramblings ?


Please see

Lol Hitler wished to negotiate borders with Poland

You are truly ignorant, aren’t you ?

text of german proposal of August 29, 1939:
Proposal for a settlement of the Danzig-Corridor problem and the German-Polish minority question:

The situation between the German Reich and Poland is now such that any further incident could lead to action by the military forces that have taken position on both sides of the frontier. Any peaceful solution must be such that the basic causes of this situation are eliminated so that they are not simply repeated, which would mean that not only eastern Europe but other areas as well would be subject to the same tension. The causes of this situation are rooted in, first, the intolerable border that was specified by the dictated peace of Versailles [of 1919], and, second, the intolerable treatment of the minority populations in the lost territories.

In making these proposals, the German Reich government is motivated by the desire to achieve a permanent solution that will put an end to the intolerable situation arising from the present border demarcation, secure to both parties vitally important connecting routes, and which will solve the minority problem, insofar as that is possible, and if not, will at least insure a tolerable life for the minority populations with secure guarantees of their rights.

The German Reich government is convinced that it is absolutely necessary to investigate the economic and physical damage inflicted since 1918, with full reparations to be made for that. Of course, it regards this obligation as binding on both sides.

On the basis of these considerations, we make the following concrete proposals:

  1. The Free City of Danzig returns immediately to the German Reich on the basis of its purely German character and the unanimous desire of its population.

  2. The territory of the so-called [Polish] Corridor will decide for itself whether it wishes to belong to Germany or to Poland. This territory consists of the area between the Baltic Sea [in the north] to a line marked [in the south] by the towns of Marienwerder, Graudenz, Kuhn and Bromberg – including these towns – and then westwards to Schoenlanke.

  3. For this purpose a plebiscite will be conducted in this territory. All Germans who lived in this territory on January 1, 1918, or were born there on or before that date will be entitled to vote in the plebiscite. Similarly, all Poles, Kashubians, and so forth, who lived in this territory on or before that date, or were born there before that date, will also be entitled to vote. Germans who were expelled from this territory will return to vote in the plebiscite.

To insure an impartial plebiscite and to make sure that all necessary preliminary preparation work is properly carried out, this territory will come under the authority of an international commission, similar to the one organized in the Saar territory [for the 1935 plebiscite there]. This commission is to be organized immediately by the four great powers of Italy, the Soviet Union, France and Britain. This commission will have all sovereign authority in the territory. Accordingly, Polish military forces, Polish police and Polish authorities are to clear out of this territory as soon as possible, by a date to be agreed upon.

  1. Not included in this territory is the Polish port of Gdynia, which is regarded as fundamentally sovereign Polish territory, to the extent of [ethnic] Polish settlement, but as a matter of principle is recognized as Polish territory. The specific border of this Polish port city will be negotiated by Germany and Poland and, if necessary, established by an international court of arbitration.

  2. In order to insure ample time for the preparations necessary in order to conduct an impartial plebiscite, the plebiscite will not take place until after at least twelve months have elapsed.

  3. In order to ensure unhindered traffic between Germany and East Prussia, and between Poland and the [Baltic] Sea, during this period [before the plebiscite], certain roads and rail lines may be designated to enable free transit. In that regard, only such fees may be imposed that are necessary for the maintenance of the transit routes or for transport itself.

  4. A simple majority of the votes cast will decide whether the territory will go to Germany or to Poland.

  5. After the plebiscite has been conducted, and regardless of the result, free transit will be guaranteed between Germany and its province of Danzig-East Prussia, as well as between Poland and the [Baltic] Sea. If the plebiscite determines that the territory belongs to Poland, Germany will obtain an extraterritorial transit zone, consisting of a motor super-highway [Reichsautobahn] and a four-track rail line, approximately along the line of Buetow-Danzig and Dirschau. The highway and the rail line will be built in such a way that the Polish transit lines are not disturbed, which means that they will pass either above or underneath. This zone will be one kilometer wide and will be sovereign German territory. In case the plebiscite is in Germany’s favor, Poland will have free and unrestricted transit to its port of Gdynia with the same right to an extraterritorial road and rail line that Germany would have had.

  6. If the Corridor returns to Germany, the German Reich declares that it is ready to carry out an exchange of population with Poland to the extent that this would be suitable for the [people of the] Corridor.

  7. The special rights that may be claimed by Poland in the port of Danzig will be negotiated on the basis of parity for rights to Germany in the port of Gdynia.

  8. In order to eliminate all fear of threat from either side, Danzig and Gdynia will be purely commercial centers, that is, with no military installations or military fortifications.

  9. The peninsula of Hela, which will go to either Poland or Germany on the basis of the plebiscite, will also be demilitarized in any case.

  10. The German Reich government has protested in the strongest terms against the Polish treatment of its minority populations. For its part, the Polish government also believes itself called upon to make protests against Germany. Accordingly, both sides agree to submit these complaints to an international investigation commission, which will be responsible for investigating all complaints of economic and physical damage as well as other acts of terror.

Germany and Poland pledge to compensate for all economic and other damages inflicted on minority populations on both sides since 1918, and/or to revoke all expropriations and provide for complete reparation for the victims of these and other economic measures.

  1. In order to eliminate feelings of deprivation of international rights in the part of the Germans who will remain in Poland, as well as of the Poles who will remain in Germany, and above all, to insure that they are not forced to act contrary to their ethnic-national feelings, Germany and Poland agree to guarantee the rights of the minority populations on both sides through comprehensive and binding agreements. These will insure the right of these minority groups to maintain, freely develop and carry on their national-cultural life. In particular, they will be allowed to maintain organizations for these purposes. Both sides agree that members of their minority populations will not be drafted for military service.

  2. If agreement is reached on the basis of these proposals, Germany and Poland declare that they will immediately order and carry out the demobilization of their armed forces.

  3. Germany and Poland will agree to whatever additional measures may be necessary to implement the above points as quickly as possible.

So as factual evidence was this proposal formally submitted or not ?

Accords by seizing control of all of Czechoslovakia! But yes, feel free to tell how the poor Fuhrer was the victim of Gaulish aggression…

what is the problem here, I said absorption of Czekoslovakia was agression, even the Sudetenland if it was without plebiscite. As austria is concerned, one would really need to look a bit deeper into Autro-Prussian history and “Kleine solution” dating from 19th century to pass final verdict.

Gee, after how he lived up to the “negotiations” over Czechoslovakia, I can really see why the Poles might not have wanted to trust Hitler.

Well I guess we will never know. Hitler’s offer seemed true and fair to me.
People don’t realize this but once Britain and France declared war on Germany, independence of countries become irrelevant as Germany has no resources of it’s own to fight war and survive. It had to fight preventive war by first attacking France before Allies built up.

I was never in favor of the Iraq War, there wasn’t anything “illegal” about it

really, so… any country can invade Middle east and all is jolly right ?

Austria had never been part of Germany in the modern era

do look at Austro-Prussian relations during creation of Germany.

Of course. Please cite the specific pages though. Because from what I’ve read in Wages, much of it has passed well over your head as you seem to have difficulty seeing the forest through the trees…

I forgot yesterday but here it goes:
Pg 48.
Unemployment in 1933 is six million and lets say in 1937 1 million. I think this is rather spectacular. Next GDP, pg 63:
1933 46 billion Reich marks and 1937 is 58 billion Reich marks. Rather spectacular don’t you think. On same table, as I already said, structure of GDP changed in a way military spending went up and local government and civilian spending went down ?
Now where is that Rising Sun chap to oppose this fine figures, did he by any mean elaborate how Germans funded deficit and why was there no hyperinflation in 1933-1939 ? But I guess he is busy passing jokes, he is good at that

No. Most Allied tank crews were too busy taking territory and winning the war to sit back and pick off their exposed enemy from a distance

Ahh, you mean against rommel in Africa ?

The Depression was already ending by 1940 and factory orders were sharply up for civilian goods. In fact, it was the hangover of the postwar U.S. transition from a war-economy that caused much economic malaise in the late 1940s. The idea that WWII is what ended the depression is simpleton economics for shit politicians

do post figures for military part of GDP will you, with appropriate time series please…

The Germans had resources, just not nearly enough of them at any point to achieve semblance of a victory. What didn’t exist in 1941 was the necessary planning and a realist, pragmatic outlook of what Germany would need to win a war that actually she couldn’t possibly win. The circumstances in 1944 was a response to needs whereas the “circumstances” in 1941 was akin to victory disease until the reverses in the Soviet War and the one against Britain brought reality home once again…

Maybe in 1941 but what about 1942 ???

But by all means, feel free to educated us on when Manstein was able to present his plan to Hitler, and when Hitler was pressuring the general staff to attack France at all costs as early as October of 1939 with what was a very feeble, faint echoic version of the Schlieffen Plan…

I will - there is fine description in Hitler/s warriors by Guido Knopp. And book is really against Hitler, with justification I might say.

They’ve already been! And check your own ****ing facts

If figure of 90 million disturbs you so much how about this:

Now if we extrapolate trend to say.1941 there would be some 82 million Germans in Germany, that is without emigration all over Europe.

Yeah, I’m sure she was so totally innocent and never smelled Adolf’s cabbage farts either?

Well, I really don’t care.

Based on what?

there is always error margin of 10% :mrgreen:. But anyway see above link

[QUOTE]Pity they don't have mail-order Aryans

that indeed is a pity. Would have been biggest export good on top of all that GDP:)

Additionally, according to Toozes Wages of Destruction Nazi Germany managed to get GDP back on track in 1945 ie, even in 1944 Germany was no longer in recession

This was typo. Meant 1935 and 1934.

By all means quote Tooze and in what context…

I did … figures and facts. Opinion I can form of my own.

As part of the ceasefire conditions Iraq was to provide proof of the destruction of its biological, ballistic and nuclear weapons and development facilities. Iraq refused to allow UN weapons inspectors into the country and continued its abuse of Kurdish and other minority groups. As a result, the United Nations imposed import/export sanctions on Iraq in 1990.

The UN sanctions prohibit exports from Iraq and imports to Iraq with the exception of medicine and other essential civilian needs not covered by the import ban. Under the UN’s 1996 “food for oil” program, Iraq is permitted to sell set amounts of oil to fund the purchase of food, medicines and other humanitarian goods, and equipment to repair the civilian infrastructure. Since 1998 Iraq has been allowed to purchase equipment and spare parts for the rehabilitation of its oil industry.

And just in case you did not read it
Resolution 687 (1991), adopted following the liberation of Kuwait, stated that the measures first imposed against exports to Iraq would not apply to foodstuffs and to materials and supplies for essential civilian needs, and that the Council would review this part of the sanctions regime every 60 days. Several such reviews have so far taken place, although none have resulted in a modification of the sanctions regime. Resolution 700 (1991) established that the Committee report at 90-day intervals to the Council on the implementation of the arms embargo and related sanctions against Iraq; to date, more than 40 such reports have been submitted.

no doubt but that is for lawyers. And it is the question of interpretation of facts. You can read some real reports here:
Well I would certainly like you to go ti Iraq and try explain them what you say here. I think you will not return with your interpretation of democracy and Security council. As history is concerned post ww2 USA engagements around the world resulted in so many people getting killed (directly or indirectly) it makes Holocaust child’s play. Let me repeat it to you: child’s play. And try to visit each of this places to verify who is correct you or me.

Iran was a monarchy not a democracy until the 1979 revolution then it became a theocracy. The monarchy was heavily supported by the west. So which democracy was brought down by the UK and USA

Do try reading … Century of war by William Endahl so you won’t post such bullocks.
“In 1941, Britain and the USSR invaded Iran to use Iranian railroad capacity during World War II. The Shah was forced to abdicate in favor of his son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.”
So Britain is invading other countries. Strange indeed, I thougt they fight against tyranny.

“In 1951, after the assassination of prime minister Ali Razmara, Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh was elected prime minister by a parliamentary vote which was then ratified by the Shah. As prime minister, Mosaddegh became enormously popular in Iran after he nationalized Iran’s petroleum industry and oil reserves. In response, the British government, headed by Winston Churchill, embargoed Iranian oil and successfully enlisted the United States to join in a plot to depose the democratically elected government of Mosaddegh. In 1953 US President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorized Operation Ajax. The operation was successful, and Mosaddegh was arrested on 19 August 1953. The coup was the first time the US had openly overthrown an elected, civilian government”
So are you demented my dear boy or… are just playing demented ? Again, try to visit any place where USA/UK is spreading democracy and see how you fare.
And do contemplate why Egyptians wished Rommel to win and celebrated his earlier victories ? Probably they don’t know what democracy means - maybe you should show them again ?

The UK unit involved was 22nd Armoured Brigade

and a rifle battalion, 250+ human casualties.

Maybe these are more your meaning though, as they are definitely better than Hitlers work

nowhere did I say Hitler was best, only better artist than other politicians

You could try the Heidelberg School

Or Jeffrey Smart

Or Brett Whiteley

Or countless others, such as Aelita Andre whose works as a two year old are rather better than Hitler’s as an adult.


That’s not reflected by one of Hitler’s efforts getting a top price of US $15,000 a couple of years ago against about US $2 million a couple of years earlier for one of Churchill’s.

Separate issue. When you’re quoting posts, please indentify the poster. You can do this by copying the poster’s ID at the start of the post inside the square brackets, e.g. QUOTE=witman111;178474 and finishing the part you want to quote with /quote inside square brackets. I’ve omitted the square brackets in the examples to avoid making the text in between a quote by you, like this if the start and finish are inside square brackets.


No need to troll and get all abusive mate, I seem to be getting under your skin for some reason.

You posted very limited specific statements that I showed were not factually correct, you then expand your answer getting rather aggressive and abusive because you worded your statement badly.

As I said food imports were not banned

Personally having been to Iraq, Bosnia, Pakistan, Jordan, Angola with UNHCR delivering food and shelter aid I also saw the massive corruption by the local warlords, we delivered aid and as we were leaving armed men would come and take it. Never see that in the reports though, or that in some areas we had to pay with the aid to go through road blocks (local warlords and in some case government troops).

You said Divisions Plural ie more than one, it was a British Brigade part of a singular British Division and it was a two day battle.

Er yes part of the 22nd Armoured Brigade, part of the 7th Armoured Division and not all down to the one famous Wittman incident.


Can’t quite see the bit you said about politicians all I see is a bit about Kangaroo Country.

You did not specify a time period, I chose one you chose another, apologies if your crystal ball is not in tune with mine.

By Leccy
Iran was a monarchy not a democracy until the 1979 revolution then it became a theocracy. The monarchy was heavily supported by the west. So which democracy was brought down by the UK and USA

I did by the way ask which democracy you were talking about so you could have saved yourself the ‘bullocks’ saying (although what male bovines have to do with Iran I don’t know)

Definition - crazy; insane; mad.

Hmmm nope

Open it out a little to dementia

Severe impairment or loss of intellectual capacity and personality integration, due to the loss of or damage to neurons in the brain.

Well possibly how would I know after all its starts so imperceivably.

So play nice theres a good chap.

Oh yes and he only wanted the Sudatenland off of Czechoslovakia, did he lose his map of where it started and ended. A brief pause after annexing the Sudatenland then invasion of the rest of the country. Britain and France were not going to buy into his promises again.

Britain and France declared war after Hitler ordered the invasion of Poland and troops were busy fighting. Did the declaration of war by the Allies incite Hitler to invade Russia who was in a non aggression pact with Germany nearly 2 years later.

Hows about if Herr Hitler with his super economic growth turned Germany instead of a military state into a major industrial one, exporting goods etc. Maybe that would have been a better plan than taking by force.

I like the start of the link you posted by the way

The information in this German White Book contains alleged documents that record events as they transpired in those last weeks before Adolph Hitler realized there was no way to avoid war.

 The masters who controlled the British Prime Minister, French President, Polish President, etc. would not tolerate a peace being negotiated. They MUST have this war, or their Plan for World Dominion is waylaid for a time. We say waylaid, because it's become clear they've never stopped, regardless the setbacks or holdups, and today the beat goes on.
 Researchers/authors whose work has been suppressed have confirmed the information herein.

Ok sketched in 1932 a quite common body shape then. (By the way I have seen three different versions of this sketch purportedly done by Hitler).

The Zundapp P12 was designed in 1931 using that basic shape, the NSU P32 built in 1932 both designed by Porsche. The Tatra V570 also used that shape. Oh and by the way your link says he gave the sketch to Daimler Benz (who did a design but it was not accepted) not Porsche or VW

I said Hitler did not design the car, I also said that VW were sued by Tatra in relation to 10 patents used on the Beetle before the war, due to Czechoslovakia being invaded the suit was dropped until after the war when VW paid an out of court settlement to Tatra.